Critically important - Top Level View - via a short chronology
The overlapping chronology of the Vatican-2 heretic cult ... and it's sub-group - the SSPX
8 December 1965 (a):
The Vatican-2 jew-heretic cult is founded at the Vatican. It's founding documents are the documents of the "Vatican-2 council" which contain over 200 heresies against prior defined Catholic Ex-Cathedra Dogma. This cult's heresies include salvation outside of the Catholic Church, salvation for un-baptized pagans, teaches that heretics are Christians, the heresy that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites is not over, etc. -- see Sections 12 and 13 and their sub-sections of This was the 45 page mountain of heresy which you returned.
8 December 1965 (b):
The day that Catholic jurisdiction and governance disappear from the face of the earth (hopefully temporarily) since a non-Catholic heretic cult such as the Vatican-2 cult cannot supply Catholic jurisdiction and governance. The Vatican-2 heretic cult takes control of our formerly Catholic properties around the world and enforces their heresy in these formerly Catholic buildings. See Sections 13.6 and 87 of
1 November 1970:
The SSPX is founded by Marcel Lefebvre (who was changed into a Vatican-2group leader, on 8 Dec 1965) … as a sub-group of the Vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded five years earlier.
1 November 1970 - 30 June 1988 (a):
The SSPX and its leaders make believe that the Vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church as a mop-up operation to keep the Vatican-2 "opposition" people as physical members of the Vatican-2 cult so that they descend into Hell for being participants of a heretical society. The SSPX aggressively propagandizes their people into believing
that they are the "upholders of tradition" and "preserving the Faith" when in fact they are all automatically excommunicated for being formal members of the Vatican-2 heretical society ... that promotes the over 200 heresies that are in their founding documents, the documents of the "council".
1 November 1970 - 30 June 1988 (b):
Lefebvre, by stressing hisfaulty opinion that: we can't be "sedevacantist" ... substantially contributes to the deception of the people in his group by making them think (by this trick) that the Vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church, which it can’t possibly be. The mindless "we can't be sedevacantist" opinion is complete heresy because it rejects the dozens of Catholic Dogma and citations on automatic excommunication for heresy. The “sedevacantist” labeling nonsense is all a deception, it is a lying attempt to legitimize the Vatican-2 cult to provide more cover to this world-wide non-Catholic entity. (Sections 13.2, 13.5)
30 June 1988:
The non-Catholic Vatican-2 heretic cult makes believe they excommunicate Lefebvre, Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta using words and actions employed by the Catholic Church ... after Vatican-2 group leader Lefebvre makes believe he is consecrating the other four as Catholic bishops. Lefebvre is simply installing these four into different roles inside of the Vatican-2 cult using Catholic words and actions.
30 June 1988 - 24 January 2009 (a):
The SSPX continues to make believe that the Vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church and that it's apostate leaders are Catholic bishops. They build heretic Lefebvre into a super-hero as part of their campaign to make their people think that the SSPX is the "upholder of tradition" and "preserving the Faith"when in fact the SSPX is in violation of a host of Catholic Dogma as is the Vatican-2 cult. See Section 105 of
30 June 1988 - 24 January 2009 (b):
The SSPX keeps pictures of the leader of the Vatican-2 heretic cult (who people think is the Pope) in their meeting halls. They recite the name of the heretic leader of the Vatican-2 cult in the Canon during their non-Catholic worship that people think is a Catholic Mass. There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic Church. All of this deception by the SSPXinsanely cries out: "We want to be fully united to the Vatican-2 heretic cult again, please let us re-join your non-Catholic cult which was founded in 1965".
24 January 2009 (a):
The Vatican-2 heretic cult group leader Joseph Ratzinger, using words and actions of the Catholic Church, makes believe that he has "lifted the excommunications" of Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta. These four are still automatically excommunicated by the Catholic Church for "teaching" that the Vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church, rejecting the Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy, rejecting the Water Baptism Dogma, rejecting the Dogma that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites is over, etc. -- see Sections 7.2, 12, 13.2, and 39 of
24 January 2009 (b):
The SSPX participants breath a "sigh of relief" that finally the Vatican-2 heretic cult (that they incredibly think is the Catholic Church) has "seen the light" ... this deceptive ploy by Ratzinger and the SSPX group leaders contributes to deceiving the SSPX members …into believing that they are in the Catholic Church, when they are not. This charade of January 2009 makes the SSPX people think they are moving toward full "reconciliation" with the Catholic Church ... when in reality they are being moved closer to the Vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded in 1965, the very heretic cult in which they were started in 1970 … and which is engineering their eternal damnation.
24 January 2009 - To present (a):
The SSPX continues to make believe that the Vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church and that it's automatically excommunicated leaders are Catholic bishops. They continue to hang pictures of Vatican-2 heretic Joseph Ratziner (a.k.a. "Benedict XVI") on the walls of their meeting halls and continue to recite the name of heretic "Benedict XVI" in the Canon of their non-Catholic worship which they call Catholic Mass. The SSPX keeps their people on the road to Hell by having them physically participate in a heretical society.
24 January 2009 - To present (b):
Heretic Bernard Fellay, current group leader of the SSPX, laughably maintains "negotiations" with the anti-Christ Vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded in 1965. This further contributes to the deception that the Vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church and makes the SSPX people, and others, think that deference should be given to an
anti-Christ cult like Vatican-2.
This is another joke by the SSPX … Question: Why engage in“reconciling negotiations” with a group that is wholesale rejecting the Dogma of the Catholic Church > > Answer: Because the SSPX,who rejects a host of Catholic Dogma also, wantsdesperately for people to believe that the Vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church. This “negotiations” nonsense is more proof that Vatican-2 and the SSPX are on the same soul damning team.
24 January 2009 - To present date (c):
There are two simultaneous deceptions surrounding the SSPX regarding the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance since 24 January 2009 ...
Deception 1: The SSPX makes believe that they are part of the Catholic Church, since after all the “excommunications” were lifted by the Vatican-2 cult (which they state is the Catholic Church). The Vatican-2 heretic cult cannot provide Jurisdiction and Governance to the SSPX(or to anyone else) because they have been outside of the Catholic Church since 8 December 1965.
And simultaneously, swirling around inside of the SSPX cult …
Deception 2: The SSPX, since they are not fully "reconciled" with the non-Catholic Vatican-2 heretic cult, makes believe that they have "supplied jurisdiction" (complete heresy, see Section 99). They also illegally
apply epikeia (canonical equity), with regard to their cult, in order to operate against the Catholic Church’s Jurisdiction and Governance Dogma listed on Section 87. Epikeia cannot be used as an excuse to set up Catholic looking liturgy against the Dogma, it is only for making exceptions to man-made law and discipline, see Section 16.1 of
In either one of these two deceptions ... the SSPXis continually in violation of the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
Section 13.6 of provides more detail regardingDeception 1.
Section 105 of provides more detail regardingDeception 2.