Student Information Survey
Child’s Name: ______Date of Birth:______
Mother’s Name: ______Father’s Name:______
Step-Mother’s Name: ______Step-Father’s Name: ______
Home Phone#: ______Home E-Mail: ______
Mom’s Cell Phone#: ______Father’s Cell Phone #: ______
Mom’s Work E-Mail: ______Dad’s Work E-Mail: ______
Home Address: ______
Family Information
Please list siblings and ages: ______
Who does the student live with? (Circle all that apply)
Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather GrandmotherGrandfather Aunt Uncle
Other Household Members: ______
Do you have any pets at home? If yes, what type. ______
Would you like to share any information regarding religious background and/or holidays celebrated/not celebrated? ______
Medical Information
Is your child supposed to be wearing glasses? _____ For reading or board work? (Circle)
If your child is suppose to be wearing glasses, will he/she have them at school? ______
If not, please explain: ______
Describe any medical/physical conditions and food/medicine allergies your child has that I need to be aware of: ______
Additional Information
What can I do, as a teacher, to help your child be successful this year? Please write a few sentences to tell me more about your child. Include any of the following, or anything else you feel would help me get to know your child better: feelings about reading, math, or other subjects; study habits; your child’s social skills and how they relate to other children; situations at home that may influence learning (loss of pet, divorce, death of a family member, new baby at home, etc); concerns or worries that you may have concerning your child’s education. ______
(Continued on Back)
I am available to help with (check as many as possible)
_____Typing newsletters
_____Typing student work
_____Making teacher stuff on home computer (banners, etc)
_____Coming into the classroom to help students
_____Coming into the classroom to do teacher stuff (making copies, doing bulletin boards)
_____Doing teacher stuff at home (such as cutting or making class books)
_____Making extra copies at home
_____Helping with parties
_____Providing treats when asked
_____Field trips
_____Being a classroom parent
_____Other ______(tell me what you are good at!)
_____Just ask!
When are you available to help in the classroom?
Monday_____ Morning_____ Afternoon
Tuesday_____ Morning_____ Afternoon
Wednesday_____ Morning_____ Afternoon
Thursday_____ Morning_____ Afternoon
Friday_____ Morning_____ Afternoon
_____ I work an irregular schedule, but feel free to call and ask!
Career Day
Would you be willing to speak to a class on Career Day (date to be announced at a later date)
What is your profession? ______