ICE Sheffield, Coleridge Rd, Sheffield


Item 1 / Present
R Caborn – President (RC), K. Walters - Chairman (KW), M.Abberley - CEO (MA) S. Lee (SL), K Sessions (KS), M Budden (MB), T Attwood (TA), E Hoyland (EH), F Keyani (FK), R Rowe (RR), J Hallam (JH), P Angus (PA), D Charnock (DC), D Chapple (DCh), S Matthewson (SM), J Danbury (JD), C. Andrews (CA), T. Goreham (TG), R. Scott (RS), S. McHugh (SMcH), D. Cockell (DCo), D. Mapp
(DM), A Lynch (AL), F. McKelvie (FM), R Tulley – Head of Development (RT),
D Barnard - Note taker (DB)
None / I = Information
D= Decision
A= Action
Item 2 / Declaration of Interests
Item 3 / Chairman’s Introduction
KW wished everyone a Happy New Year and informed them that MA would give a presentation, following which, a discussion would take place. / I
Item 4 / Chief Executive’s Organisational Presentation
MA introduced his presentation by informing the attendees that, over the past 6 months he had travelled around the country on visits to and attendance at ABA Regional Associations, clubs, events, AIBA meetings, DCMS & Sport England meetings. During this time he had held many conversations with all levels of members, various officials and representatives of partner organisations and stakeholders, all of whom had given their views in relation to the ABA as an organisation
Based on the above he had 6 key observations to present to the meeting, each of which would then be open to the floor for discussion and debate in order to agree actions and outcomes to address the issues being raised.
The key observations were as follows;-
Observation 1
Relationship between the Board and Council
  • Relationship is dysfunctional and needs addressing
  • The current Board/Council structure is not fit for purpose
  • The organisation cannot continue in it’s current format
Commission Structure
  • The current Commission structure is in place until September 2012 and does not work particularly well in conjunction with the Council.
  • The processes and methods to facilitate communication between these bodies are there (in place) but not applied as they should be
  • We have fantastic volunteers with great ideas who should be in commissions, representing people in boxing, but they are not as effective as they need to be
  • The structure needs to evolve
Observation 2
  • Communication between the Board/Council/Commissions is not great.
  • Communication across & within the ABAE is poor and information is not filtering from the NGB level down to it’s members
  • Decision making across the Associations is not particularly robust – potentially a symptom of the above
  • Boxing does not communicate as well as other sports
Observation 3
Historically issues ;-
  • lack of transparency in this area, leading to lack of clarity/understanding in some areas such as the mechanisms and requirements of Sport England funding into the ABAE
  • lack of awareness across the organisation of financial decisions made (for example, there are still boxers paying £12 for registration when this was rejected at the AGM)
Additional fees
  • Extra costs are being added to ABA Affiliation levels by some Associations resulting in some members paying more than others – is that right?
  • Do we have a national picture of this? it is unusual across a sport for this position to exist and it needs to be discussed/addressed
Observation 4
Strategy & Whole Sport Plan (WSP)
The ABAE needs to have a Boxing Strategy AND a Whole Sport plan – essentially these are two different things
  • Historically NGB’s have had a tendency to write WSP’s to please Sport England (SE).
  • We should determine our Boxing Strategy and THEN write a WSP in line with this.
  • SE will not necessarily accept everything that is suggested but the Sport itself should lead the strategy.
  • ABAE’s current WSP does not reflect the needs of the sport
Between now and May the WSP needs preparing and the NGB is currently in consultation with all levels of members to determine the requirements for the organisation.MA related examples of wants and needs highlighted to him by individuals and groups of members he had met and consulted with during his recent visits to Western Counties
MA went on to say that we need to consider that;-
  • there are two “parts” to boxing – Competitive and Fitness boxing
  • the organisation was also funded in two parts – Sport England and Members Affiliations.
Issues raised to him during these last 6 months included;-
  • Officials can’t run the sport without competitive boxers/members
  • The Boxing Strategy must include Clubs, Coaches, Boxers, Communities, Officials & Volunteers
  • Not enough expertise is flowing down from the GB staff
Observation 5
UK Sport funding and the role of BABA/GB Boxing
MA explained that;-
  • funding for BABA/GB Boxing comes directly from UK Sport and is ring-fenced for the sole purpose of running the GB Elite programme
  • Funding for ABA comes directly from Sport England (and NOT from UK Sport) and is only for the activities and initiatives it requested it for in the last WSP.
It was important to note that GB/BABA Boxing does not receive money that was intended for ABA. The two funding mechanisms are completely separate and not interchangeable.
MA informed the meeting that some comments and questions had been asked about the relationship between ABAE & BABA.
He informed members that;-
  • ABAE is a third part owner of BABA (along with the other 2 home nations) and it is in its interests to support the programme
  • Boxers in the GB squad have indicated that they are extremely happy with the programme and that they are achieving more than they ever expected due to the holistic approach to their training and the Elite programme structure
  • Incontrovertible evidence is that boxing is currently seeing some of the best results it has ever had
Observation 6
There is also confusion over numbers in relation to membership and participation. MA clarified that;-
  • ABA member numbers are derived from club membership
  • Active People Survey numbers are based on those who say they participate in boxing – this does not necessarily mean within an affiliated boxing club.
In addition, membership numbers are further confused ;–
  • the database currently shows circa 18000 members
  • in many clubs recreational members are not registered. A club may show on the database that it has 10 carded members, but when you visit the club there can be 20-30 people in attendance
  • Membership could equate to approx 50000 members if all were registered.
This” muddies the waters” for us and means that we may not be receiving the available benefits available via the SE WSP funding
  • Having 18000 members makes us a small NGB
  • Having 50000 makes us a larger NGB
A bigger NGB means more influence for that NGB. The issue of recreational boxer registration needs to be addressed, in some way, in order for us to reap the rewards for the size of organisation that we actually are
MA referenced a DCMS/Government document that had been published, showing that 2 out of 6 case studies were related to boxing – this is a major breakthrough for the sport as inclusion in documents like this had not been seen before.
He informed the meeting that 2012 was an opportunity that boxing may never get again to progress the sport. The WSP planning process is extremely important and the organisation must get it right. It was especially important that we also consider our Governance strategy as this was a key funding trigger for the next WSP. Without acceptable Governance structures funding would not be forthcoming, despite other progressions made within the sport.
MA also reflected on some of the issues occurring during the past 12 months within the sport, saying that he could not overstate the damage that both the Whistle-blowers report and the AIBA relationship issues had caused.
He was pleased to be able to say that, in relation to the whistle blowers report, the allegations were determined, by independent bodies, to be unfounded and that work that had been done during the past 6 months with AIBA had made a good start on repairing the poor relationship with them.
On this note MA asked the attendees to consider the observations he had brought to the meeting and use the next period of time to debate these issues and agree a way forward for the organisation / I
Item 5 / Discussion & Actions arising out of the Presentation
RC addressed the meeting and confirmed that he would facilitate this session. He reiterated that there was a need to discuss the points and produce an agreement as to what actions the organisation should take to address and remedy the issues that were currently affecting the organisation.
RC impressed on the group that time was of the essence as the WSP needed to be submitted in May and the organisation had to have a decision on the governance structure and a method of communicating quickly around the organisation in order to ensure that grass roots members requirements were taken into consideration during the consultation period February to April.
Following a discussion across all observations, in which many members raised their points and suggestions, it was agreed that the issue regarding the future governing structure, discussed in Observation 1 should firstly be addressed. It was agreed that to maintain the status quo was not an option and the need for the organisation was to restructure.
Unanimously agreed to address ABA Structure as per Observation 1
In addition it was agreed that communication had to be addressed to ensure that the organisation was transparent and able to reach the membership down to grass roots level.
Unanimously agreed to address Communication issues
Only after the future structure and communication policy is determined,can the organisation go on to address/resolve other areas.
It was proposed that;-
Observation 1 - Restructure
A commission/working party be set up to look at the re-structure of the ABA governance body/structure. Attendees agreed that this should have the following members, (3 Council members, 3 Executive (Boxing) Directors and 2 Non-Executive Directors) and that no Association could have more than 1 representative on that group. In addition substitutes/reserves were to be named, to attend in the absence of any members who could not be at a meeting. These individuals would be tasked with considering information from the fed into the commission from the Council Members, based on consultations with the Associations club members (not just Executive Committees) and providing a restructure proposal to the Board & Council based on that information/feedback
Proposed DC Seconded TG
The group broke for lunch with an agreement to come back with the
nominees. On return the names for the restructure Commission were given as;-
Council representatives
Des Charnock – Western Counties
Paul Angus – North West Region
Faz Keyani – Home Counties
Darren Chapple – CSBA (Reserve)
Executive (Boxing) Director representatives
Alan Lynch – Merseyside & Cheshire
Ted Goreham – London
Ray Scott – Tyne Tees & Wear
David Cockell – Midland Counties (reserve)
Chris Andrews – Midland Counties (reserve)
Non-executive Director representatives
Derek Mapp
Shaun McHugh
Unanimously agreed
AP - RC confirmed that he would circulate a meeting date/agenda and business plan for the commission.
He reminded all that the report to come out of the commission must be evidence based and that each member of the Council must commit to returning to its association and asking for members responses (down to
club level) and feed them back into this commission on behalf of their Association.
Observation 2 – Communication
It was agreed that a second commission be established to determine and propose a communication policy for the organisation.
Commission members were agreed as 2 from the board and 2 from the council as follows;-
Board representatives
Fiona McKelvie (Non-executive Director)
Chris Andrews (Executive Director)
Council Representatives
Darren Chapple - CSBA
Eric Hoyland – Yorkshire ABA
Unanimously agreed
AP-The CEO (MA) agreed to circulate a Terms of reference for this commission
Members discussed the next joint meeting to be held, which would be the Annual Budget Setting meeting.
Papers for the meeting are to be sent 3 weeks in advance to allow time for consideration in advance of the meeting
AP MA to provide meeting papers by 24th February, latest / I
Item 6 / Minutes & Action points from the last meeting:-
Item 4 – AP1 Database report
DB confirmed that the half year membership figures were now available and were currently being formatted into a report for each Association. Due to lack of response from Secretaries re content required the report had been formatted into a pivot table based on all members data and will be presented by membership type. Due to the pivot table, the report would enable the Associations to reformat the data content into various forms/summaries, such as by age, by sex, by club, etc
AP DB to circulate when all reports formatted
Item 4 – AP2 Database Access for Secretaries
Access for Secretaries was approved by the meeting. This would need to be scheduled with Sportfocus in their next workplan. DB will circulate passwords and user guidelines once access work has been completed.
Dc also requested that the once an individual is BARRED their status can only be changed by the individual with responsibility for Equity.
All agreed
AP DB to determine cost and scheduling of work with Sportfocus
Item4 – AP3 Ampro members on exec Committees
This was referred to the technical and rules Committee for consideration but has not yet been debated. Until a recommendation has been received from that commission the Associations may decide which stance they take on this issue.
AP – T & R Commission to feed recommendation back to Council
Item 4 – AP4 Council Workplan
The workplan has been set for the next year based on the work to be done in respect of the agreements and tasks coming out of the previous presentation points at Item 5 of this meeting
Item 4 – AP5 Irish Tournament Sanctions
DB confirmed that she had produced the sanction letters which had been approved by the Chairman of the review working party and these had been sent to the relevant parties prior to the end of 2011
Item 5 – AP6 Tax waiver forms – Honorary Payments
DB confirmed that she had had only 4 forms back from individuals receiving monies from the June 2010 half year payment schedule. FK said that when the monies are paid by lump sum into the Associations (as they had been) some Associations kept the monies and did not pay individuals. Instead those Associations used the money as payment for expenses.
Item 6 – AP1
Championship meeting to be held 16th Jan.
DM notified the attendees that on 19th/20th May the broadcasting of the GB 3 nations would be spliced with the Women’s Finals (Olympic qualifier) in China, so progress could be watched.
DCo raised an issue re starting the Schoolboy Championships straight after Xmas.
AP – DCo to feed request to Championship Committee
A request was also made to consider weights re AIBA statutes. DM recommended that AIBA affiliation terms be consulted as it may be necessary to adopt the AIBA weight system and confirmed that the GB Championships would be boxed at international weights. MA informed the meeting that feedback he had had from boxers was that they thought it was strange that ABA did not box at AIBA weights. He also confirmed that AIBA would have the right to ban ABA if we did not adopt the weight classes. This had been flagged to MA via the International committee
PA asked if any decision had been made re diabetics.
TA addressed the meeting, reiterating the 2009 information he had sent out. Members asked for the information to be recirculated
AP TA to provide DB with information. DB to circulate to members
Item 7 – AP 1 Coach registration cards
Forwarded to coaching Commission for review. December meeting cancelled – next meeting scheduled for early February
AP Coaching Commission to feedback recommendation
Item 7- AP2 AMPRO club rule
To be reiterated to Associations
Item 7 – AP3 Report CSBA registration issue back to Council quarterly
DCh gave an update including the following points;-
  • Army numbers are currently low on ME3’s, but increasing
  • RN – almost all are now on ME3’s
  • RAF – fully ME3’d
  • Services Championships in Jan/Feb will further increase numbers registered
AP – CSBA to update Council quarterly on ME3 issue
An issue was raised re Novices not getting a chance to box off. An explanation was provided in respect of the fact that services personnel are employed and as employers the Services could determine who the best to box was. This was in light of employment issues in relation to fitness to box etc. TA confirmed that if the Services employed them 24 hours per day they could determine who could box.
Item 7 – AP 4 & 5.
Information circulated. Some members said they had not received it.
AP DBto obtain and re-circulate TA’s information re medical points
Item 7 AP6 – Refusal of R & J substitute
To be addressed in AOB
PA asked for an update of the kit review re Item 9, AP17.
MA informed the meeting that the kit order had been completed and there was approx £11k of value remaining outside of team England requirements. Stock ordered.
Completed / A
Item 7 / Any Other Business
Appointment process to and attendees at R & J’s Commission
Western Counties raised the issue of the requirement to be on the commission was that the representative had to be a retired major panel. Western Counties had removed their previous representative due to non-co-operation with association and their nominated rep was not retired. In this case he was currently not allowed to attend.
PA also raised the issue that they had not been allowed to send a substitute on a previous occasion.
RS confirmed that any practicing AIBA referee cannot be a member of an NGB commission
It was agreed that an approved R & J substitute could attend the commission if no representative available but CANNOT undertake commission duties
Agreed 9 for, 1 abstention
It was also confirmed that a recommendation from the R & J Commission was that any R & J removed from the England Major Panel cannot sit on the R & J Commission
Agreed 8 for, 2 abstentions
Devolution of authority to conduct assessments to Associations
Lack of officials examiners was an issue in some associations and a request was put forward for authority to be given to experienced Association members to conduct assessment
AP – issue to be referred toRestructure Commission for consideration and recommendation.
Coaching Issues
Question asked by Midland Counties why Senior Coaching Courses have been suspended. MA responded that this was due to several issues;-
  • that the financial model around coaching courses was to be reviewed in light of the financial cuts
  • that feedback from coaches indicates that they need;-
  1. courses to be made more accessible
  2. clearer to whether they had passed or failed (and if failed, why?)
  3. the courses were being deemed as not good value for money
EH asked why these courses could not be done regionally. MA confirmed that this level of training needed to be on a national basis and the issue needs to go to the Council for the correct process to be established. Wide ranging consultation will be taking place in this area.
CSBA – First Aid Courses
DCh informed the meeting that Services first Aid courses were not those required by the ABA. However, the battlefield First Aid courses that were undertaken in the Services were of a higher level than those stated as required by the ABA and asked Council to approve Battlefield first Aid as being acceptable.
Unanimously Agreed – change to be ratified in April at half year rules/regulations review / I

Next Joint Board & Council Meeting - 17th March 2012