Education and Skills

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

Learning and Behaviour Advisory Team

Request for Review Visit with a

Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teacher (LBAT)

Requesting a Review Visit with a

Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teacher

Please complete

the tick boxes

This form should be used where a review visit is required within two terms of the last visit date

If it is more than two terms from the date of the last visit, please submit another Request for Consultation Form

For this Request for Review Visit to be allocated to an Advisory Teacher, the school must have fully evaluated the previous action plan from the LBAT report for the pupil

Please submit the evaluated action plan along with this Request for Review Visit Form in order to inform the focus of the visit

Please submit the form, evaluated action plan and any other relevant documents to

  • The APDR and Assessment Guideswill help you with your request and include a comprehensive list of assessments that you can use
  • All requests for review visits will be considered at Allocation Meetings. These usually take place fortnightly and do not operate during the school holidays
  • Where a review visit is offered it may be in the following form:
  • Telephone consultation
  • Signposting to other services or resources
  • School visit
  • A response from the team will be communicated to you within 2 weeks of the Allocation Meeting
  • Where a review visit is agreed, the Advisory Teacher will contact the school by email or telephone to arrange a mutually convenient time for the review

On the day of the visit:

  • Review visits require a minimum of one hour and may require a classroom observation
  • The school should ensure that a suitable room and time slot is available for the meeting with the key member/s of school staff and parents/carers
Child/Young Person’s Name: / Name of LBAT:
Date of last LBAT visit:
What do you hope to gain from a review visit?
What has changed since the LBAT’s last visit?

School: / School Tel. No.:
Name of school key SEN contact: / Role: / Email:
Working days:
Class Teacher: / Headteacher:
For this request to be allocated, the action planfrom the last report by the LBAT should be fully evaluated and submitted by the school along with this form to inform the focus of the review visit. Please attach evaluated action plan by email with this form.


We do not accept postal requests

Evaluated Action Plan attached (please tick)

WSCCPage 112/27/2018