1.The mausoleumis...... byThienThumountain,twotoweringcolumns andavast expanseofwater.

a. feedb. feeding c. fedd. feeds

2. Put plants...... awindowsothattheywill get enoughlight.

a. near to b. near of c. next tod. nearly


a. buttwoyears experienceb. alsotwoyears experience

c. but also two-year experienced. butmoretwoyears experience

4.RichardNixonhad beenalawyer and...... beforehe enteredpolitics.

a. servedintheNavyas an officer b. an officer in the Navy

c. the Navy had him as an officerd. didserviceintheNavyas anofficer

5.If oneoftheparticipantsinaconversationwonders...... no real communicationhastakenplace.

a. whatsaidtheotherperson b. what the other person said

c. what didtheother personsayd. whatwastheotherpersonsaying

6.Thesalaryofabusdriver ismuchhigher ......

a. incomparisonwiththesalaryofateacherb. thanateacher

c. than that of a teacherd. tocompareasateacher

7. Professional peopleexpect...... whenitis necessarytocancel an appointment.

a. you to call themb. thatyouwouldcall them

c. your callingthemd. thatyouarecallingthem

8. Sedimentaryrocks areformedbelowthesurfaceoftheearth...... very hightemperaturesandpressures.

a. where there are b. there arec. wherearethere d. therearewhere

9.Farmerslookforwardto...... everysummer.

a. participating in the county fairsb. participateinthecountyfairs

c. beparticipatinginthecountyfairsd. haveparticipatedinthecountyfairs

10.Clipper shipsweretheswiftestsailingshipsthat………………….toseaand themostbeautiful.

a. ever wereputb. wereever putted c. were ever putd. ever wereputted

11.Theshipshadtheirdaysof………………….inthe1840s and1850s.

a. glorious b. gloryc. glorifyd. gloriously

12.Tealosesitsflavor quickly……………………intheholdofavessel.

a. whenstoring b. storedc. when storedd. storing

13.Earl was one ofthefirstAmericanartists………………….landscapes.

a. painting b. paintedc. for painting d. to paint

14.Thecrimeratehascontinuedto riseinAmerican citiesdespiteeffortsonthe partof bothgovernmentandprivatecitizenstocurb......

a. them b. him c. itsd. it

15.In1778,he………………toLondontostudywithBenjaminWestforfour years.

a. hasgone b. hadgone c. wouldgo d. went

16.Noonehasbeen abletosatisfactorilyexplainhowor …………The Moonsporadicallysparks.

a. whenb. whyc. what d. which

17.Thebasicfiber-opticssystemiscalledafiberscope,…………Consists oftwobundlesoffibers.

a. whichb. inwhich c. whered. what

18.Physicianscanlookintothelungs, heartandother areasthatwereformerly……………..tothem.

a. accessiblyb. accessc. accessibled. inaccessible

19...... his highlyindividual conceptionsofmusicandchaos, JohnCage becamealeadingfigureinavant-garde music.

a. Suchwas b. Due toc. Becausefrom d. That

20.SanfordMeisner ...... theNeighborhoodPlayhouseinNew YorkCity.

a. foundinganddirectingb. whofoundedanddirected

c. founded and directedd. infindinganddirecting

21. Experimentsinthesonicimagingofmovingobjects...... inboththe UnitedStatesandEuropewell beforetheSecondWorldWar.

a. wereconductingb. havebeenconducted c. had been conductedd. beingconducted

22...... billionsandbillionsofstars existinthevastspacebeyondour Milky Waygalaxy.

a. Thatis estimated b. Anestimatethat

c. Thattheestimate d. It is estimated that

23...... gene-bearingbodieswithinthenuclei oflivingorganisms.

a. Chromosomesb. Chromosomesthatare

c. Chromosomes ared. Chromosomeswhiletheyare

--> c

24.Abner Doubleday,...... ,wascreditedwiththeinvention ofbaseball in 1839.

a. whobecomeaUnionarmygeneralb. whichbecameaUnionarmygeneral

c. whowereaUnionarmygenerald. a Union army general

25...... photosynthesisweretostop,lifewoulddisappearfrom theplanet Earthrelativelyquickly.

a. Forb. However c. Ifd. Although

26.Eachfiber inthe bundle……………..onlyatinyfraction ofthetotal image.

a. transmitb. transmitted c. transmitsd. totransmit

27.AntonioGaudi, architect ofBarcelona'sHolyFamilyChurch, diedbefore seeing...... thestructure.

a. oncompletion of b. the completion of

c. completing ofd. their completing of

28.Thisisthefactory...... atwork.

a. theyareb. where they arec. whereared. inwheretheyare

29.America'sfirstglobemaker wasJamesWilson,who...... and blacksmithinhis earlier life.

a. afarmer hadbeen b. had been a farmer

c. farmingd. beingafarmer

30.Napoleon...... theWestIndianisland ofSantoDomingoin1801.

a. attackedb. is attackingc. hasattracted d. attacking

31.Modernindustrialmethodshavesupplantedindividual crafts,......

stonecarvers,coopers, andcobblersvirtually extinct.

a. makeblacksmiths,b. madeblacksmiths,

c. makingthem blacksmiths, d. making blacksmiths,

32.Notonlyknowledgeandskills, but alsoattitudes...... inschoolfor students'futureadjustmenttosociety.

a. whencultivated b. cultivated

c. whichneedtobecultivated d. need to be cultivated

33.OnMercator'smaps,thefarnorthernandsouthernpolar regionsare......

a. greatly exaggerated in area.b. exaggerating greatlyinarea.

c. greatlyexaggerateinarea.d. great exaggerationinarea.

34.Ontheslope of Long's PeakinColorado...... theruinofagigantic tree.

a. thatlies b. liesc. wherelies d. lie

35...... inShanghai thaninanyother cityinChina.

a. More people liveb. Morepeopleliving c. Ithasmorepeople d. Moreliving people

36.Theearthspinsonits axis and...... 23hours,56minutesand4.09


a. needb. needed c. needing d. needs

37...... ontheenvironmentfor thegratificationofits needs.

a. Eachorganismtodepend b. Every organism depends

c. All organismsdependingd. Manyorganismscandepend

38.OfCharlesDickens' manynovels, expectationsperhaps...... to many readers.

a. the most satisfying oneb. mostsatisfyingone

c. morethansatisfyingone d. themoresatisfyingthan

39...... ,thenation'scapital remainedinPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania.

a. WhiledesigningWashington,D.C.

b. Washington,D.C.,was designed

c. While Washington, D.C., was being designed

d. Washington,D.C., designed

40.Childrenlearnprimarilyby...... theworldaroundthem.

a. experiencingdirectlyof b. experiencedirect

c. directlyphysical experience d. direct physical experience of

41.Itisearth'sgravitythat...... peopletheir weight.

a. givesb. givec. giving d. given

42.Generallyspeaking, peopleshouldhave...... astheirdesireswill allow.

a. mucheducationb. as much educationc. educationd. foreducation

43.Adolphinsix...... lengthcanmoveasfastasmostships.

a. footin b. feet inc. footof d. feet of

44.Withnewtechnology,camerascantakepicturesofunderwater valleys...... color.

a. withinb. for c. ind. by

45...... thefifthlargest amongthenineplanetsthatmakeupour solar system.

a. The Earth isb. TheEarthbeing c. ThattheEarthis d. BeingtheEarth

46.Inmathematics,avariableisasymbol ...... someelement ofaset.

a. andrepresenting b. representsc. that representsd. representsthat

47...... actress'slifeisinmanywaysunlikethat of other women.

a. Anb. Ac. Asthed. Thatthe

48.About20milesfromBoston,...... alittletownnamedConcordthat hasa richhistory.

a. hasb. there isc. thereare d. whereis

49.Anadvisor tobothFranklinDelanoRoosevelt andHarryTruman,...... ofBethuneCookmanCollege.

a. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune was the founder

b. Dr.MaryMcleodBethune,whowasthefounder

c. thefounder wasDr.MaryMcleodBethune

d. didthefounder Dr. MaryMcleodBethune

50.Warmth, moisture,andoxygenarethreenecessaryrequirements...... mostseedlings.

a. for cultivating b. for cultivatec. ascultivating d. cancultivate

51.Theysharethehousework…...... betweenthem.

a. equallyb. equalc. theyareequal d. andequal

52.Awell-knownlargenatural lakeisLakeTahoe,...... straddlesthe California-Nevadaborder.

a. andb. whichc. since d. for

53.Before...... ,theyusedhorse-drawnwoodencarts.

a. farmershavehadtractorsb. tractors ownedbyfarmers

c. havingtractorsfarmersd. farmers had tractors

54.Tuna,...... ,mayweighupto1,000pounds.

a. istheseagiantb. canbegiantsofthesea

c. one of the sea giantsd. theseaofthegiant

55.Physical fitnessexercisescancauseinjuries...... theparticipantsare notcareful.

a. that b. toc. ifd. with

56.Total weightofall theantsintheworldismuch greater than......

a. toall humanbeingsb. all humanbeingsisthat

c. that of all human beingsd. isof all humanbeings

57...... for overall health.

a. Extra fiber in one's diet is helpfulb. Extrafiber isone'shelpfuldiet

c. Helpfulone'sdietisextrafiberd. One's dietishelpfulinextrafiber

58. Elephantsscratchthemselveswithsticks......

a. holdingintheir trunksb. intheir trunks holding

c. holdintheir trunksd. held in their trunks

59.VanGogh's"Sunflowers"...... $39.9million,threetimestheprevious record.

a. once sold forb. for saleoncec. sellingfor once d. foroncesold

60.Somemonkeys,...... ,usetheir tailsinawaysimilar toa hand.

a. like the spider monkeyb. spider monkeylikes

c. tothespidermonkeyd. themonkeylikesthespider

61. Black,red,andevenbright pinkdiamonds......

a. occasionallytofindb. occasionallyfound

c. have occasionally been foundd. haveoccasionallyfound


a. greatCentral Valleyb. thegreatCentral Valley

c. beingthegreatCentral Valley d. lies the great Central Valley

63.Itisgravity...... objectstowardtheearth.

a. pullb. that pullsc. topulld. whatpulls

64...... their territories butratherthanfight,theyhowl.

a. Wolves protectivelyjealousb. Jealousofwolves

c. Protection ofwolvesd. Wolves jealously protect

65...... strengthof 70horses,aforklifttoils all daylonginawarehouse lifting greatweights.

a. Becausethe b. With thec. Some d. The

66.Thegrowthoftwo-incomefamiliesintheUnitedStates...... ofpeople movingtoanewsocial class.

a. has resulted in millionsb. resultsofmillions

c. millionsofresultsd. resultinginmillions

67.Usingaglobecanbe...... itiseducational.

a. enjoyableb. toenjoyasc. asenjoyabled. as enjoyableas

68.Each mediocrebookwereadmeansonelessgreatbookthatwewould otherwisehaveachance......

a. to readthem b. readc. reading d. to read

69.Mostaccidentsinthehomecanbepreventedby...... elimination of hazards.

a. thatb. thatthec. thereisa d. the

70...... problemsinsailingintropicalseasisthecoral reefs.

a. One of the biggestb. Thebiggest one

c. Ofthebiggest oned. Therearethebiggest

71.Thestrongestdumptrucksworkinrockquarries,...... tonsofrocks andsoil atonetime.

a. thattheymove b. theymovec. where they moved. whichtheymove

72. AliceFreeman,...... toheadWellesleyCollegeat age27,is one ofthe youngestcollegepresidentsinhistory.

a. who was appointedb. hasbeenappointed

c. thatisappointedd. isappointed

73.HelenKeller lost bothher sightandhearing after asevereillness......

a. of heragein19months b. shewas 19monthsold

c. when she was 19 months oldd. when19monthsoldshewas

74.Becausealuminum islighter andcheaper...... ,itisfrequentlyusedfor high-tensionpower transmission.

a. ascopperb. than copperc. for copperd. morecopper

75.Itisonlyrecentlythatballetshavebeenbasedonthemes...... American life.

a. reflectingb. reflectsc. isreflecting d. reflected

76.Poisonoakgeneratesirritatingpoisons...... evenifpeoplemerelybrush againsttheplants.

a. theycanaffectpeople b. that can affect people

c. whatcan effectpeopled. whichdotheyaffect

77...... antsliveincolonies,keepfarms,gotowar,carryoffslaves, and haveasocietysomewhatlikehumanbeings.

a. Studies of ant life show thatb. Studiesof antlifethat

c. Thatisstudiedd. Thatthestudiesofantlife

78.Genericmedications arejust as...... ,and muchlessexpensive.

a. effectivelybrand-nameproducts b. brand-nameproductseffective

c. brand-nameproducts aseffective d. effective as brand-name products

79...... isnowaytotell theexact number ofheroinaddictsintheUnited States.

a. Itb. Therec. What d. Each

80. ErnestHemingwayis...... ofmodernfiction.

a. one of the moldersb. themolders one

c. whois one ofthe moldersd. themolderswhoistheone

81...... occasionsfor congratulations.

a. Birthdaysthatusuallyconsideredb. Usuallyconsideringbirthdays

c. Birthdays are usually consideredd. Thatconsideredbirthdays usually

82.Forty-niners...... toCaliforniafor goldin1848.

a. rushedb. arerushedc. haverushed d. rushing

83.Inorderforpeopletoworktogether effectively,theyneed...... each other'sneeds.

a. to be sensitive tob. issensitivefor

c. sensitivity d. sensitive

84.Itisgoodformto usethenameoftheperson......

a. whoaregreetingb. you are greetingc. whichyouaregreeting d. greetingfor you

85...... thepromotionofhealthandtohelpingpeopleavoidinjuryand disease.

a. TocommittheRedCross b. TheRedCrosstocommit

c. CommittedtotheRedCrossis d. The Red Cross is committed to

86.Peopleusuallycan getasufficient amountofthecalcium their bodies

...... fromthefoodtheyconsume.

a. needb. needsc. needing d. toneed

87.Itispossible...... mayassistsometreesinsavingwater inthewinter.

a. theleaves arelostb. whenleaveshavelost

c. thatthelossofleavesd. to lose leaves

88.Hollywood,theheartofAmerica'smotionpictureindustry,...... ofLos Angelesacenturyago.

a. was only a quiet suburbb. onlyquietsuburbwas

c. quietsuburbonlywas d. suburbwasquietonly

89. Kitchenappliancescalledblenders became...... inthe1930s,when StephenJ.Poplawski developedamachinethatexcelledatmakinghisfavorite drink.

a. establishb. establishing c. establishedd. whichestablish

90.Built atthebeginning ofthecentury,the LibraryofCongresshouses oneof thelargest...... collectionsofbooksintheworld.

a. andfineb. and finestc. orfinestd. yetfine

91.Inthepreparation offibrousmaterialfor productionuses,stiffwoodyfibers from plants...... fibersfrom animal sources.

a. themostheattheb. need more heat than

c. thanmoreheatneededd. needthemoreheatthan

92.Partnershipisanassociation oftwoor moreindividualswho...... together todevelopa business.

a. workedb. theywork c. workd. working

93.Chosenasthenation'scapital attheend oftheAmericanCivilWar,......

acityof over amillionpeople.

a. Washington, D.C., is nowb. forWashington,D.C.,

c. toWashington,D.C.,d. nowinWashington,D.C.,

94.Withinanarea ofonly100 miles,DeathValleysinksto282feetbelowsea levelwhileMountWhitney...... toaheightof 14,494feet.

a. soaringb. soarc. soared d. soars

95.Thecosmopolitanflavor ofSanFranciscois enhancedby...... shopsand restaurants.

a. anethnicb. its many ethnicc. its ethnicityd. ethnicity

96...... thatincreasingnumbersofcompact-disc playerswill beboughtby consumersintheyearstocome.

a. Theyare anticipated b. Inanticipation

c. Anticipatingd. It is anticipated

97. Birdsall over theworld...... indistances uptothousandsofmiles.

a. migrating b. migrated c. migrated. aremigrated

98.Cellulose,which...... formakingpaper,canbefoundinall plants.

a. is usedb. usesc. areused d. is using

99...... ,humanbeings haverelativelyconstantbodytemperature.

a. Alikeall mammal b. Alikeall mammals

c. Like all mammalsd. Likeall mammal

100.Sofar thereisnovaccine...... insightforthecommoncold.

a. or curing b. hascured c. or cured. havingcured

101.TheLouisianaTerritory, anarea...... thesizeofFrance,was bought by

theUnitedStatesfrom Francefor $15,000,000in1803.

a. thanmorefour timesb. more than four times

c. fourtimesthanmored. isfour timesmorethan

102.Despiteclaimsthatfiltersandlow-tar tobaccomakesmokingsomewhat safer,infacttheyonlymarginallyreduce,...... eliminatethehazards.

a. none b. noc. notd. nor

103...... manyofthedesignsfor thenewcapital wereconsideredlost forever, BenjaminBanneker helpedreproducetheoriginal plans.

a. Whenb. During c. Ifasd. How

104.Fewnaturalelementsexistin...... thattheyarerarelyseenintheir naturalenvironments.

a. such small quantitiesb. sosmall quantities

c. verysmall quantities d. small quantity

105.Generallyspeaking, everyperson...... thepotential tobeateacher,to someextent.

a. hasb. tohave c. having d. have

106...... business,amerger isacombination oftwoormorecorporations under onemanagement.

a. The b. Atc. On d. In

107...... ofcommoditiesbyair beganinthe1920satthesametimeas airmail service.

a. The shippingb. Ashipc. Theshippedd. Toship

108.Jan Malzeliger'sinvention,theshoe-lastingmachine,...... production butitalsocutthecost ofshoeproductionbyhalf.

a. not only increasedb. notincreasedonly

c. increasedonlyd. onlyhaveincreased

109.Itcansometimes...... ahome.

a. totakemonthstosellb. take several months to sell

c. sellingtakesseveral months d. tosell takingseveral months

110.Jellyfishareprobably...... onEarth.

a. mostnumerous predatorsb. the most numerous predators

c. mostnumerousof predatorsd. themostpredators

111.IntheUnitedStates...... isthemostconcentratedisNewOrleans.

a. Frenchinfluencethecityb. the city where French influence

c. wherethecityinfluencesFrenchd. wheretheFrenchinfluencethecity

112.Alog grabberhasalongarm...... ,whichstretchesouttopick uplogs.

a. callsajibb. callingajib c. ajibcalled d. called a jib

113.Ahomecomputer ...... anopportunityfor convenientand efficientwork athome.

a. providesb. tobeproviding c. whichprovides d. providingit

114.EliWhitney'smillingmachineremainedunchangedfor acenturyandahalf because...... wassoefficient.

a. itb. he c. ofd. its

115.Some ofthe rainwater fromclouds evaporatesbefore......

a. reaching the groundb. to reachtheground

c. reachthe groundd. thegroundreaches

116.Onceanoffendingallergenhasbeenidentified...... tests,itis possible for thedoctor togivespecificdesensitizinginjections.

a. meansofb. by means ofc. ofthemeansby d. bymeans

117.Sometimes...... wears peopleout andisworsethanthelackofsleep itself.

a. tosleepthedesire b. the desire to sleep

c. todesiresleepisd. thedesiretosleepwho

118.Althoughdissimilar inalmosteveryother respect,birdsandinsectshave both evolvedefficient...... capabilities.

a. flyb. flyingc. toflyd. isflying

119.Thewheel,...... hasremainedimportantfor 4,000years,isone of mankind'sfirstinventions.

a. how b. when c. whichd. about

120...... childrenmaster thebasics, advanceddevelopmentbecomes easier.

a. The b. Oncec. That d. Even

121...... thereisaclosecorrelationbetweenstressandillness.

a. Some psychologists believeb. Believedsomepsychologists

c. Somepsychologiststobelieved. Somepsychologists believing

122...... isoften usedinsoupsandsauces.

a. Parsley, an inexpensive herb,b. Parsleyis aninexpensiveherb

c. Inexpensiveparsley, herbd. Anherbisinexpensiveparsley,

123.Perspirationincreases...... vigorous exerciseor hotweather.

a. duringb. whenc. atthetime d. for


a. thansoundisb. doessound c. soundd. than sound

125.Eveniftheunemploymentrate...... sharply,thedropmaystill be temporary.

a. todropb. droppingc. havedropped d. drops

126.Studiesindicate...... collectingarttodaythanever before.

a. therearethatmorepeople b. morepeoplethatare

c. that there are more peopled. peoplethereare more

127.ThieuTri wasa...... poetwhowouldpenaverseor twoatamoment's notice.

a. prolificb. prolifically c. prolificacy d. prolificity

128.I'vebeentothetheater ...... oftimes.

a. muchb. alittle c. mostof d. few

129.But...... oftheplaysI'veseenaremodern.

a. afewofb. alittle c. mostd. many

130.WhenIstudiedShakespeare,Ithoughthis playswere...... boring.

a. agreatdeal of b. fewc. muchd. many

131...... of Shakespeare's plays areabout history. a. Afewof

b. Manyc. Much d. Alittle

132.Theyspent...... timestudyingVictorianliterature.

a. fewb. manyc. alargenumber of d. much

133...... popular expressionsinour languagehaveinteresting background.

a. Little b. Manyc. Alargenumber d. Much

134.AtthebeginningeverybodyspokeEnglishveryquicklyandIcouldn't understand...... Butafter ...... days,itis easierand...... thingsI hadlearntcamebacktome.

a. much / a few / manyb. alot/little/alot

c. much/ much/agreatnumber d. many/afew/many

135.They...... inNew York nextweek.

a. arriveb. will arrivec. hasarrivedd. havearrived

6.Thisisthebest performance ofHamletthatI...... inyears.

a. hadseen b. sawc. have seend. see

137.They...... thatyouare goingtobelate.

a. will knowb. knowc. knewd. haveknown

138.ThepeoplethatI...... herehavebeenveryfriendly.

a. to meet b. meetc. havemet d. hadmet


a. sockb. socketc. socking d. soccer

140.Shesaysthatshe...... thebill nextweek.

a. paysb. will payc. haspaid d. ispaying

141.ThatisthebestbookthatI...... onthatsubject.

a. hadreadb. readc. have readd. amreading

142.YesterdayImetthewomanwho...... uswiththework nextmonth.

a. will helpb. helpsc. hashelped d. ishelping

143.That...... the bestmoviethatIhadseenfor alongtime.

a. will beb. hasbeen c. isd. was

144.Hesaidthathe...... methereat4.30thisafternoon.

a. would meetb. metc. will meet d. meets

145. Maxwell ...... threedollarsfor thetie heboughtatMacy's.

a. hadpaid b. paidc. paysd. wouldpay

146.Thesalesmanwastellingmethathe...... tencarslastweek.

a. soldb. had soldc. wouldsell d. hassold

147.DidBobsaythathe...... fromPrincetonin1951?

a. wouldgraduate b. graduatesc. hasgraduated d. had graduated

148.We boughtausedcar thathadbelongedtoanoldcouplewhousedthecar onlywhenthey...... shopping.

a. gob. wentc. aregoing d. hasgone

149.The manwhowillreplaceMr.Stuart...... yesterday.

a. arrivesb. will arrive c. arrivedd. has arrived

150.Wethoughtthatthey...... toArizonayesterday.

a. wouldmoveb. movedc. will moved. hadmoved

151.We'll wait until she......

a. arriveb. arrivesc. will arrived. shall arrive

152.Call Jack assoonasyou...... intown.

a. getb. getsc. willgetd. shall get

153.Heknows hehas…………….whenheis askedtoappearonTV.

a. arrivedb. arrivesc. will arrived. shall arrive

154.I'll thinkaboutyour suggestionwhileI...... for you.

a. am waitingb. willwait c. waitd. waits

155.BeforeJackleavesNew York, he...... several newplays.

a. see b. sawc. has seend. hadseen

156.Theywill bevery happywhenthey...... thenews.

a. hearb. will hear c. heardd. hasheard

157.I always...... better after Ihaverestedawhile.

a. feelb. feelsc. will feel d. hasfelt

158.Wewill havelearnedmanynewwordsbeforewe...... throughthis course.

a. havegot b. gotc. getd. will get

159.Itistwoo'clock, andI...... myhomeworkyet.

a. haven't finishedb. didn'tfinishc. hadn'tfinished d. don'tfinish

160.Weusuallygoouttodinner whenwe...... late.

a. workb. workedc. hasworked d. hadworked

161.Shewill bereadywhenhe...... here.

a. getb. getsc. hasgot d. will get

162.Thechildalwayscrieswhenhismother...... outofthehouse.

a. gob. goes c. willgod. hasgone

163.Theyoftenlistentotheradiowhilethey...... intheir car.

a. istraveling b. travelc. will traveld. hastraveled

164.Wesawseveral oldfriendswhilewe...... inBaltimore.

a. are b. werec. hasbeen d. will be

166.Raymond...... twonewshirtswhenhewas downtowntoday.

a. buyb. boughtc. hadbought d. hasbought

167.After wehadhadbreakfast,we...... thehouse.

a. leaveb. leftc. hadleft d. hasleft

168.Ihadheardthenews beforeyou...... meaboutit.

a. tellb. toldc. hastold d. hadtold

169.It...... whenIgotupthismorning.

a. rainsb. rainedc. hadrained d. was raining

170. Marywas notfeelingwellwhenshe...... downyesterday.

a. fall b. fellc. hasfallen d. hadfallen

171.Hesignedthecontractafterhe...... eachstatementcarefully.

a. reads b. readc. hasread d. had read

172.Jim hadjustturnedoutthelightswhenthedoorbell ......

a. rings b. rangc. hasrung d. hadrung

173.IworksohardthatI...... tired.

a. amb. was c. bed. hasbeen

174.I'll returnthebookstothelibraryifI...... time.

a. haveb. hadc. will haved. wouldhave

75.Richardleft dirtyfootmarkswherever he......

a. gob. goes c. wentd. hadgone

176.IworkedsohardthatI...... tired.

a. amb. wasc. bed. hasbeen

177.Don'thandlethosecupsandsaucers asifthey...... madeofiron.

a. are b. werec. hasbeen d. hadbeen

178.IamstandingwhereI...... thegame.

a. can seeb. couldsee c. can'tseed. couldn'tsee

179.Usethepaint-brushasI...... youyesterday.

a. showb. showedc. hadshowed d. hasshowed

180.EverywhereI...... thereweredirtyfootmarks.

a. lookb. lookedc. haslooked d. will look

181.Wecouldn'tplaythematchbecausethefrog...... toothick.

a. is b. bec. wasd. will be

182.Weshall comeandseeyouifwe...... aholiday.

a. haveb. will havec. wouldhaved. hashad

183.Ioftenavoid...... toparties.

a. gob. to go c. goingd. cdarecorrect

184.Heenjoys...... alot.

a. smokeb. tosmoke c. smokes d. smoking

185.Theirmother oftensuggests...... withsomefriends.

a. gooutb. to goout c. going outd. acarecorrect

186.Idon'tfeel like...... for awalk now.

a. to gob. goc. goingd. a & c arecorrect

187.I'm sorry,Ican'tremember ...... her lastweek.

a. meetb. to meet c. meetingd. to meeting

188.Well,I'm interestedin...... English.

a. learnb. tolearn c. learningd. bcarecorrect

189.Certainly,It'sworth...... the thesis.

a. trytowriteb. trying to writec. tryingwriting d. trywriting

190.Now,Ithinksheis accustomed...... eight hoursaday.

a. workb. toworkc. workingd. to working

191.Thefabricis...... amaterial whichcatchfireeasily.

a. made ofb. madefrom c. madeind. made

192.Thereweresigns everywhere...... peopletokeepout ofthegrassin thepark.

a. totell b. tellc. tellingd. totelling

193.Itisverydifficult...... atwinfrom theother.

a. tellb. to tellc. tellingd. totelling

194.Heis agreeable………………toNam’sproposal.

a. aboutb. toc. ind. with

195.Therearesomanysigns alongthatroad...... down becausethat roadisveryslippery.

a. warning motorists to slowb. warn motoriststoslow

c. warn motoristsslowingd. towarn motoristsslowing

196.Eachofthesesounds...... mesleepy.

a. makeb. made c. makesd. hasmake

197.Either Minhorhisfriends……………goingtothebeachtoday.

a. is b. arec. wasd. were

198.Everyoneintheclass...... thenovel.

a. has readb. haveread c. hasredd. havered

199.Heoften………… his dogwhenhecomeshome.

a. whistlesb. whistlec. iswhistlingd. arewhistling

200.Oneofthegolfclubs...... inthecorner oftheroom atthis moment.

a. stand b. standsc. is standingd. arestanding

201.Oneoftherooms...... anair conditioner.

a. containb. containsc. iscontainingd. arecontaining

202.Everyoneoftheclerks...... punchthetimeclock.

a. hasb. have c. has tod. haveto

203.Eachof his assistants...... thetelephone.

a. answerb. answersc. is answeringd. areanswering

204.Eachofthegirls...... thepiano.

a. playb. playsc. is playingd. areplaying

205.Iwonder whytheEnglish...... onthelefthandsideoftheroad.

a. driveb. drovec. hasdriven d. haddriven

206.He...... thecustomwasgroundedingoodsense.

a. sayb. saidc. hassaid d. hadsaid

207.Ahorse...... alwaysmountedfromtheleft.

a. isb. wasc. hasbeen d. hadbeen

208.There...... noruleaboutthemovement oftrafficbeforethePope cametovisitParis.

a. is b. arec. wasd. were

209.Thusacustom...... born.

a. isb. wasc. hasbeen d. hadbeen

210.There...... onlyoneplaceinthewholeofEnglandwhereit ...... legal


a. is / isb. was/was c. are/isd. were/was

211.ThefoundersoftheAmericannature...... thecustom after the Revolution.

a. reverse b. reversedc. hasreversed d. hadreversed

212.WhenBonapartecamealong, he...... itthelawoftheland.

a. makesb. madec. hasmade d. hadmade

213.Thekingjust...... hereyesterday.

a. comesb. camec. hascome d. hadcome

214. Manypeople...... their jobsbecause ofthefirm'scollapse.

a. lose b. lostc. haslost d. hadlost

215.I...... cleaningthefloor,andnowit's dirtyagain.

a. justfinishb. justfinishedc. have just finishedd. hadjustfinished

216.I...... a ghostinmylife.

a. never seeb. never sawc. have never seend. hadnever seen

217.They...... dinner beforecominghere.

a. haveb. hadc. havehad d. had had

218.Hewakedupanddownuntil he...... bythereturningwarmth.

a. isreassuredb. was reassuredc. hasbeenreassuredd. havebeenreassured

219.Iwillwait until you...... back.

a. comeb. camec. hascame d. will come


a. rainsb. rainedc. hasrained d. hadrained

221.Isatnear thewindowwhenever I...... abus.

a. takeb. tookc. hastaken d. hadtaken

222.ItwasraininghardwhenI...... there.

a. getb. gotc. hasgot d. hadgot

223.She...... the pianosinceshewasachild.

a. playsb. playedc. has playedd. hadplayed

224.Thesun...... intheeast.

a. riseb. rose c. risesd. hasrisen


- Heatittill it...... tosmoke.

a. beginsb. beganc. hasbegun d. hadbegun


- I'mgoingtostayheretill mybrother ...... his exams.

a. finishesb. finishedc. wouldfinish d. will finish

227.Whenwillyoustartthetrip?-We'll leaveassoon aswe...... our tickets.

a. getb. gotc. willgetd. wouldget

228.- I'm learningEnglish.-Well,whenwe...... Englishfluently,we mayfinda goodjob.

a. speakb. spokec. hasspoken d. will speak

229.- Bythetimeyou...... this book,your meal will getcold.

- Oh,Ionlyhaveafewpagesleft.

a. readb. will readc. have readd. hadread

230.- AreyoutakingEnglishcourses?

- Yes, andmyteacher saysthatwhenI...... fivecourses,Ishall be abletospeakit quitefluently.

a. have takenb. tookc. hastaken d. will take

231.- Isyourfather athome?

- No, heisawayonbusiness.Ifyouhavea messageforhim,I...... itto himassoonashe...... home.

a. give/getsb. give/will get c. willgive/get d. will give / gets

232.- Pleasetell me howtogettothepost office?

- Gotill you...... toasquarewithastatueinthemiddle;thenturnleftand you...... itonyour right.

a. come/fineb. come / will findc. will come/findd. will come/will find

233.-Whatdidhesaybeforeheleftfor Paris?

- Hesaidhewouldgivemearingassoonashe...... Paris.

a. reachesb. reachedc. willreachd. wouldreach

234.- Ithoughtyouweregoingtotheconcert.

- Iwas. ButwhenI gotthere,thetickets...... soldout.SoI...... goback home.

a. was/ hadtob. hadbeen/haveto c. had been / had tod. were/ hadto

235.- Howlonghaveyoubeenworkinginthisfirm?

- I havebeenworkinghereforfiveyears.WhenI...... hereforfifteenyears,

I'll beabletogetsomepension.

a. workb. will beworking c. hasworkedd. hasbeenworking

236.Tell uswhat...... toyouyesterday?

a. happenb. happenedc. hadhappened d. hashappened

237.We...... youatelegram assoonaswe...... inChicagotomorrow.

a. will send / arriveb. wouldsend/arrived

c. will send/will arrive d. send/arrive

238.Thedruggist...... for homewhenwe...... tothestoreyesterday.