SD No. 67 Board / Authority Authorized Courses

Board / Authority Authorized Courses

District Name:Okanagan Skaha

District Number:67

Developed by:Princess Margaret Secondary

Female Fitness 11


Date Developed:October 2010

School Name:Princess Margaret Secondary

Principal's Name:Don MacIntyre

Board/Authority Approval Date:

Board/Authority Signature:

Course Name:Female Fitness 11

Grade Level of Course:Grade 11

Number of Course Credits:4

Number of Hours of Instruction: 120

Prerequisite(s):Physical Education 9

Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required:

Gymnasium, Classroom, Fitness facilities

Course Synopsis:

This course offers female students the opportunity to experience various types of physical activity that promote a healthy lifestyle. Students will gain an appreciation for physical activity through exposure to a variety of fitness pursuits such as yoga, pilates, and kicking-boxing, as well as strategies for complete wellness including nutrition, goal setting and relaxation. Students will explore with the health and skill related components of fitness as they learn to create and manage personal fitness programs. This course will also begin to explore alternative aspects of complete health through topics such as media, self-efficacy and body image.


Female Fitness 11 offers girls the opportunity to be active in a supportive and positive environment. It is a course that promotes healthy lifestyles and gives students the skills to make positive choices as they enter adulthood. Female fitness provides opportunities for the development of self-esteem through personal growth and positive interactions, while serving as an outlet for stress release.

Organized Structure:

Unit/Topic / Title / Time
Unit 1 / Active Living / 30
Unit 2 / Individual Fitness / 30
Unit 3 / Group Fitness / 30
Unit 4 / Alternative Environment Activities / 30
Total Hours / 120

Unit/Topic/Module Descriptions:

Unit 1:Active Living

Overview:This unit will explore the non-activity components of a healthy lifestyle. Students will be exposed to lessons in nutrition, goal setting, power of media and self esteem.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will beable to set long and short term goals for health, school and lifestyle.
  2. Students will be able to explain the effects media on self esteem.
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of nutrition by creating healthy meal plans.

Unit 2:Individual Fitness

Overview: Students will be exposed to types of fitness opportunities that can be completed individually and personalized to the students’ individual ability. Students will have the opportunity to asses levels of fitness, create personalized programs and track progress. Activities will include running, weight training and circuit training.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of training techniques by creating a personalized fitness program.
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate an appreciation of the benefits of aerobic exercise through the participation of a running program.
  3. Students will be able to use fitness equipment (weight, bands, medicine balls) with proper technique.

Unit 3:Group Fitness

Overview: Students will participate in a variety of group fitness activities similar to those offered by public and private facilities in the community. The goal of this unit is to improve fitness levels while having fun and exposing students to classes that may enroll in on their own after graduation. Activities will include kick boxing, yoga, spinning, bootcamp, and aerobic dance.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will successfully attend a fitness class in the community developing an understanding of procedures and expectations.
  2. Students will be able to follow the direction of a fitness instructor.
  3. Students will demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the benefits of exercising in a group situation

Unit 4:Alternative Environment Activities

Overview: Students will participate in a variety of activities that are situated outside of the typical gymnasium setting. The goal of this unit is to show students that fitness can be done anywhere without complicated equipment or costly fees. Activities will include hiking, stair climbing, water running/aerobics, trail running, mall walking and relaxation.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will gain an awareness of local areas of recreation by researching, planning and visiting trails and parks.
  2. Students will participate, and encourage peers, in a stair walking challenge.
  3. Students will understand the benefits of exercising with the resistance of water.

Instructional Component:

  1. Classroom based learning sessions (lecture, discussion, peer instruction, guest seminars)
  2. Fitness sessions (on and off campus)

Assessment Component:

60% Affective Domain:

Self Assessment

-Participation, attitude, social responsibility

Teacher/Evaluator Assessment

-Participation, attitude, social responsibility, leadership

20% Psychomotor Domain

Progression of skill development, exercise progression

20% Cognitive Domain

Written Assignments

-Reflection, research assignments, goal setting

Learning Resources:

  1. Action SchoolsBC
  2. Women’s Health Magazine Series & Website
  3. Jillian Michaels Training Tools (videos, books, website)
  4. America the Beautiful (DVD and resource package)
  5. Dove Self-Esteem Campaign
  6. Community Fitness Presenters (yoga, kick boxing instructors)
  7. Community Facilities (parks, trails, private fitness training studios)
  8. Pacific Sport (nutritionist)
  9. Okanagan College Human Kinetics Department
  10. University of Victoria Girls in PE collaboration group

Additional Information:

Ref: SUP/00650-20/Admin/District Forms/Board – Authority Authorized Courses 04Jan21

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