TheUniting Church in Australia


Minutes of meeting held at Inverell on Friday and Saturday 27-28th February, 2015 commencing at 7.00pm on Friday 27th

Present:Bob Minton (Chairman), Margaret Minton, Peter Bruce,Rev Simon Hansford ,Carol Maddox,Graham Maddox, Rev Tony Winter, Annette Winter, Margot Hobson, Rev John Brentnall, Ian Heywood, Rev Jim Furze, Bryan Palin, Rev Jean Bell, Margaret Shrives, Jacki Watts, Graeme Tolson, Gail Stone, Pam Gowlett, Fay Gifford, Phil Tucker, Rev Chris Wright, Meg Mangan,John Nash, Chris and Serena Lines, Lillian Reading, Wendy Heagney, Fran Kaberry, Rob Wood, Rev DrKye Won Lee and Nan, Margaret Crowell, Tom Campanelli, Fran Kerr and Nick Heagney.

Apologies:Rev Bill Fischer,Bruce Crosby, Rev Geoff Cummins, Rev Robert Luxton,Rev Phill Matthews, John and Barbara Murray,David Bissett, Gai Newby, Elizabeth Reid, David and Lorna Skewes, Nicolette Willis,Ula Lightfoot, Bill Lightfoot, Trevor Forrester, Ruth Lawrence, Fay Porter, Graham MacKay, Vic Hatfield and Mark Holloway.

Welcome and acknowledgement of the land:

Chairman, Bob Minton, in welcoming members and visitors, acknowledged with gratitudethe original custodians of the land on which we were gathered, and asked God’sgrace for us to be good stewards of the place with them, and to strive for reconciliation between all who share it.

Minutes:Minutes of previous meeting, held at Armidale on 14-15th November, 2014 as distributed to members, were taken as read and confirmed. consensus

Evening session, Friday 27th February:

150227/01....Spread sheet data base result of December 2014 enquiry (Uniting Care/Community Services email) of congregations for details of community services operating in the Presbyterywas displayed for addition for those Congregations not included or projects not included. (PS. this will be followed up by Presbytery Office)

Reports:150227/02....Property minutes of meeting held 19th February were tabled by Phil Tucker.

Mention was made of intention to take steps to sell the TenterfieldChurch property.

Report as attached received.

150227/03....Emmaus report as attached received. It was noted that a trip to Papua New

Guinea is being planned, with limited finances being of concern.

150227/04....Eagles Wings windup report as attached, received.

150227/05....Synod Standing Committee. Graeme Tolson reported verbally. He noted that aparticularly short time frame exists between receipt of bulky business papers prior to, and decision making time at meetings. There is also great difficulty in being able to share information with Presbyteries or congregations prior to making decisions of policy or financialsignificance.

150227/06....Mission Strategy Standing Committee report as attached received from Rev Tony Winter.

150227/07....Uniting Care. Jacki Watts reported that Rev Peter Pereira had died in Dec. 2014.

Margaret Minton presented her report as attached. Mention was made that restructuring ofUniting Care Ageing management has resulted in a series of Regional Councils, but there is adistinct shortage of members which results in inefficiencies.

150227/08....Rural Chaplaincy. Rev Simon Hansford reported that Rev Phil Matthews is on sick leave for a knee replacement. His appointment has twelve months to run; is one of only two rural chaplains covering a vast area of the state, and carrying out remarkable work in the name of the Church. Presbytery should write to Sydney North Presbytery emphasizing the role the Rural Chaplains play and the need for continued funding

150227/09....Futures Thinking and Planning Workshop. Nick Heagney reported on having attended this workshop, which would seem to be a forerunner of many more, on behalf of the Presbytery. The workshop had been presented by Uniting Care for Presbytery representatives and members of Synod executive.

150227/10....Pastoral Relations Committee. Rev Jean Bell advised that a consulting committee

is soon to meet with Armidale representatives; conversation concerning Peel Valley congregations is ongoing; Narrabri and Moree congregations are preparing profiles; Rev Duncan Macleod is to be invited to present education and training programs; two Periods of Discernment programs have been approved; Rev Robert Luxton of Armidale is to recordfifty years of ministry this year.

RESOLVED That all reports and their written recommendations be adopted.consensus

Day session, Saturday 28th February:

Devotions were conducted by Rev Jean Bell and members of Inverell Congregation, which werefollowed by a presentation on Lenten resources.

General business:

150227/11....Chairman Bob Minton gave details of a planned visit by the Moderator, Rev

Myung Hwa Park, to this Presbytery for three days, after travelling on Monday 16th March.

She will stay in Tamworth each evening and travel to other centres each day with plans to visit Armidale and Tingha, Quirindi/Gunnedah and mining sites, Tamworth/Manilla and rural people, with a Presbytery dinner on the evening of Wednesday 18th, leaving for Sydney on Friday 20th March.

Discussions by table groups – “Property, future considerations” and “Future shape of NENW Presbytery.”

In response to a circularised notification (working papers attached), written responses to these issues were received fromTamworth City Congregation, Peel Valley Congregations, Manilla Congregation, Elke Gevert ofTamworth City Congregation, and Paul Turner of Tamworth City Congregation.

The following resolutions resulted:

150227/12....Sales proceeds –

That this Presbytery

1. note the challenges confronting the Synod;

2. assert the need to change Sales Proceeds Policy to reflect clearly defined missional needs across the whole Synod;

3. affirm that, as a Synod, we are responsible both for, and to, each other for our resources;

4. affirm that use of sales proceeds needs to reflect missional purpose and not geographical good fortune;

5. assert that a Sales Proceeds Mission Plan needs to be presented to and assessed by the Presbytery and Synod prior to any sale of property;

6. affirm the proposal that if sales proceeds have not been directed towards – a Synod andPresbytery assessed – missional purpose within two years, it falls under the authority ofthe Presbytery. consensus

150227/13....Residences –

That this Presbytery

1. acknowledge the need to

a. address the inappropriate use of manse rental funds, and

b. challenge geographical inequality.

2. note that one policy might not address all situations equally;

3. affirm the need for mission, with clear parameters, to guide property decisions;

4. welcome the intention f the Synod to redress property and resource imbalance in areasof the Synod. consensus

150227/14....Congress –

That this Presbytery

1. affirm the need for ongoing, just and gracious conversations between the Synod and theUAICC (Congress);

2. affirm the intent of proposals 2 and 3 (of Synod Resolution 158/14S) and the need for further conversation;

3. reject proposals 1 and 4 (of Synod Resolution 158/14S).

Following discussion (future shape of NENW Presbytery, above), and in anticipation of a “new look” Presbytery made up of clusters (e.g. Tamworth, Liverpool Plains, Moree/Narrabri, Inverell/Glen Innes, and Armidale) the following notes were made:

How would a cluster make a difference? (definition of “cluster” and “resource ministry” wouldneed clear definition).

  • How ruthless are we?
  • Can we handle pastoral fallout?
  • or do we accept dying gracefully?

How do we resource, say a Tamworth Cluster?

  • sell property? show missional use to Synod
  • progress mission – how do we change a culture?

How do we define parameters for mission?

  • what do the tough decisions look like?
  • grief with loss?

(meeting continued)


150227/15... as per list attached

Particular note was mentioned of email correspondence from ACCOMP approving the 2 year extension of the placement of the Rev Bill Fischer to Tamworth City Congregation

Reports:150227/16....Finance as attached, presented by Rob Wood.

Tom Campanelli informed the meeting of ways Canada reformed some of its aboriginal property issues, by, in effect buying native title land on condition that future funding was/is curtailed.

General Business:

150227/17....Secretary. Chairman, Bob Minton informed members of the thought thata minute secretary could carry out a role and administration could be provided under thedeveloping current with Nicolette Willis in Tamworth City Congregation’s premises. Thisarrangement is considered to be a suitable solution for a lack of suitable personnel for a“full” secretarial position. Offers are being sought.

150227/18....Rev John Brentnall to retire on 31st March,2015. Chairman Bob Minton thanked John for his loyal participation in the affairs of Presbytery and his conscientiousand faithful ministry during his time in New England North West. A farewell service will beconducted at Breeza on 29th March at 2.00pm.

John responded with expression of gratitude for the support received, particularly on28th January when he was required to appear in Narrabri court following his arrest at an anti coal gas mining protest, which resulted in himreceiving a bond. (Presbytery was representedby attendance of Fran Kaberry, Margot Hobson and Graeme Tolson).

150227/19....Ethical training. Rev Jim Furze reminded the meeting that ordained persons are required to have at least 1½ days continuing training each year. Further information tofollow.

150227/20...Chairman. A time of reflection was led by the Chairman, Bob Minton. At the conclusion he gave notice of his intention to stand down as Chairman at the Annual Meeting of Presbytery on 29th August, at Quirindi.

Meeting closed at 3.00pm.

Next meeting at Gunnedah 9th May.

