Full name : / Male FemaleDate of birth (dd/mm/yy): / Occupation:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Nationality: / Passport No.:
Current address:
1. Courses to attend:
2. Class schedule:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Tuesday & Thursday Monday to Friday
Saturday & Sunday Other:______
3. Start date (to be advised by VLS):4. Location:
VLS Central Campus VLS Phu My Hung Center
Please help us to improve our service by answering the following questions:
How did you learn about VLS?
Newspapers/ Magazines: ______Friends (Please specify):
Search Engine/ Website:______Other:
What is your purpose of learning Vietnamese?
Daily Communication Work
Pleasure & Traveling Research Other (please specify):
How long do you intend to study Vietnamese?
Less than 1 month 3 – 6 months
1 – 3 months Longer than 6 months
I can learn best…
when the teacher uses visual aids (pictures, real objects, flashcards, etc.)
when I use lists to organize my thoughts
from dialogues, discussions and plays – by speaking
with rhythm and sounds as memory aids – by listening
from hands-on activities in projects and demonstrations – by problem solving
when I use writing and drawing as memory aids – by memorizing when I do not have to sit still
This agreement is entered into and effective as of ______between VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE STUDIES, herein called Party A, and ______herein called Party B.
1. Party A shall provide the above described service.
2. Full payment must be made by party B 10 days in advance of the start date by cash, credit card or bank transfer.
3. Party A accepts payments in VND by cash, credit card or bank transfer. ACB’S selling rate is applied when payment is made in USD.
4. All payments or deposits are non-refundable.
5. Special rules apply for PRIVATE and GROUP classes:
Ø Private classes
· Fixed schedules are recommended. If flexible schedules are required, there will probably be more than 1 teacher in charge of the class.
· Party B is required to complete a full 20-hour, 30-hour and 40-hour course within one month, two months and three months respectively in order from the last day of the class. After this duration, the contract is expired and the remaining tuition fee is non-refundable.
· Occasional class cancellation: A 6-hour-prior notice via text in working hour (from 8 AM to 6 PM) or a 24-hour-prior notice via email must be given directly to the teacher and copied consultant of party A in charge, otherwise the class will be charged as normally.
· Long-term class cancellation: A written notice must be given to the teacher at least 1 week in advance. CREDIT is offered and kept within the above mentioned extra time or transferred to your friend in the valid time of this contract.
Ø Group classes
· Start date may be delayed due to shortage of students. Those registered will be informed 2 days in advance.
· Individual occasional cancellation: Free make-up classes are not offered. If make-up classes are requested, free make-up lessons in another group classes are offered. If private make-up lessons are required, party B will be billed at the private tutorial rate.
· Individual long-term cancellation: Party B shall transfer credit to a friend in the valid time of this contract. Otherwise, after this duration, the contract is expired and the remaining tuition fee is non-refundable.
· Group cancellation:
A written notice must be given to the teacher at least 1 week in advance. Otherwise, all the members of the group will be charged as normally.
The maximum of group cancellation is 3 times for the whole course. All the members of the group will be charged as normally for each following group cancelation.
6. If the teacher of Party A has to be absent for any reasons, a substitute will be arranged for the class. Make–up classes will be arranged without fees if the teacher cancels violating the prior notice in article 5.
7. Party B is required to take the final achievement test in order to receive a certificate.
8. Valid time of the contract:______
9. This contract is made into two original copies of the same validity, and each party keeps one. Any modifications of this contract must be discussed and accepted by both parties involved.
10. The terms and conditions mentioned above will be followed by Party A and Party B until the finishing date of the contractas well as forfuture courses.
Date: _____ / _____ / _____
Party A : Party B: