October 2015 Newsletter
Hello, may you be aware of God’s presence. Blessings, Susanne
Exploring Christianity Course
From Thursday, 24th September from 7-9pm (Seward Room Buriton): This course is for anyone who would like to look more deeply into their faith. The course runs for 2 years, but can also be taken as any of 6 modules, lasting 11 weeks each. This autumn's module is exploring Spirituality. The course is provided by the Diocese of Portsmouth and is run by the clergy of Petersfield Deanery together. For more information, please contact Rev'd Will Hughes on 01730 260464 or see the Petersfield Deanery website (www.petersfielddeanery.org.uk)
Taize PACT service and “bring and share” tea
Sunday, 27th September from 3-5pm (St Peter’s Church): There will be structured conversations to help us to get to know people from all the churches in the town.
PACT prayer for Petersfield on 1st Thursday of every month
Thursday, 1st October, 2pm-3.30pm (28 Moggs Mead): Contact
Climate change prayer and fast on 1st day of every month
Thursday, 1st October: “...We confess our capacity to make good things bad through taking and using more than we need; through placing profit and gain above the principles of care and sustainability... This earth is not ours to exploit but yours, entrusted to our care... Forgive us for when we hear but find the challenge too much for us. Give us the resolve to act differently. The wisdom to be faithful stewards of your creation. The courage to work for change and the contentment to be satisfied only with what this earth can afford to give. So may we be part of your New Creation in every aspect of our living and being. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Prayer written by the Revd Phil Jump)
Sunday, 29th November: Action against climate change. There are 3 ways to get involved:
· Join UK rally in London
· Join climate march in Paris (Tearfund is organising walking pilgrimage to Paris or travel by train/coach together with Church of England, Christian Aid and CAFOD.)
· Lead prayers at your local church and send photos of the activity to the government.
For more info, check www.tearfund.org/paris or e-mail
OPEN Prayer: Grace and worship
Saturday, 3rd October 2015 at 6pm (Sheet Church): Making space for worshipping and listening to God with time for discussion, music, creative responses, opportunity for silence, food and more. Upcoming topics: 7th November - Grace and Justice; 5th December - Grace with Us
Local Food Workshop
Saturday, 3rd October from 2.30-5pm (St Peter’s Hall): Vickie from the Real Bread and Food company will be demonstrating bread-making; we have Nick the "highly stung" beekeeper; Sam from Tamworth Teal demonstrating sausage-making; and a talk on home winemaking. There will also be a homemade cream tea. Tickets cost £3, and can be bought from St Peter's Parish Office in advance or on the door.
An idea of numbers would be appreciated, so please call the office on 260 213 or e-mail . This is a mission event - churchgoers are welcome to attend if they bring a friend!
IMC Charity Quiz
Friday, 9th October, 7 for 7.30pm (Herne Farm Leisure Centre): £10 per ticket - includes choice of baked spud with chilli or baked beans/cheese. Max 8 people per team. Raffle. Licenced Bar. IMC is a locally founded charity supporting abandoned street children in Colombia and families who can'tkeep their own children without help. Tickets available from Life Church Petersfield church office, 62 Station Road, Petersfield GU32 3ES, Tel 01730 231400.
A talk on mercy by Alfred Agius (former Jesuit Provincial)
Sunday, 11th October from 4-5.30pm (St. Laurence Catholic Church Hall): In the Bible, God’s mercy, above all other qualities, is the most central. Jesus is “the face of God’s mercy”. The mercy of God is indeed “the beating heart of the gospel”.
Cafe Church
Sunday, 11th October from 5-7pm (Costa Cafe)
Advance notice:PACT Christmas Dinner
Would you be able to spare some time on Christmas Day to help provide lunch for people who would otherwise be alone at Christmas? We are looking for people to help with washing up,
driving, and acting as table hosts. If you would be willing to help, please contact Katie Wigley as soon as possible. Leave a contact number or email address.
Changes in the management of the PACT Food Bank
Two volunteers will distribute food from the Salvation Army Hall on Tuesdays and Fridays between 9.30 and 11.30am each week. Two volunteers are also needed on a Monday afternoon to organise the donated food which is now being stored at the Methodist church(and to which food donations should now be taken). More volunteers are now needed. Contact David Rice on 01428 642787 or on . Note: the Salvation Army will distribute food to anyone coming on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday!
Advance notice: St Peter’s Barn Dance
Saturday, 21th November at 7pm for 7.30pm (St Peter’s church): The band will be the Bursledon Village Band who claim to be Hampshire’s finest barn dance and ceilidh band! Tickets prices tbc - they will include supper. More details to follow.
For sale: Baby rabbits
Seven 8 week old baby rabbits need a new home. Well looked after (handled from birth) and friendly. Call Anneli on 0780 733 1779.