Minutes of WPTA Meeting 21/11/17

Present: Alice, Anne (Nurs Rep), Thryth (Yr1 Rep), Kirsty (Yr6 Rep), Lynsey (Treasurer), Jo (Rec Rep), Sally (Nurs Rep), Sophia (Co-Chair), Ciara (Y1 Rep), Jon (Head Teacher)

Apologies:Lucy, Susan, Fiona, Sarah, ?Shelley

  1. Christmas Fair, Sunday 3rd Dec 12-2.30pm
  • Mr Iglesias can be at school from 9a.m. – to open school/cellar and demonstrate hall air conditioning – Sophia to be present.
  • Grotto to be sited on mezzanine
  • Door – at Covered Court; Lynsey & Sally to man + sell Grotto tickets
  • Raffle – Mr Iglesias will ask the Teachers to man – one sat, one roaming hall; we have tickets for this & tombola
  • Craft stall – Yr 3 have decided to do air-dried clay decorations instead of ginger bread men
  • Food & drink

-Lynsey to ask Anneliese if OK to do pulled pork – asked and OK

-Sophia to ask Shakira if OK to order samosas x 50, bhajis x 50 portions, and source raita (potentially to be collected by another committee member)

  • Reps to email classes re: requests for baked goods & pre-loved stall
  • Kirsty to buy for bar –Some mulled wine, red & white + prosecco in cellar, possibly can buy beer from Callum left over from school events
  • Agreed to put prices up for alcohol to £2.50 – vote carried by majority
  • Agreed no external coffee vendor this time
  • Jo will buy coffee/tea/sugar/sweeteners after checking cellar Friday (will check for other items on behalf of the committee also) & milk x 12 pints
  • Lynsey will buy napkins/plates
  • Sophia will run a 50:50 raffle
  • No class enterprise stalls for the first time this year due to time factors – Mr I will approach class teachers and suggest each class runs a small stall, e.g. painting nails, guess sweets in jar or similar game
  • Discussed addition of ‘selfie corner’ next toYr5 tattoo/face paint stall – Lynsey to discuss with Susan
  • PA System – Lynsey (and others) will bring Christmas music to play via school system
  • Performances

-Mr Iglesias to ask Miss Clarkson if Singing Hands would like to perform

-Sophia to contact Mr Stott (external music teacher) via Office to see if he can supply performers

-Mr Iglesias to approach teachers to see if any class willing to perform a ‘preview’ of their Christmas performance songs, perhaps just with the children in attendance

  1. Share Our Learning Event, 1st Dec 9-9.30am

•Fiona has secured £20 of pastries donation from Sainsburys

•Jo will buy sufficient tea/coffee, and Lynsey napkins to cover this event as 1.

•Milk to be bought by Ciara

•Sophia to speak to Callum about kitchen access before 9am (breakfast club)

•Thryth, Fiona, Sally, Sophia, and Ciara will be attending

•WPTA Survey – discussed content and agreed that limiting capture to this event would exclude a lot of respondents; Sophia to look into Survey Monkey version to send to all parents via ClassDojo/email

  1. Disco & Fireworks brief debrief

•More toffee apples next time

•Ensure limited access to school for future events

•Concerns whether we exceeded the maximum capacity of the hall as 300+ attendees – Mr Iglesias will enquire as to max. numbers with respect to fire regulations

  1. Spending Ideas/Future Plans

•Sophia has approached Cottage Rd Cinema to hire to show a film – waiting to hear back from them

•Kirsty (Yr6 Rep) request for £250 towards Year 6 Leavers’ Party

-Revisited whether this should be granted annually as has been for last 3 years & Yr6 also given £1000 for Shakespeare drama performance; agreed by vote to this year’s request as separate issue and all children will move through Yr6 and benefit

•Thryth requests WPTA buy crackers for school Christmas Dinner – agreed by vote to give £50

•Discussed whether to repeat Den-Building event, funded by WPTA last year for £370 – agreed by vote to fund

•Mobile Star Dome suggested to Mr Iglesias by a parent – each class would have 45 minutes time in dome erected for the day in the hall for approx.. £300 – agreed by vote to fund

•Street dance workshop – Headingley Ballet School interested in running these – Sophia to bring more info. to next meeting

•Jo Casey has taught/teaches dance – would be prepared to use this skill within school and will bring ‘proposal’ to next meeting

  1. Weetwood “Merchandise” – deferred until next meeting
  1. Constitution – Committee to read and discuss/ratify at next meeting
  1. Next meeting

•Discussed possible daytime meeting; only half of those present could attend – agreed to stick with evening meeting for time-being, starting 7.30pm

Next WPTA Meeting planned for 7.30pm, Monday 22nd Jan, Venue: School Staff Room

  1. AOB

•A few members have fed back that they feel ClassDojo has been overused by the PTA

-Unfortunately PTA can only send whole school messages, and sender must be named rather than generic ‘WPTA’ title

-Messages have had substantial ‘likes’

-Members may be unaware that we have lost the ability to text info. and supplies for Bun Sales dropped significantly when using email alone

-Agreed to continue use for events (minimise to one message to announce, one to remind, and possibly one after), Bun Sales, WPTA meetings, and to continue to be mindful of overuse & use email where apprpriate

•A few members have complained about buns at the Bun Sale being too expensive at 50p

-Agreed that reasonable to charge 50p per large bun, but small buns to be sold for less at seller’s discretion

•Discussion about current issues with School Dinners

-Mr Iglesias aware and in communication with Leeds City Council who are responsible for provision; they are to visit the school to discuss improvements