Mr. Sink’s AP World History – Unit 3: The Early Modern Era, 1450-1750

Questions: 15th century MarinersCrash Course #21

Directions:Watch the video “World History Crash Course #21: Columbus, da Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners?” on and answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.

  1. Why is Zheng He considered to be the greatest admiral in Chinese history?
  2. How did the treasure ships in Zheng He’s fleet compare to those of Columbus?
  3. Where did Zheng He travel on his voyages? What was the purpose of these expeditions?
  4. Why did Zheng He’s voyages come to an abrupt end?
  5. What are THREE reasons why the tiny European country of Portugal was an epicenter for overseas exploration and trade during the 15th century?
  6. Who was Prince Henry the Navigator and why is he significant? What were the TWO things Henry commissioned Portuguese sailors to find?
  7. What was the significance of Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama’s 1498 voyage?
  8. What is a “trading post empire”? Why was Portugal able to establish one in the Indian Ocean?
  9. Why couldn’t Portugal run the Indian Ocean Trade? What tactics did they have to resort to in order to be a major player in the Indian Ocean Trade network?
  10. What are THREE myths that surround the voyages of Christopher Columbus? How are they untrue?
  11. Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree to fund Columbus’s voyages even though experts thought his plan was crazy?
  12. Why do we remember Columbus over other great 15th century mariners likeZheng He and Vasco da Gama even though his voyages were significantly less successful?

------Mr. Sink’s AP World History – Unit 3: The Early Modern Era, 1450-1750

Questions: 15th century Mariners Crash Course #21

Directions: Watch the video “World History Crash Course #21: Columbus, da Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners?” on and answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.

  1. Why is Zheng He considered to be the greatest admiral in Chinese history?
  2. How did the treasure ships in Zheng He’s fleet compare to those of Columbus?
  3. Where did Zheng He travel on his voyages? What was the purpose of these expeditions?
  4. Why did Zheng He’s voyages come to an abrupt end?
  5. What are THREE reasons why the tiny European country of Portugal was an epicenter for overseas exploration and trade during the 15th century?
  6. Who was Prince Henry the Navigator and why is he significant? What were the TWO things Henry commissioned Portuguese sailors to find?
  7. What was the significance of Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama’s 1498 voyage?
  8. What is a “trading post empire”? Why was Portugal able to establish one in the Indian Ocean?
  9. Why couldn’t Portugal run the Indian Ocean Trade? What tactics did they have to resort to in order to be a major player in the Indian Ocean Trade network?
  10. What are THREE myths that surround the voyages of Christopher Columbus? How are they untrue?
  11. Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree to fund Columbus’s voyages even though experts thought his plan was crazy?
  12. Why do we remember Columbus over other great 15th century mariners like Zheng He and Vasco da Gama even though his voyages were significantly less successful?