Two-minute talk

Step one (next week check grammar): Write down your talk and bring a copy to class. (double-spaced)

Step two: check your pronunciation and intonation

Step three: be sure to following the register for a talk (greeting; address the topic, the talk and concluding remark)


1.  Remember this is a talk, not reading aloud.

2.  It needs to be at least for two minutes, no longer than three minutes.

Next Week:

1.  Students need to prepare a copy of their talk to class for editing and checking pronunciation and intonation.

2.  Students also need to finish the two tasks on page p. 28.

Unit 7 Air Travel

2. Let’s Listen


A: Could you put your seat forward now, sir? We’ll be landing shortly.

B: So soon? Great!


A: Could you fill out this customs form before we arrive, please?

B: Sure.

A: Thanks you.


A: I’m sorry, sir. Please put out your cigarette. There’s no smoking.

B: I’m sorry, I forgot. I’ll put it out right away.

A: Thank you, sir.


A: Could you fasten seat belt, sir?

B: Excuse me?

A: The pilot’s turned on the “Faster Seat Belt” sign. We may be having some turbulence.

B: I hope it doesn’t get too bumpy.

A: I’m sure it will be fine. Whoops!


A: I’m collecting the headphones. We’ll be landing in a few minutes. Would you mind passing them to me, please.

B: No problem. Here you go.


A: Excuse me, Ma’am?

B: Yes?

A: let me put that bag in the overhead compartment for you. It’s too big to leave under your seat.

B: Oh, okay. Thanks.

3. Let’s Listen


A: Excuse me. These headphones don’t seem to be working properly.

B: Really? Are you hearing any sound at all?

A: yes, but it isn’t very clear.

B: Let me check them for you. You’re right. I’ll get another set of headphones for you after I finish serving the meals.

A: Sure. That’s fine.


A: Excuse me, I can’t find the safety instruction card.

B: Oh, there should be one in the seat pocket in front of you.

A: yes I looked, but there isn’t one there. There’s just the menu and the magazine.

B: Oh, I’m sorry. Let me get anther one for you right away.


A: I wonder if I could change my set.

B: Oh, is there something wrong with it?

A: Well, I can’t see the TV screen very well from where I’m sitting. I’m too far away.

B: Oh, I see. Do you mind waiting until all the passengers have boarded the airplane? After everyone is on board, I’ll see if I can move you to a different seat.

A: That’s fine. Thanks very much.


A: Excuse me. I think there’s a problem with my seat number.

B: What’s wrong?

A: I should be in business class, but this seat number is for a seat in economy class.

B: Could I check your ticket, please? Yes, I see the problem. You should be in seat 2 A, not in seat 22A. I’m sorry. Come with me now and I’ll find your correct seat in business class.

4. Let’s Listen

1. The airport is far away from the city and it’s a pretty horrible place. It’s very crowded and there are not many facilities there. You know, like stores or restaurants. Anyway, my flight was okay. It was a bit bumpy, but it left on time. The food was awful, thought. It was dry and tasteless. The service was fantastic. The flight attendants did their best to make everyone feel comfortable. The worst problem was the other passengers. The plane was full of loud college students on their way to spring vacation in Florida. Next time I won’t travel during spring break!


It must be one of the best airports in the world. It’s full of stores and restaurants, and they even have a gym and a swimming pool there. The flight was great, too. It was very smooth. The food was so-so. I thought they would serve better food. The service wasn’t good. The flight attendants were really impolite. Next time, I’ll try a different airline, maybe Goldstar Airlines.


The airport is okay, I guess. It’s really small, but it’s near the city. The flight was great—nice and smooth. I had my own TV screen and I could choose my own movies. The food was fantastic. It was a spicy meat dish with some very nice vegetables. The only problem was the service. It was very slow because I was sitting right at the back of the plane and it took the flight attendants a long time to reach me. They weren’t very friendly, either. Next time I’ll try to get a seat near the front of the plane.


It isn’t one of my favorite airports, but it’s okay. The airport is always very crowded and it takes a long tie to check in and go through immigration. Other than that, it’s all right. The flight was pretty awful. As soon as we took off, we ran into bad weather and it became very bumpy. The food was great. They served a really nice chicken dish. The flight attendants were really nice. I think the next time I fly I’ll check the weather report before I leave. If the weather looks bad along the route, I won’t fly.