Упражнение 6.Complete the conversation. Use 'm going to, 're going to, ‘ll or won't.

A: (1) I ______play tennis this afternoon.

В: Great! (2) I ______come with you.

A: But you haven't got a tennis racket.

В: (3) I ______borrow my brother's racket.

A: And you don't know how to play tennis.

В: (4) I ______practise first.

A: But (5) I ______play with Phil and after the match (6) we ______have lunch with his parents.

В: Oh! Well, then (7) I ______come with you. (8) I ______do my homework.

Упражнение 7.Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of will or going to.

Tom: (1 you watch) ______TV tonight?

Ann: No. I've just bought some new CDs. I ______(2 listen) to them. What about you?

Tom: I ______(3 watch) the new Brad Pitt film. It's on at 7.30.

Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know about that. I think I ______(4 watch) it, too. I ______(5 listen) to my CDs tomorrow.

Tom: Let's watch the film together. I______(6 buy) some drinks and snacks.

Ann: Oh, thanks. That's a great idea.

Упражнение 8.Use the correct form of will or going to.

  1. My friend is travelling to the airport. She 'll /'s going to catch a plane.
  2. In the future we won't travel by plane. We're going to / 'll travel by spaceship.
  3. It's raining outside so we 'll / 're going to get wet.
  4. In 2050 every person in the world will/ is going to have a mobile phone.
  5. We're going to / 'll discover life on other planets in the future.

Упражнение 9.Choose the correct form of will or going to.

  1. My dad's got a new job in London. We'll / ‘re going to move there in July.
  2. I’ll / I'm going to visit France next month Mum's already bought our tickets.
  3. 'It's hot in here!' ‘ I’ll / I'm going to open the window.'
  4. They booked their summer holiday last week. They will /'re going to stay with their uncle.
  5. 'It's a secret.' 'OK. I won't / 'm not going to tell anyone.'
  6. 'Would you like cola or orange juice?' 'I 'll / 'm going to have cola, please.'

Упражнение 10.Choose the correct form of will or going to.

Pete: What (1 you do) ______this weekend?

Sara: I (2 go) ______to Paul's house on Saturday to watch a video. What about you?

Pete: Well, I (3 not go) ______to Paul's house because it's my mum's birthday. But I (4 play) ______football on Sunday morning.

Sara: Oh really? I (5 come) ______and watch!

Pete: OK. I (6 see) ______you there.

Will: I think I (7 go) ______swimming. Do you want to come?

Sue: I can't. I (8 visit) ______my grandparents. What (9 you do) ______tomorrow?

Will: I (10 see) ______a film with Andy and Jill. Do you want to come too?

Sue: Yes, great! I (11 meet) ______you outside the cinema.

Упражнение 11.Choose the correct answer.

1 Don t touch that dog. It’s going to bite / It’ll bite you.

2 I'm going out for a walk now.

- But it's raining.

-Oh, is it? Well, I'm going/ I’ll go out later.

3 Why don't you change your hair style? You're going to look / You 'll look much better.

4 Why do you want to sell your flat?

- I'll move / I'm going to move to Madrid.