Metropolitan Community Churches

Governing Board Meeting Notes

28 July 2016

Governors Present: Nancy Wilson, Stephanie Burns, Angel Collie, William Knight, Joe Cobb, Jakob Hero, SJRamage. Absent: Kimberly Brown, Mark Dalgleish

Staff Present: Barb Crabtree, Jack Hutter

Financial Report and Budget Process (Barb Crabtree):

Barb reported that we are in the process of posting June income, and that we have not yet received the final hotel bill for General Conference, which is delaying our financial reports.

Barb presented an update on the budget process, reporting that conversations are beginning now. The budgeting process should be completed in December and voted on in January. Some considerations in the process include the F2F meeting in October between the Governing Board, Senior Leadership Team and Council of Elders determining mutual goals.

Consent Agenda:

Nancy presented the Moderator’s Report. Joe moved its adoption by consent, and the motion was seconded by William, with unanimous consent.

Board of Pensions:

Nancy reported that the Board of Pensions is working toward a virtual meeting for U.S.-based churches, in October or November, to bring updates regarding pension rates and other matters.

It was noted that the Governing Board Clerk should be present and involved to record the results of this meeting.

Google Drive:

The Governing Board should now have access to google drive, with gratitude to Make Haase for setting this up. The use of will get emails to all Governors, which will centralize all of our communications.

On Boarding for Governing Board:

Governors were asked to identify their interests in Governance, Finance, and/or Development committees and training webinars will be created by staff to train the Governing Board on our unique and mutual roles. Jack was asked to send an email to all Governors to ascertain interests. Governors were also encouraged to read the Board Training book distributed by Emily Gaylor, Director of Development.

Interim Moderator Process:

Governors discussed the creation of an application package which will include an announcement cover letter, job description, applicant questions, and conflict of interest guidelines for the process. The latter was moved by Stephanie, and seconded by William, for inclusion in the packet and minutes.There was unanimous approval.

Linda Brenner will format and finalize the packet and work with the GB and with Lauren Bennett to release externally. We agreed to cast the net wide encouraging a diverse applicant pool.

Officers – Provisional:

Clerk – Joe Cobb

Treasurer – Kimberly Brown

Governance – Stephanie Burns, William Knight

Finance Committee – SJ Ramage, Kimberly Brown, Jakob Hero

Ad hoc committees:

Global Justice Institute: Angel Collie, Jakob Hero

Interim Moderator Process: Stephanie Burns, William Knight, Jakob Hero

Cross Leadership Meeting: Stephanie Burns, William Knight

October F2F meeting (set agenda with SLT – includes 2 GB, 2 SLT, and 2 COE): SJ Ramage, Joe Cobb, William Knight and Angel Collie

Correspondence regarding the Interim Moderator Process:

We discussed how best to respond to letters received regarding General Conference and recommendations about the Interim Moderator process, while also fine-tuning our general communication protocol. We reiteratedthe importance of direct communication and not addressing or having conversation via social media on Governing Board matters.

October Meeting Planning:

A F2F (Face to Face) meeting is being planned for Thursday, October 13-Sunday, October 16, in collaboration with the Senior Leadership Team and Council of Elders. A working group including representatives of each body will meet virtually to plan the time together.


SJ guided us in a brief conversation about the nature of diversity and a number of issues that emerged through our General Conference proceedings and how we can work to address these as a Governing Board and as a denomination. We were and are global from our inception and invest diversityin everything we are and do. We seek to create a clear picture of our diversity as a denomination globally and toward this end, we discussed creating a working group in collaboration with the Office of Emerging Ministries and other groups who can offer experience, expertise and knowledge. We will schedule a separate intentional conversation on this issue in September.

Business, but not as usual:

We agreed that as a Governing Board we will progress with our important business, but not as usual. Our openness to learning, listening and discerning God’s Spirit at work in us and among us will be central to our authentic and transparent work as a body.

Other Priorities:

Our first priority is the Interim Moderator appointment process. Out from this we will develop a working priority list, including communication models, our October F2F meeting, diversity and accessibility matters.

August Meeting:

Jack will email a Doodle poll to determine the best date for our August meeting.

Closing prayer:

William closed the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Joe Cobb

Provisional Clerk

Governing Board