Unit title:
/ FSB5 Advise on complex fire safety measures
Element titles: / FSB5.1 Evaluate existing fire risk assessment
FSB5.2 Audit management of fire safety systems
FSB5.3 Recommend controls to manage residual risks
Scope of this unit
This unit is relevant to Fire Safety Advisers and Fire Safety Managers who audit and advise on complex fire risk assessment within existing premises. Individuals will work within their personal level of responsibility and authority for advice, information and enforcement issues.
This unit contains three elements:
FSB5.1 Evaluate existing fire risk assessment
This element relates to identifying hazards and risks and ensuring appropriate control measures have been implemented
FSB5.2 Audit management of fire safety systems
This element relates to auditing management systems to ensure that the process used is suitable and sufficient to achieve acceptable standards
FSB5.3 Recommend controls to manage residual risks
This element relates to reporting on the suitability and sufficiency of the existing arrangements and identifying solutions to any areas of deficiencies
Key words and concepts

These definitions are provided to explain how key words and concepts are used in this unit

Complex measures / Those which require a complex level of advice in respect of their design, installation and use
Risk assessment / The application of approved methodologies as directed or authorised with those who have responsibility for fire safety management
Residual risks / Situations, materials, locations, interactions which may present possible risk once main potential causes of injury or damage have been removed or controlled and which require further specific control measures
System of audit / Agreed procedures and processes for the regular and thorough checking and monitoring of fire prevention and safety measures and their compliance with relevant legislation, regulation or statute.
Degree of compliance / The extent to which results of audit provide evidence that existing controls and risk management systems meet the requirements of relevant legislative, regulatory and statutory standards.
Advice / Formal, informal, goodwill, legislative, statutory, regulatory, Codes of Practice or General Fire Precautions as relevant to individual authority and context
Unit title
/ FSB5 Advise on complex fire safety measures
Element title: FSB5.1 Evaluate existing fire risk assessment
You must
a)Confirm that assessment clearly identifies all actual and potential risks
b)Confirm that suitable action has been taken to prioritise and eliminate risks
c)Confirm that suitable and sufficient action has been take to prioritise and control residual risks
d)Confirm that existing and proposed risk control measures are suitable to type of risk and sufficient for the range and level of risk involved
Element title: FSB5.2 Audit management of fire safety systems
You must
a)Establish scope and schedule for effective audit of relevant management systems
b)Establish a regular system of audit for all fire safety risk systems
c)Obtain sufficient information at suitable level of detail and from all available sources to meet audit requirements
d)Consult other specialists and agencies as required
e)Establish the degree of compliance with audit requirements
f)Identify factors which represent actual or potential non-compliance with audit requirements
g)Collate and present information in sufficient detail to support reporting process
h)Present audit information in agreed format
Element title: FSB5.3 Recommend controls to manage residual risks
You must
a)Report on the suitability and sufficiency of the risk elimination and control measures
b)Specify any further action necessary to achieve effective risk management
c)Make recommendations which are clear, realistic and relevant to achievement of effective fire safety controls
d)Provide technical input on fire safety engineering solutions
e)Seek advice on specialist issues outside of your own area of expertise
f)Advise on action required to meet legal and statutory requirements and the implications of non-compliance.
Unit title:
/ FSB5 Advise on complex fire safety measures
Element titles: / FSB5.1 Evaluate existing fire risk assessment
FSB5.2 Audit management of fire safety systems
FSB5.3 Recommend controls to manage residual risks
Knowledge for this unit / 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3
Principles and methodologies for risk assessment /  / 
The relevant legislative framework and the mechanisms of enforcement in new, altered and existing buildings /  /  / 
Principles and comprehensive knowledge of fire safety in premises including structure, materials and access issues affecting fire safety /  / 
Organisational policy and working practices in relation to risk assessment /  /  / 
Methods and techniques for assessing and interpreting relevant data and associated information /  /  / 
Methods and techniques to identify and analyse qualitative and quantitative data and information /  /  / 
Consultation procedures relating to the fire safety elements of current Building Regulations for premises /  /  / 
The roles, responsibilities, level of authority and requirements of yourself and others within the context of formal proceedings /  / 
How to treat colleagues and members of the public with respect and consideration, taking account of and accepting diversity /  /  / 
The role of smoke extraction and control in protection of people, property and environment from fire /  / 
Guidance and Codes of Practice that address safety of life from fire and compliance with legislation for complex fire safety measures /  /  / 
The limitations of Codes of Practice and the use of fire risk assessment to justify departures from such Codes /  /  / 
Generic principles of fire safety and an appreciation of their development as they affect people, property and the environment /  /  / 
Principles and role in life safety of fire detection and alarm systems, emergency lighting systems, fire fighting equipment and fire safety signs and notices /  /  / 
The role of fire suppression systems in the protection of people, property and the environment from fire /  / 
The common causes of fire and the significance of the common causes in a range of occupancies /  /  / 
How to assess the potential for fire incidents that will affect organisational functions and processes affecting occupants /  /  / 
The components associated with fire prevention and defence against fire in premises and their integration with likely human behaviour /  /  / 
Personal limitations in the field of fire safety engineering, sources of specialist advice and how to access these /  /  / 
Factors affecting the formulation of risk-appropriate, cost-effective solutions of protection of people, property and the environment /  /  / 
The role and interests of stakeholders in the protection of life, property and the environment from fire /  /  / 