Name: ______Portfolio #1
Civics D: Class Expectations
Expectations Mr. Craft has of you:
1)Respectthe rights, ideas, and voice of all people in the classroom. Respect what is in the room.
2)Be Organized: Keep an organized portfolio. Bring paper and something to write with everyday. Be responsible for the completion and organization of all class work.
3)Be On Time: Being on time means being in the room when the bell rings.
Consequences for being tardy: (Each quarter you start over!)
First Tardy: Free Tardy,
Second Tardy: Loss of five Merit Points.
Third Tardy:Loss of ten Merit Points.
Fourth Tardy: Loss of fifteen Merit Points.
Fifth Tardy: Loss of twenty Merit Points.
4)Come To Class: Being in class on a daily basis is very important. Your attendance is expected. I understand that there are circumstances in which you must miss class. However, your parents, your guardian, or a school official must approve all absences. If an absence is not approved you will be counted as truant.
Consequences for being truant: (This will be strictly enforced.)
First Truancy: Loss of ten Merit Points – you will be notified by Mr. Craft
Second Truancy:Loss of twenty Merit Points – parent or guardian will be contacted
Third Truancy: Possible removal from class – You will receive no credit
5)Do Your Work: The easiest way to be successful is to complete all assignments and projects on time. Late assignments will be accepted but will result in a loss of ten percent each day it is late. If the work is turned in after five school days of the due date the most you could earn is 50% (F). Make-up work will be given to students upon request but it is your responsibility to ask and complete it with in one week.
6)Test and Quiz Make-Up Policy: Students have a maximum of five school days to make-up a test or quiz. After five days, the maximum that one can earn on a test/quiz will be 70%. Unusual circumstances may warrant an exception to this rule.
7)Passes Out Of The Room: Passes will be issued on an “as needed basis” to be determined by the teacher and student. If abused, this privilege will be terminated for a particular student or class.
8)Champoux Clause: If you need to spew….GO!
9)No Cell Phones or Head Phones In Class: We will listen to music at times in class so you do not need to bring your own. Cell phones will be confiscated. No Text Messaging!
10)No Herding: Please do not herd by the door at the end of class.
11)Food or Open Containers: Gum and small candy is acceptable as long as it is unnoticeable and the wrappers are disposed properly. Drinks are acceptable as long as there is a lid (no cans or open cups). Exceptions: food and soda may be given out as a reward or as part of a presentation but must be approved by Mr. Craft.
12)Keep A Portfolio: You are encouraged to keep all assignments, handouts, and tests in a folder or binder that will only be used for this class. A three ring binder works best, but a simple folder with pockets will work fine. Near the end of each unit your portfolio will be checked to determine if all assignments have been completed and if you have accomplished the goal of staying organized. The portfolio will be worth triple the number of pages it includes (usually 70 to 100 points). This is a very large portion of your grade. Refer to your table of contents and stay organized. You must bring your portfolio every day.
***** Do Not Lose Your Portfolio*****
13)Grading: You will be graded on a 0-100% scale. 80% of your grade will be based on summative assessments (i.e. tests, quizzes, projects, portfolio, etc) 20% of your grade will be on formative assignments (i.e. merit points, homework, in-class work, practice, etc)
14)Merit Points: As a student, you begin this class with 50 Merit Points each semester. The goal is to keep them!!! You can add to your Merit Points in a number of ways (to be discussed in class). Unfortunately, tardies, truancies, and lack of materials equal a loss of Merit Points.
15)LSE School-wide Grading Scale:
90 - 100% = A 70 – 74%=C
85 – 89% = B+ 65 – 69%=D+
80 – 84% = B 60 – 64%=D
75 – 79% = C+ Below 60%=F
**** Note: Any student who has a 59% or less, but has given his/her best effort (according to my judgment) can receive a passing grade.
Expectations you can have of me:
- To be someone you can talk to about how you are doing in class.
- To talk about class expectations, which you may choose not to follow
- To work very hard to help you succeed in this class.
- To enforce the rules of this school and class so that everyone can learn
Class Website:
*** On the website you will find a number of helpful tools. There will be links to assignments, primary documents, and class notes, as well as a master list of our portfolio items and test reviews. We may also use it for links to articles for current events as well as other things.
Online Textbook:
*** The online textbook should be used as a last resort on homework assignments. However, IF you forget your textbook at school this is an option for your use. Username: Knights24 Password: Craft