2014-2015 Northwest Cabarrus High School Cheerleading
Tryout Packet
JV Varsity
Thank you for your interest in trying out for cheerleading. Please read and understand ALL the enclosed information before tryouts.
Cheerleading Tryout Dates
● The MANDATORY tryout practice dates will be held May 19th-May 22nd
from3:30-5:30pm in the NCHS main gym. (Middle School students arrive around 4:10pm)
● Final selection will take place on Thursday May 22nd 2014.
NEW SQUADS will be postedby 7PM Thursday night.
Countywide Eligibility Requirements
• 2.0 Grade Point Average (C)
• 85% attendance
• Statement of Domicile
• Current Physical Form
• Valid Medical Insurance
The following must be turned in before you can participate in tryouts:
• The Athletic Participation Rules and Forms Packet from the NCHS Athletic Department. (Note: These physical forms are good for one year, but you must use the form in this packet.)
• Information Sheet (Included in this packet)
• Statement of Permission and Agreement (Included in this packet)
Note: The deadline for turning in this paperwork is Friday May 16th. Please submit all information at one time to Coach Ferreira.
Cheerleader selection will be based on the following:
• Cheer
• Dance
• Jumps (A toe touch and additional jump are required)
• School spirit and pride
• Athleticism and physical fitness
• Scholastic achievement and eligibility
• Conduct
• Commitment, attitude, initiative, teamwork, work ethic, enthusiasm, and coachability
What do you wear to tryouts?
• Please wear comfortable shorts, tennis/cheer shoes, and a t-shirt or tank top. Dress as if you would dress for cheerleading practice. School appropriate (nothing revealing or too short).
• No denim shorts or jewelry please. Your hair should also be off your shoulders.
• Please do not wear any previous cheerleading or dance attire during tryout week.
*Bring water!
Each individual trying out must read through the entire packet and keep for their records. Please only turn in the LAST page to coaches, with signatures that you have read and accept the rules if you make the squad.
Email addresses are necessary for proper communication.
2013-2014 Rules for Cheerleading
The objective of the NorthwestCabarrusHigh School cheerleading squad is to effectively execute a school spirit program that supports the athletic teams and promotesthe school itself. Cheerleaders will serve as positive role models and leaders for NCHS and should promote sportsmanship within our school and among other schools. The highest priority should be to display and encourage spirit and pride for NCHS.
Squad Members and Practices
• The JV squad will consist of freshmen and sophomores who will cheer at JV football ANDJV basketball games and will participate in some pep rally events.
• The Varsitysquad will consist of juniors and seniors who will cheer at all Varsity football AND basketball games and pep rally events.
• If a member of a squad is removed from a position, a replacement will be determined by the coach, Athletic Director, and Principal.
Practices and Games
• Squads will have one to two practices each week. All practices aremandatory, and other schedules should revolve around cheerleading practices. Additional practices may be added when needed.
•Cheerleaders are required to be physically-fit in order to have a successful athletic squad. Each practice/game will begin with a period of TEAM running/conditioning and/or stretching to warm-up. If a cheerleader has asthma or other medical condition, she needs to come prepared with her inhaler/necessary medication every practice/game.
• During football season, games are usually held on Thursdays for JV and Fridays for Varsity.
• During basketball season, games are normally held on Tuesdays and Fridays. Games can be subject to change or held on other days of the week depending. Cheerleaders must be flexible for these changes.
Attendance Requirements
• ABSENCES MAY BE THE DOWNFALL OF A GREAT CHEERLEADING SQUAD! If one or more squad members are absent from a practice or game, the other members are forced to make last minute changes. This is both stressful and dangerous to squad members.
• You will be expected to be at ALL games and practices. Jobs, club activities, extracurricular activities, doctor’s appointments, etc. must not interfere with cheerleading.
• If you commit to cheerleading you are committing to attend every game. Unexcused absences are those caused by anything other than illness or family emergencies. In addition, just because a cheerleader asks to be excused does not mean that the excuse will be granted.
• If you are ill or have a family emergency, the coach needs to be notified by a parent or guardian in order for this absence to be excused. Please notify the coach before the absence or as soon after as possible; only under extreme circumstances will prior notice not be expected.
• A minimum of 2.0 GPA must be maintained throughout the cheering season.
• Because cheerleaders are students first and athletes second, their progress will be checked by the coach to monitor academic progress.
• If at any time you are failing a class, you will be required to attend tutoring, and failure to attend tutoring will result in benching.
• From the time the F is written on the progress report, you have two weeks to pull the F up before a more severe consequence is given.
• Uniforms are issued by the school and are property of the NCHS Athletic Department. If for any reason a cheerleader quits or is dismissed, he/she is expected to return all uniforms/equipment within five days of the termination.
• Washing instructions will be provided when uniforms are distributed. At the end of basketball season, uniforms are to be turned in dry-cleaned.
• Uniforms can be altered at your expense.
Expected Behavior
• All CCS and Northwest Cabarrus High School guidelines must be followed at all times.
• Part of a coach’s job is to know where you are at all times during practices, games, and special events. You can be benched at any point if failure to follow the coach’s direction or to stay in assigned areas during events.
• While safety is our number one goal, please understand that you should expect bumps, bruises, and other occasional minor injuries. This is all part of cheerleading.
• Cheerleaders may not wear or loan Northwest Cabarrus cheerleading uniforms/outfits when attending non-cheerleading activities.
• All official cheerleading decisions and activities will be made by the coaching staff. All coaches are to be given respect and cooperation by cheerleaders and parents at all times. Lack of respect will not be tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal.
ATTITUDE: Rudeness and/or disrespect to any member of the faculty, coaches, or squad members will be at Coach’s discretion.POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS KEY
Failure to follow school rules will be at Coach’s discretion.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT, smoking, drinking, and/or drug use will be at discretion of Coach, Athletic Director, and Principal.
ISS-Benched for one game and 2 demerits.
OSS-Dismissed from the team.
*Any action that is detrimental, inappropriate or negative towards the cheerleading squad, the athletic department or NorthwestCabarrusHigh School will result in disciplinary action, including removal from the cheerleading squad.
*Being in correct uniform means wearing the appropriate uniform--bloomers, hair ribbon, socks, shoes, having hair pulled up. Complete uniform also means wearing no jewelry, glitter, or fingernail polish.
Coaches reserve the right to make changes/additions to the rules as needed. In addition, if you have any questions or concerns, please respect the following chain of command: Squad Coach, Athletic Director, and then Principal.
HAIR: Hair ALL up for games. If your hair is at or past your shoulders it MUST be pulled up or back in your bow.Safety over beauty!
NAILS: Nails are to be SHORT for the entire length of the season. No acrylics or long nails. Coaches will ask you to cut them. You may have French manicure, pale pink, clear, or nude colors. NO DARK or LOUD colors.
JEWELRY: NONE. No exceptions. This includes, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets (even yarn, string, rubber, elastic, etc.). No belly rings. Jewelry can cause injury to you or others.
PHONES: Games: Phones must be put away immediately when the game starts. NO texting or phone calls until halftime or the game is over. If one of the coaches sees your phone during an unapproved time, they will take it. Practices: Once practice begins, phones are to be put away. They should remain away until the end of practice unless there is an emergency. Please let one of the coaches know if you need to use your phone during practice.
TARDINESS: If you are late to practice/game/coming back from halftime your punishment will be RUNNING. Please contact your coach if you are going to be late for an excused reason, otherwise you will be expected to run.
SAFETY: During practice/games it is essential to be focused and on task for the safety of all. During stunting if there is excessive talking/goofing around, coaches may ask you to run.
ABSENCES: When you make a commitment to the squad we expect that you are committing to each and every practice and game. If you miss practice and it is not due to illness or family emergency, you may be asked not to cheer or stunt at the next game. Please take your commitment to this team seriously.You are required to contact (email/text) both a captain AND the coach if you will be missing an event or practice.
SOCIAL MEDIA: A new rule will be enforced starting this year. Coaches will follow all cheerleaders on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If at any point in time a member of the squad posts material that contains anything inappropriate, foul language, provocative pictures, alcohol/drug related topics, the coach will ask the member to take it down. There will be a 2 strikes and you’re out policy. Squad members CAN and WILL be removed for not upholding the reputation of an NCHS cheerleader on social media. If this is not something you want to adhere to, please do not try out for the NCHS Cheer squad.
Cheerleader Name: ______
Parent Email address (this is how we communicate):
Student Email Address (this is how we communicate):
Allergies/Health Problems/ Medications (Please describe in detail):
Previous Injuries (Please describe in detail):
Statement of Permission and Agreement
If you make the cheerleading squad, realize that you are making a commitment to NorthwestCabarrusHigh School, your coaches, your teammates, and yourself for the complete season. The decision to tryout should not be taken lightly. You will be expected to put cheerleading as one of your top priorities. Furthermore, as a representative of Northwest, you must maintain proper behavior at all times. You must follow the cheerleading guidelines set forth in the Rules for Cheerleading. Students who break the rules will be disciplined. By making this commitment to the Northwest Cabarrus High School Cheerleading program, you will receive many valuable and rewarding educational experiences that you will remember long after you graduate from high school. These activities will not only channel your enthusiasm and spirit in a constructive and beneficial manner, and will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Student Agreement
I, ______, have read and understand the 2012-2013 RULES FOR CHEERLEADING. I agree to abide by the policies described if I am chosen as a member of the squad. I am agreeing to the information in the packet and understand that failure to adhere to these rules policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
Student Signature Date Signed
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I, ______, the parent or legal guardian of ______, have read and understand the 2012-2013 RULES FOR CHEERLEADING and the 2012-2013 TRYOUT INFORMATION. I agree to abide by the policies described if my child is chosen as a member of the squad. I will help my child obey all rules and guidelines and face any consequences. I also agree to the financial obligations as they are described in the information provided. I understand that when school transportation is provided, it is mandatory for my child to ride to and from games on the bus unless I have properly signed them out with the coach. I will provide transportation for my child for scheduled events if necessary. I understand that failure by myself or my child to adhere to these policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date Signed