SCI tarafınca taranan yayınlara ait 2004 yılı listesi


  1. Acarbas O, Suvaci E, Dogan A Synthesis of nanosized tin oxide (SnO2) particles via homogeneous precipitation KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1205-1208 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Acikgoz C, Onay O, Kockar OM Fast pyrolysis of linseed: product yields and compositions J ANAL APPL PYROL 71 (2): 417-429 JUN 2004
  1. Akcay H The size of the membership-set in a probabilistic framework AUTOMATICA 40 (2): 253-260 FEB 2004
  1. Akcay H, Turkay S Frequency domain subispace-based identification of discrete-time power spectra from nonuniformly spaced measurements AUTOMATICA 40 (8): 1333-1347 AUG 2004
  1. Aksel C Mechanical properties and thermal shock behaviour of alumina-mullite-zirconia and alumina-mullite refractory materials by slip casting (vol 29, pg 311, 2003) CERAM INT 30 (3): 495-495 2004
  1. Aksel C Mechanical properties of alumina-mullite-zircon refractories KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1791-1794 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C Spinel formation, reaction conditions and densification properties of magnesia-spinel composites KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1071-1074 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C The effect of mullite on the mechanical properties and thermal shock behaviour of alumina-mullite refractory materials (vol 29, pg 183, 2003) CERAM INT 30 (3): 493-493 2004
  1. Aksel C The influence of fine alumina particles on the mechanical properties and thermal shock behaviour of slip-cast alumina-mullite refractories KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1811-1814 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C Thermal shock behaviour of alumina-mullite-zircon refractories KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1747-1750 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C, Kalemtas A Investigation of parameters affecting formation of mullite from kaolin KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 117-120 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C, Rand B, Riley FL, et al. Thermal shock behaviour of magnesia-spinel composites J EUR CERAM SOC 24 (9): 2839-2845 AUG 2004
  1. Aksel C, Riley FL, Konieczny F The corrosion resistance of alumina-mullite-zircon refractories in molten glass KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1803-1806 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Aksel C, Warren PD, Riley FL Fracture behaviour of magnesia and magnesia-spinel composites before and after thermal shock J EUR CERAM SOC 24 (8): 2407-2416 JUL 2004
  1. Aksel C, Warren PD, Riley FL Magnesia-spinel microcomposites J EUR CERAM SOC 24 (10-11): 3119-3128 SEP 2004
  1. Albek M, Ogutveren UB, Albek E Hydrological modeling of Seydi Suyu watershed (Turkey) with HSPF J HYDROL 285 (1-4): 260-271 JAN 15 2004
  1. Alptekin K, Kara F Glass-ceramic glazes in the CaO-SiO2 system KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1709-1712 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Arioz O, Ozsoy A, Yilmaz G Concrete with recycled aggregate KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2145-2148 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Arioz O, Tore I, Ay N Utilisation of waste bricks as cement replacement material in concrete production KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2421-2424 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Arslan G, Kara F, Turan S Reaction model for the boron carbide/aluminium system KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1059-1062 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Atasoy E, Dogeroglu T, Kara S The estimation of NMVOC emissions from an urban-scale wastewater treatment plant WATER RES 38 (14-15): 3265-3274 AUG-SEP 2004
  1. Ates F, Putun E, Putun AE Fast pyrolysis of sesame stalk: yields and structural analysis of bio-oil J ANAL APPL PYROL 71 (2): 779-790 JUN 2004
  1. Ayas E, Kara A Pressureless sintering of Al2O3-TiCN composites KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 849-852 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ayas E, Kara A, Mandal H, et al. Decolouration effect of WC addition on gas pressure sintered alpha-beta SiAlON ceramics MATER LETT 58 (9): 1498-1501 MAR 2004
  1. Ayas E, Kara A, Mandal H, et al. Production of alpha-beta SiAlON-TiN/TiCN composites by gas pressure sintering SILIC IND 69 (7-8): 287-292 Sp. Iss. 2 JUL-AUG 2004
  1. Aybar A, Iftar A Decentralized supervisory controller design for discrete-event systems using overlapping decompositions and expansions DYNAM CONT DIS SER B 11 (4-5): 553-568 AUG 2004
  1. Bakis R, Demirbas A Sustainable development of small hydropower plants (SHPs) ENERG SOURCE 26 (12): 1105-1118 OCT 2004
  1. Baspinar MS, Schulle W, Kara F Fundamentals for optimization of binding for high refractory mullite products KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1787-1790 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Becerikli Y, Oysal Y, Konar AF Trajectory priming with dynamic fuzzy networks in nonlinear optimal control IEEE T NEURAL NETWOR 15 (2): 383-394 MAR 2004
  1. Calis N, Kara A, Kara F, et al. Development of laminar type functionally graded SiAlON ceramics KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1095-1098 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Calis N, Kushan SR, Kara F, et al. Functionally graded SiAlON ceramics J EUR CERAM SOC 24 (12): 3387-3393 2004
  1. Cavac M, Kara F High strength diopside containing porcelain tiles KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1487-1490 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ceylan A, Fuierer PA Lanthanum titanate (La2Ti2O7) as an interphase material in alumina (Al2O3) based composites KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 829-832 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Cicek A, Koparal AS Accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in soil and tree leaves sampled from the INT. J. ENVIRONMENTAL AND POLLUTION, VOL (21) 6:579-587, 2004
  1. Demirbas A, Bakis R Electricity from thermal and hydropower sources in Turkey: Status and future direction ENERG SOURCE 26 (5): 453-461 APR 2004
  1. Demirbas A, Bakis R Energy from renewable sources inTurkey: Status and future direction ENERG SOURCE 26 (5): 473-484 APR 2004
  1. Demirbas A, Bakis R Turkey's water resources and hydropower potential ENERG EXPLOR EXPLOIT 21 (5-6): 405-414 2003
  1. Dogan A, Suvaci E, Gunkaya G, et al. Electrophoretic deposition of ZnO KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 269-272 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Dogan A, Yazici ZO, Uzgur E Tailoring the Q of cymbal transducer KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1305-1308 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Dolekcekic E, Kaya G, Karasu B, et al. Chemical durability behaviour of bulk glasses in the Er-SiAlON system: Surface characterisation by SEM KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1887-1890 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ece DG, Gerek ON Power quality event detection using joint 2-D-wavelet subspaces IEEE T INSTRUM MEAS 53 (4): 1040-1046 AUG 2004
  1. Eltayeb M, Dogan A, Ozguner F A path selection based algorithm for maximizing self-satisfiability of requests in real-time Grid applications LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 3149: 468-475 2004
  1. Erginel N, Dogan B, Ay N The statistical analysis of coloring problems faced in ceramic floor tile industry KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1693-1696 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Gerek ON, Cinar H Segmentation based coding of human face images for retrieval SIGNAL PROCESS 84 (6): 1041-1047 JUN 2004
  1. Gerek ON, Ece DG 2-D analysis and compression of power-quality event data IEEE T POWER DELIVER 19 (2): 791-798 APR 2004
  1. Gocmez H, Ceylantekin R, Yanik G, et al. The characterization and the utilization of the waste clays from Gumuskoy silver mine in brick industry KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2489-2492 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Guney Y, Koyuncu H, Kara A Characterisation of polluted clay-zeolite landfill liner materials using scanning electron microscopy INST PHYS CONF SER (179): 249-252 2004
  1. Guvenc A, Pekel AT, Kockar OM The experimental optimization of the electrosynthesis of manganese(III) acetate in a bipolar packed-bed reactor CHEM ENG J 99 (3): 257-263 JUL 1 2004
  1. Isik I, Gocmez H, Yanik G, et al. The utilization of waste clay from coal basin in the wall tile body formulation KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2425-2428 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kalemtas A, Kara A, Kara F, et al. Joining of SiAlON ceramics to pyrex glass
    SILIC IND 69 (7-8): 219-224 Sp. Iss. 2 JUL-AUG 2004
  1. Kara A An investigation into bloating behaviour of bone China body during biscuit firing KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1717-1720 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kara A, Darga M, Ay N, et al. Characterisation of dorylaion (Turkey) pottery sherds from Hittite period KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2387-2390 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kara A, Isik I, Uz V, et al. Investigation of sanitaryware scrap behaviour in terracotta bodies KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1641-1644 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kara A, Kurama H, Kara Y, et al. Utilization of coal combustion fly ash in terracotta bodies KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2513-2516 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kara A, Stevens R Interactions between a bismuth type leadless glaze and a bone China body during glost firing KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1637-1640 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kara A, Tobyn MJ, Stevens R An application for zirconia as a pharmaceutical die set J EUR CERAM SOC 24 (10-11): 3091-3101 SEP 2004
  1. Kara F, Kara A, Turan S, et al. Pressing behaviour of spray dried alumina-zirconia granules KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 233-236 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Caki M, Akgun E, et al. Effects of the red mud based pigment addition on the physical and micro-structural properties of porcelain tiles KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1613-1616 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Kaya G, Aydasgil A, et al. Use of tuncbilek thermal power plant's fly ash in stoneware glazes as a colouring agent KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2501-2504 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Kaya G, Karalar M Use of concentrator wastes of Etibor Kirka Borax company in soft porcelain opaque glazes as an alternative fluxing agent KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2497-2500 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Kaya G, Kozulu R Utilisation of concentrator wastes of etibor Kirka Borax Company in the recipe of an opaque frit used for wall tile glazes as an acid boric replacement KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2505-2508 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Kaya G, Sevim C, et al. Evaluation of a natural stone with fluxing capability in stoneware glazes KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1617-1620 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Karasu B, Kaya G, Sevim C, et al. Utilisation of a natural stone with fluxing ability in floor tile body as a Na-feldspar replacement KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1705-1708 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kaya G, Karasu B, Ozdemir M Effects of Aydin Cine region's albite flotation wastes on the properties of floor tile bodies KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2429-2432 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Koparal AS, Ozgur R, Ogutveren UB, et al. Antimony removal from model acid solutions by electrodeposition SEP PURIF TECHNOL 37 (2): 107-116 JUN 15 2004
  1. Koparal AS, Un UT, Ogutveren UB Electrochemical oxidation of sulfite ions in aqueous solutions INT J ENVIRON POLLUT 21 (6): 579-587 2004
  1. Koparal AS, Yavuz Y, Ogutveren UB Electroadsorption of acilan blau dye from textile effluents by using activated carbon-perlite mixtures WATER ENVIRON RES 74 (6): 521-525 NOV-DEC 2002
  1. Koparal S, Dogan A, Bayrakci F, et al. Disinfection of water with antibacterial ceramic filled columns KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2099-2102 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Koyuncu H, Guney Y, Yilmaz G, et al. A preliminary study into microstructural characterisation of the river Porsuk sediments, Turkey INST PHYS CONF SER (179): 265-268 2004
  1. Koyuncu H, Guney Y, Yilmaz G, et al. Utilization of ceramic wastes in the construction sector KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2509-2512 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kurama S, Herrmann M Thermal stability of yittrium-and-neodymium-doped alpha/beta-SiAlON ceramics SILIC IND 69 (7-8): 241-248 Sp. Iss. 2 JUL-AUG 2004
  1. Kurama S, Mandal H Formation of alpha-SiAlON ceramics containing scandium KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1107-1110 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kurama S, Mandal H Mg+2 and Ce+3 doped alpha-SiAlON ceramics KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1111-1114 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kurama S, Mandal H Microstructural evolution R-alpha-SiAlON ceramics (R=Y, Y+Sm and Sm) KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1103-1106 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kurama S, Ozel E, Ay N Synthesis and sintering of cordierite at low temperature from kaolin and magnesium hydroxide KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 925-928 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Kushan SR, Mandal H Effect of different nucleation temperatures on the microstructural development of alpha-SiAlON ceramics KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1099-1102 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Onay O, Beis SH, Kockar OM Pyrolysis of walnut shell in a well-swept fixed-bed reactor ENERG SOURCE 26 (8): 771-782 JUL 2 2004
  1. Onay O, Kockar OM Fixed-bed pyrolysis of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) BIOMASS BIOENERG 26 (3): 289-299 2004
  2. Oysal Y An intelligent control of chaos in Lorenz system with a dynamic wavelet network LNAI (3213):581-588, 2004
  1. Ozbek K, Ay N Double layer glaze applications for the vitrifies glazes and surface properties KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1673-1675 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ozdemir N, Suvaci E Dopant effects on sintering and microstructure development in zinc oxide-based electroceramics KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1269-1272 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ozel E, Turan S Production of blue willemite based pigments by using ZnO powder produced from metal slags KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1685-1688 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Ozgen MT, Tuncer TE Object reconstruction from in-line Fresnel holograms without explicit depth focusing OPT ENG 43 (6): 1300-1310 JUN 2004
  1. Satil F, Azcan N, Baser KHC Fatty acid composition of pistachio nuts in Turkey CHEM NAT COMPD+ 39 (4): 322-324 JUL-AUG 2003
  1. Suvaci E, Ozer IO, Dogan A Textured ZnO-Based varistors via templated grain growth KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 297-300 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Topates G, Mandal H Producing cordierite from local magnesium sources KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 933-936 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Topuz H, Ozel E, Turan S Synthesis of the CeO2 based pigments by using enriched rare-earth oxides located at Eskisehir Kizilcaoren region KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1553-1556 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Tore I Application of syenite as a raw material and its effects on the physical characteristics of the ceramic structure of floor tile KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1597-1600 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Tore I, Ay N Uses of basalt in floor tile KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1701-1704 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Tuncan A, Tuncan M, Yalcin M The influence of environmental pollution on cyclic swell and shrink behavior of Na-bentonite clay KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2461-2464 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Tuncan M, Karasu B, Yalcin M, et al. The effects of filler glasses on mechanical properties of concrete KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2169-2172 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Tuncel F, Gercel HF Production and characterization of pyrolysis oils from Euphorbia macroclada ENERG SOURCE 26 (8): 761-770 JUL 2 2004
  1. Turan S, Inceefe Y, Ozel E Production and characterisation of pigments produced using grinding waste from cast iron foundry KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 2473-2476 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Turan S, Turan D, Bucklow IA, et al. The effect of metal coating on the strength of capacitor-discharge joining of oxide ceramics KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 687-690 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Uzgur E, Bayrakci F, Koparal S, et al. Applications of calcium phosphate based antibacterial ceramics on sanitary and tile wares KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1573-1576 Part 1-3 2004
  1. Yilmaz G, Koyuncu H, Guney Y, et al. Mechanical and microstructural properties of heated and polluted kaolinite and bentonite KEY ENG MAT 264-268: 1657-1660 Part 1-3 2004


1.  Ozsen O Early detection of breast cancer using mathematical morphology LNAI (3213):583-590, 2004