AP Outline:
Social Psychology
Structure of a given group may affect behavior of the group as a unit i.e., group polarization.
Structure of a given group may affect behavior of the individual group member i.e., de-individualization.
Social cognition
Attribution = the ways in which individuals form judgments about other individuals’ behaviors and their own.
Divide into:
Situational Factors
Dispositional factors
Stereotypes- regarding attributions of behavior
Attitude Stability
Attitude Change
Classic Studies:
Stanford, Zimbardo, Prison Study
Obedience: Milgram and authority
Aggression/Anti-social behavior
Etiology: (the study of the causes)
Expression of Aggression
Reduction of Aggression or group hostility
Organizational behavior
Theoretical perspectives
Individuals and group structures in orgnaizations
Behavior and performance
· Group Dynamics
· Attribution Processes
· Interpersonal Perception
· Conformity, Compliance, Obedience
· Attitudes and Attitude Change
· Organizational Behavior
· Aggression/Antisocial Behavior
Chapter 18 Social Behavior (pg. 666)
“Behavior is influenced by pressure from others.”
Part 1 Tuesday
- Define and or summarize the main ideas from the text
- Social Psychology
- Social Behavior
- Attribution
- Etiology
- Types of social interactions
- Social pressures to conform
- Culture Impacts
- Social Roles
- Ascribed Roles
- Achieved Roles
- Stanford, Zambardo Prison Study
- Destructive Roles
- Groups: Cohesion and Cohesive Groups
- Status
- Norms
- Proxemics: 4 Zones
Part 2 Friday
- Social Perception
- Attributional Theory: External/Internal
- Situational Demands
- Actor-Observer Bias
- Group Membership and Need for Affiliation
- Upward and Downward Comparison
- Factors that Influence Attraction
- Love and attachment: Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent
- Types of Social Influence
- Conformity
- Solmon Asch Experiment= “Group Think”
- Group Sanctions
- 5 types of Social Power
- Obedience
- Milgram Study- electric shock
- Compliance and Sales
- Passive Compliance
- Assertiveness
Chapter 19 Attitudes, Culture, and Human Relations
- What are attitudes?
- How are attitudes formed?
- Group membership = affiliation with others
- Attitude Formation
- Group pressures= conformity
- Measure of Attitudes
- Open interviews
- Social Distance scales
- Attitude Change
- Reference Group
- Newcomb Study
- Definition and elements of Persuasion
- Making choices and Cognitive dissonance Theory
- Justification
- Forced Attitude Change: What is the process?
- Cults how do they work?
- Jones Town
- What are Prejudice and discrimination and how are they developed?
- Authoritarian Personality
- Inter-group Conflict
- Social Stereotypes
- Prejudice Experiment
- What is integration and how does equal status contact attempt to change prejudice?
- Why would mutual interdependence work?
- Aggression and explanations for aggression
- Bandura Study “BOBO”
- Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
- Aversive Stimuli
- By-stander Apathy-Kitty Genovese
- The Decision Tree
- How does TV impact violence?
- School Violence Warning Signs (List)
- How can we devictimize ourselves?