City of Seattle Invitation to Bid#CTY-3789

Certified Green Janitorial Products



The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid#CTY-3789, for Certified Green Janitorial Productsreleased on08/03/2017.The due date and time forresponses has been changed to09/14/2017; 4:00PM(Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective bidders and the City’s answers, and revisions to the bid. This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a proposal.

Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / ITB Revisions
1 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Is Design for the Environment (DfE) acceptable when submitting items for certification? / DfE is now called EPA Safer Choice and is one of our approved certifications
2 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / What is the total usage for all the green janitorial contracts for 2016? / The annual usage for last year including all the green janitorial contracts was
3 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Will there be delivery charges for areas outside of the Seattle area? / Almost all of the deliveries are around the Seattle area.
4 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / How many items do we have to bid on? / A substantial portion of the items.
5 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / If the manufacturer item number is incorrect can we change the number? / Yes, any incorrect numbers can be changed.
6 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Is there a minimum order? / No, see page13, of the ITB
7 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Can we add additional pages if requested in the bid? / Yes, additional pages are ok if requested in the bid.
8 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Do we have to bid what is stipulated on Attachment #1? / Yes, bid what is requested on Attachment #1.
9 / 8/14/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Are the quantities on Attachment #1, the annual use of that product? / No, the amounts on Attachment #1, are not the annual usage, we have stipulated the amounts to compare pricing.
10 / 8/15/2017 / 8/15/2017 / Can you extend the bid due date? / Yes, the bid can be extended to August 29, 2017, at 4:00pm.
11 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet, line item #4 & #5, there are two vacuums listed that are bags less which create an air quality issue.These are worst in class for cleaning a building. The standard for the cleaning industry is Carpet and Rug Institute for approved products. The vacuum I would like to quote on this list is a more expensive bagless vacuum / So, the vacuum cleaner you want to bid on would go under the Green Product Substitute.
12 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / I understand the green initiative focus of this ITB and we can meet this requirement outside of the State Contract. We have numerous pricing options available to make this competitive for you.
Does this ITB require you to be on the state contract? / This ITB is not connected to the State of Washington Contracts in any way. You are not required to have a State Contract to bid on this solicitation.
13 / 8/17/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, the Market Basket Spreadsheet, under theheading List your "Or Equal Manufacturer's"?Where do we list “Or Equal” Manufacturer I'm a little confused as it was my understanding we're not supposed to change the items unless it's just an item # change / If you can’t supply the item specified under the manufacturer and you don’t have a green product substitute leave it blank. You are not required to provide every item on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet.
14 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, the Market Basket Spreadsheet, Items 2 and 3 have been discontinued. Can I change the MFG and Item #’s and replace it with the itemswe want to bid? / If any of the items specified under the manufacturer have been discontinued you can bid your replacements put in the manufacturer and the item numbers.
15 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, the Market Basket Spreadsheet, I don't stock the Golden Star Line Item 30 anymore. Instead we carry an 'equal' Boardwalk brand. Where would we put that. Neither of the mops are considered 'green' so it wouldn't go in the green column. Where would it go? / If you can’t supply the item specified under the manufacturer and you don’t have a green product substitute leave it blank. You are not required to provide every item.
16 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / Is it acceptable on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet, under where it says Manufacturer Item# If the item has been discontinued can we put in what we are currently using? Or if the item number is incorrect can we put the correct numbers in and cross out the incorrect numbers? / If any of the items specified under the manufacturer have been discontinued you can bid your replacements put in the manufacturer and the item numbers.
If you find an item number is incorrectyou can cross the number and replace with the correct number.
17 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet,
I have been asked what information goes under the heading Describe Green Products Substitute etc.
I want to confirm this is not a place to put subs for non-green items correct? / The item number would be listed here and no this is not a place to put substitutes for non-green items.
18 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / On Attachment #1, Market Basket,
I have been asked what information goes under the heading “Indicate the City Approved Green Certification” / If you are bidding the paper products you should be putting the recycled content under this heading. If you are bidding other items you should be putting the city approved certifications that are listed on page 2, of the ITB.
19 / 8/16/2017 / 8/17/2017 / Should references be provided? / No, references are not required.
20 / 8/18/2017 / 8/18/2017 / Can you extend the bid due date past Sept 1? / The bid due date has been changed to Sept. 7, 2017, 4:00pm.
21 / 8/18/2017 / 8/21/2017 / On the Submittal Checklist (page 21), the fifth row down at the end it says Minimum Qualifications. Is this just part of attachment 2 or are you looking for an additional Statement of Qualifications? / On Attachment #2, it asks if you are an authorized distributor for the city approved certified green products you are selling. Yes this is part of Attachment #2, we are not looking for an additional statement of qualifications.
22 / 8/30/2017 / 8/31/2017 / I have a question regarding the usage of some items on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet.
Are the items below by the each or by cases?
  • On #48,Can Liner, CL4048/20 it states 100/CS, then in the next column under QTY it says 2729.
  • On #84, SOFTSOAP W/ ALOE, CPC26012, it states 12-7.5OZ/CS, then in the next column under QTY it says 2566
  • On #19, Scrubbing Sponge, 3M0074, it states 20/CS, then in the next column under QTY it states 1127
It will list in the items description if it’s by the case or box if it’s an each it won’t list either one of these forexample #4, the Hoover Vacuum that would be each price. / It will say in the column that describes the item, for example on
  • #48, can liners its states 100 Cases, then the QTY number is 2,729, (this is the number of cases ordered
  • #84, soft-soap it states 12 Cases, then the QTY number is 2,566, (this is the number of cases ordered
  • #19, scrubbing sponges its states 20 Cases, then the QTY states 1127, (this is the number of cases ordered)

23 / 8/30/2017 / 8/31/2017 / Can you clarify how the discount rate section of the bid affects final award. / See page 22, of the ITB,Discount from Manufacturer List Pricing: It states this contract will be a discount off the manufacturer. It also states on Attachment #2; This contract will be priced as a discount from manufacturer.
Attachment #1, Market BasketSpreadsheet is used to determine the number of traditional items you can supply and the green substitutions you can supply to the city. Attachment #1, the market basket spreadsheet will not be part of the awarded contracts. The city will only be awarding contracts based on the Discount off the Manufacturer. You must provide the following documents or your bid will be rejected:
  • Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet
  • Vendor Questionnaire
  • Attachment #2, Discount Pricing Bid Offer Sheet
/ I
24 / 8/30/2017 / 8/31/2017 / Can you please extend the due date of the bid? / Yes, the due date for the bid will be extended to 9/14/2017, 4:00pm
25 / 9/7/2017 / 9/7/2017 / Can you please clarify exact description for item #20, on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet? It states not specified MXM26773 Sponge, Sponge 8AU Utility 12/CS. Provide more vivid description if 3M brand. / Anytime it says not specified on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spread. You can bid something you think is similar or a green version if available.
26 / 9/11/2017 / 9/12/2017 / Supposing I am able to offer 2 green qualified products on one item, would it be possible to list them both? / Yes, you can offer 2 green qualified products on one item on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet.
27 / 9/11/2017 / 9/12/2017 / Please clarify if:The quantity is multiplied by the Discounted Unit Price which equals = Extended Total (Per Item). As I was working on it, I thought you had the formula locked. / On Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet, the quantity is multiplied by the discounted unit price then put in the extended amount under the Extended Total with City’s Discount Applied.
28 / 9/11/2017 / 9/12/2017 / So, can we quote both sides of yellow and green completely? / Yes, you can quote both yellow and green on Attachment #1, Market Basket Spreadsheet.
29 / 9/11/17 / 9/12/2017 / Also, on the MFR Discount sheet, can we state other manufacturers that offer GREEN products but did not include on bid, sometimes they don’t have the exact match but close to specs? / Yes, you can include these manufacturers on Attachment #2, Discount Pricing Bid Offer Sheet

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