Mr. Sink’s AP World History – Unit 3: The Early Modern Era, 1450-1750
Questions: 15th century MarinersCrash Course #21
Directions:Watch the video “World History Crash Course #21: Columbus, da Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners?” on and answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.
- Why is Zheng He considered to be the greatest admiral in Chinese history?
- How did the treasure ships in Zheng He’s fleet compare to those of Columbus?
- Where did Zheng He travel on his voyages? What was the purpose of these expeditions?
- Why did Zheng He’s voyages come to an abrupt end?
- What are THREE reasons why the tiny European country of Portugal was an epicenter for overseas exploration and trade during the 15th century?
- Who was Prince Henry the Navigator and why is he significant? What were the TWO things Henry commissioned Portuguese sailors to find?
- What was the significance of Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama’s 1498 voyage?
- What is a “trading post empire”? Why was Portugal able to establish one in the Indian Ocean?
- Why couldn’t Portugal run the Indian Ocean Trade? What tactics did they have to resort to in order to be a major player in the Indian Ocean Trade network?
- What are THREE myths that surround the voyages of Christopher Columbus? How are they untrue?
- Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree to fund Columbus’s voyages even though experts thought his plan was crazy?
- Why do we remember Columbus over other great 15th century mariners likeZheng He and Vasco da Gama even though his voyages were significantly less successful?
------Mr. Sink’s AP World History – Unit 3: The Early Modern Era, 1450-1750
Questions: 15th century Mariners Crash Course #21
Directions: Watch the video “World History Crash Course #21: Columbus, da Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners?” on and answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.
- Why is Zheng He considered to be the greatest admiral in Chinese history?
- How did the treasure ships in Zheng He’s fleet compare to those of Columbus?
- Where did Zheng He travel on his voyages? What was the purpose of these expeditions?
- Why did Zheng He’s voyages come to an abrupt end?
- What are THREE reasons why the tiny European country of Portugal was an epicenter for overseas exploration and trade during the 15th century?
- Who was Prince Henry the Navigator and why is he significant? What were the TWO things Henry commissioned Portuguese sailors to find?
- What was the significance of Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama’s 1498 voyage?
- What is a “trading post empire”? Why was Portugal able to establish one in the Indian Ocean?
- Why couldn’t Portugal run the Indian Ocean Trade? What tactics did they have to resort to in order to be a major player in the Indian Ocean Trade network?
- What are THREE myths that surround the voyages of Christopher Columbus? How are they untrue?
- Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree to fund Columbus’s voyages even though experts thought his plan was crazy?
- Why do we remember Columbus over other great 15th century mariners like Zheng He and Vasco da Gama even though his voyages were significantly less successful?