Young Thomas Edison Comprehension Test - Study Guide
This test is made to check comprehension skills, not just memorization, so the answers are not all printed in the study guide. Please practice with every problem and notify your teacher if you have questions about anything.
Main idea the important idea of a text
Detail facts and examples that help explain the main idea
Pronoun a small word that replaces a more specific noun in a sentence
Fact a true statement that can be proven
Opinion what you think about a topic or subject
Fiction writing that is made up; can be stories, fables, and folktales.
Non-fiction factual writing about real people, places, and things
Poetry Make sure you know what stanza, line, rhyme, and theme are.
How many stanzas are in the poem? ______
List two words that rhyme from the poem. ______
What is written on line 7 of the poem? ______
What is the theme of the poem? ______
True heroes are the fine folks who
Take time to lend a hand.
They’re the people who speak out,
Who take risks and make a stand.
Let heroes’ deeds inspire you
To help, to listen to care.
There are many ways to be a hero
You just need to be aware.
1. Write the correct pronoun in the blank. Use context clues (the words in the rest of the sentence) to help you know what pronouns need to go in the blank.
Jayden and Kara are brother and sister. ______went to sector 6 yesterday. When ______went, there were so many fun things to do. Their parents gave ______both the whole afternoon to play and have fun. At first Jayden was scared. ______didn’t want to fall and look silly. But when his sister fell on the trampoline and then kept having fun ______saw that it was okay to mess up and finally joined in the fun times. Kara had such a blast! ______loves being active and showing off her skills from gymnastics. Kara and Jayden decided that they want their whole family to come to Sector 6 again next week. They would all have such a great time together.
2. Look through the paragraph. Circle at least 3 pronouns that you did not write yourself.
Fiction and Nonfiction
Place the details about fiction and nonfiction in the correct spaces in the Venn diagram. There are should be 3 in each section. Write NEATLY!
Main Idea Read the text and answer the questions.
What Makes Bees So Busy?
Have you ever seen a honeybee fly back and forth? You might think the bee is flying around just for fun. Actually, the bee is hard at work.
Bees spend a lot of time searching for food. They buzz from flower to flower, searching for nectar and pollen. Nectar is a sweet liquid inside the flower. Bees suck it up with their long tongues. The nectar is stored in a special sac called a honey stomach.
Pollen is a powder made by plants. Bees gather the pollen with their hind legs. The pollen collects on an area of the hind legs called the pollen basket.
In one trip, a bee may visit as many as 50 or even 100 flowers. Then it carries the nectar and pollen home. Each bee can carry over half its own weight. Honeybees live in homes called hives. Thousands of honeybees live and work in each hive. The three kinds of bees that live in the hive are the queen bee, worker bees, and drones. The queen and the worker bees are female. The drones are male bees.
The queen is a very important bee. Only one queen bee lives in a hive at a time. Her body is longer than the bodies of the other bees. She is the mother of all the other bees that live in the hive. The queen bee lays all the eggs for her hive. One queen bee can lay more than a thousand eggs in a day. Young bees will hatch from these eggs and grow into adults.
Worker bees do all the other jobs in the hive. They build structures called honeycombs. Their bodies produce a special kind of wax for this purpose. The honeycomb has many small sections called cells. Each cell has six sides. Food is stored in some cells of the honeycomb. The queen lays eggs in other cells. That is where the young bees grow.
The worker bees keep the hive clean. They attack bees from other hives who try to take their honey. They also attack animals, such as bears. Even people who try to take the honey can get stung by worker bees.
The workers take care of the queen and protect her. They even feed her because she cannot feed herself. They fly away from the hive to look for pollen and nectar. When they return, they use the pollen to make a special food for the young bees. They also make nectar into honey for the adult bees to eat.
Bees are interesting and hardworking insects. The phrase “busy as a bee” certainly makes sense!
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. Which line supports the main idea that you wrote? Circle ALL that apply
a. Bees are interesting and hardworking insects.
b. The queen and the worker bees are female.
c. Actually, the bee is hard at work.
d. Food is stored in some cells of the honeycomb.
3. Part 1: Is this text fiction or nonfiction?
a. Fiction
b. Nonfiction
Part 2:
How did you know? ______
4. Name three jobs that worker bees perform. ______
5. How are bees like our community at school? ______