anonymous morphed into John Heywood

anonymous morphed into Michael Neuren

Melanie Knapp: Please record attendance:

Monica: Thomas are you based in Luxembourg? Because the next week I will be there.

anonymous morphed into Jane

Jane morphed into Jane Larrington

parisse: @Monica I will be also next week at Luxembourg

Melanie Knapp: Fabio, are you still with us on the call?

Fabio Vitali:Droppeod off. On again now

Melanie Knapp: Thanks, Fabio. We are discussing MOnica and Thomas's email exchange.

Fabio Vitali: ok

Monica: - urn:nir-

- ELI canonico -

- ELI reference -

Monica: This is very confusing for the end-user and for the usability/user-friendlness

Monica: see this example:

Fabio Vitali: Ops. Not working. Let me see

Monica: The important thing for LegalCiteM is to start form the textual citation and not from the Official Gazette.

Monica: The Official Gezette information (date of publication, number of the gazette, etc.) sometime are not well-knowen by the legal operators and from the citizens. The publication source is only one of the planty potential manifestations available of the same act/law (e.g., Parliament web site, Government web site, Ministry of Justice web site).

Fabio Vitali: Basically, there are identification data for a legal document that are independent of the official publishing venue, and that should be used preferrably whenever there is a chance to use them

Thomas Francart: Agreed. A reference could be resolved either to the Official Gazette or to another manifestion of the cited text (e.g. from a private legal publisher).

Thomas Francart: I just dropped off

Melanie Knapp: Ok, try to rejoin Thomas. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Fabio Vitali: I just fixed the link Monica posted...

Fabio Vitali:

Fabio Vitali: One damn spurious comma in a JSON file, sorry

Monica: Thanks

Melanie Knapp:Lets move on to the wiki

Melanie Knapp: Linearization=string format for a conceptual data model. Many linearizations are possible. LegalCiteM will not provide a single linearization.

Melanie Knapp: Single conceptual model that can be expressed in many linearizations such as AKN, ELI, etc.

anonymous morphed into Catherine Tabone

Monica: UK did not start with ELI

Monica: But it is important also Parliamentary documents

Monica: bills, debates, etc.

Monica: extract general features/requirements like we made for the legislative documents.

Monica: bye bye