Jernbaneverket Side 1 av 4

Application for operating permit for hired railway waggons

File No. / Date

Jernbaneverkets designated hirer is responsible for completing this form and submitting the required documentation.

1.  Details of hire

Designated hirer: / Other users within Jernbaneverket:
Phone No.: / Telefax No.:
Period of hire: / Lines/sections to be used in Norway:

2. Owner, type, number and licencer of waggon

Owner of waggon: / Waggon number and class (if applicable):
Type and application: / Licensing authority:
Producer: / Producers type designation:
Production No.: / Year of production:

3.  Technical data

Pos. / Drawing/system/document / Pos. / Drawing/system/document /
1. / Scale drawing on three main projections / 6. / Min. permitted curve radius
Horisontal ______m
Vertikal ______m
/ Number of axles
______/ 7. / Description on braking system incl. diagram of air brakes and brake calculation
(to be eclosed)
3. / Max. axleload
______t / 8. / Drawbar and buffer equipment
UIC ___ Other*) ____
4. / Unladen weight (t)
Total weight , fully equipped
and laden ______t / 9. / Tank volumes (l)
Diesel oil ______
Hydraulic oil ______
Lubricant ______
5. / Meter weight (t/m)
P/a ______t
P/b ______t / 10. / If application under winter conditions is likely, please comment on ability of the machine to cope with winter conditions in Norway. For information on this see JD 590 ”The characteristica of the Norwegian Infrastructure”

*) Specify in separate enclosure

4. Operational data

4.1 Operating speeds

1. / Max. permitted speed /

4.2  Braked weights, tons

Automatic air brake / Parkingbrake
G / P / R
Empty :
Laden :
______/ Empty :
Laden :
______/ Empty :
Laden :

4.3 Other brake information

1. / Max. permitted gradient by long term parking (being secured by handbrake). /

5. Train haulage and coupling

Pos. / Saksforhold / Yes / No / Notes
1. / Any restrictions by trailed weight? *)
2. / Any special precautions before transport in a train? *)
3. / Any special conditions in connection with shunting operations *)

*) If yes, please specify

6. Maintenance information

Please describe the organising and undertaking of the maintenance of the machine in the period of hire.

7. Appended documents

Nr. / Document / Note
1 / Copy of acceptance document from licensing authority
2 / Description of braking system incl. diagram of air brakes and brake calculation

Applicants signature

Place / Date
/ / Signature
STY-0507 / Rev. 02.11.2010 / Utgitt av: / BTK / Godkjent av: / Leder Maskinsentralen