Grand Rapids Area Board Meeting

May 29, 2014

The Board Meeting was held at the Holly Downing’s home. In attendance were Board Members: Holly Downing, Bob Holycross, Patty Holycross, Jan Hatch, Diane Loudon.

Guest: Sherry Jokinen

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 5 pm by President, Holly Downing.

Secretary’s Report:

Diane distributed the minutes from January 28, 2014. Diane reported she sent the Welcome to NAMI letter by email to 7 new members that joined from 11/11/2013-4/10/2014. A motion was made and carried to approve the Secretary’s Report.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Holycross distributed and reviewed the Treasurer’s Report ending March 31, 2014. A motion was made and carried to approve the Treasurer’s Report.

For May Mental Health Month, NAMI Grand Rapids made a commitment to Keri Clifton and Kitty Westin of the Emily Program Foundation for $150.00 per hour for the Eating Disorders workshop for professionals on May 8. The workshop was 4 hours for the total of $600.00. A motion was made and carried to write a check to the Emily Foundation for the amount of $600.00.

Old Business

Early Intervention:

Sherry Jokinen attended tonight’s Board Meeting requesting a letter of support from NAMI Grand Rapids Board members. The letter would be for support of the subcommittee’s (GAPS in Treatment) efforts of Early Intervention as an additional option to Civil Commitment.

There was discussion about whom the letter should be addressed to. Sherry will pursue talking with Trish Klein, County Administrator, and having an ombudsman come to Grand Rapids to do training.

The Board approved writing the letter of support which will be drafted by Patty Holycross, and emailed to Board Members for approval. Once approved, the letter will be sent to Sherry Jokinen.


Holly and Patty had a follow-up meeting with Dr. Jeremy Carlson about what Grand Itasca is doing in mental health and strengthening the relationship with Grand Rapids NAMI and Grand Itasca. Grand Rapids NAMI has been invited to the next All Medical Staff meeting on Friday July 11. Patty Holycross is available to come to that meeting. Diane will confirm this with Dr. Nyquist.

May Mental Health Events – Thoughts, Thank You’s:

There was discussion around sending thank-you cards for mental health events.

Patty will send a thank you to Kitty Westin/Emily Foundation.

Diane will send a thank you to Sue Abderholden.

Holly will send a thank you to Alice at Kootasca Community Action for the Big View Event.

Holly will send a thank you to Tom Potter at Children’s Mental Health Services for their Stomp our Stigma event and their $800 donation to Grand Rapids NAMI. Their proceeds were divided this year to support NAMI, YMCA, Community Café, Bridges Kinship, Free at Last, Kiesler House.

A motion was made to purchase thank you cards with our NAMI logo from Rapids Printing. The motion carried, and Holly will order these.

New Business

Sponsorship Agreement:

An email was received from Genna Torney about the re-affiliation process and outlining the documents that are needed. All of the documents requested are available on our Grand Rapids NAMI website.

Jan will be responsible for printing off the documents and sending them to Genna.

Visa Card for Affiliate:

The Board discussed the business credit card option with a monthly limit. We would be responsible for getting the receipts to NAMI Minnesota and then, in turn, we would receive a monthly financial statement. The names on the credit card would be Holly and Dave.

A motion was made and approved to apply for the credit card and use NAMI Minnesota as our fiscal agent. Bob will coordinate this with Dave Marshall, incoming Treasurer.

NAMI Walk:

Jan Hatch agreed to be Captain of our NAMI walk again this year. Thanks Jan!

Nominating Committee:

Election will be held in September. The Nominating Committee are: Patty Holycross, Jan Hatch and Katie Marshall. Three members will go off of the Board: Kelly Chandler, Beth Prewitt, Bob Holycross. Three members secured for the Board are: Janine Hill, Jeff Olds, Janet Holdt. Patty is waiting to hear back from a physician from Grand Itasca. Diane will stay on as Secretary until July 2015.

Upcoming meetings:

June 17 De-escalating Techniques Ralph Nyquist

August 19 Annual Meeting, and Come and Find out about NAMI; NAMI Walk

September 16 Community Conversations

October 21

November 18

·  Jan Hatch will talk with PACER regarding a speaker on Anxiety, potentially for October.

·  Patty Holycross will find out information on Wellstone Center for Recovery in Eveleth for a potential topic in November.

Update from Bylaws Committee:

Bob distributed copies of Bylaws with proposed changes. These will be sent out at least 3 weeks prior to August meeting and will be voted on at the August meeting.

The Board approved the proposed Bylaw changes.

MNsure Partner Opportunity:

Our affiliate received information about partnering with grants for MNsure. The grant would go from September 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. We would receive $400 per booth where MNsure material is available, and $200 per presentation given by NAMI staff that our affiliate helps to promote, set-up and market to the community.

The Board approved, and Holly will submit the signed agreement to Genna.

NAMI Classes and Workshops:

The Board discussed classes and workshops we are interested in:

1)  Children’s Challenging Behaviors

2)  Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Illness in Mental Illness and Adolescents

3)  Mental Health in the Workplace

Holly and Pat Downing will be leading the Family to Family Class the Fall of 2015.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:15. The next Board meeting will be held on August 19.

Respectfully Submitted
Diane Loudon, Secretary

Grand Rapids NAMI