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St. John’s United Church of Christ

1513 West Street

Rosenberg, Texas 77471

Church Office: 281-342-5159 Church Email:

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Rev. Daniel Haas, Minister Cell phone #801-368-1180

May 11, 2016 Rev. Donald Kolkmeier, Pastor Emeritus

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. John’s United Church of Christ

“Jesus Is Here!”

The window named “Pentecost” at St. John’s United Church of Christ

Last week I made the case that “Jesus is not here!” This week – leading up to Pentecost – I also need to say the opposite: Jesus is here! The Jesus story does not end with Ascension Day. A week and a half later, Jesus’s presence reappears in his Spirit.

The stain glass window that represents Pentecost in the sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ is a reminder that the Holy Spirit is one person of the Trinity and also that it is Jesus’s Spirit as well. The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed spells it out with authority: “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son”. The most important word here is “and the son” – “filioque” in the Latin original.

The filioque takes all the fluffiness out of the Holy Spirit. This spirit is not just a mover and shaker before and in creation. Yes, the Holy Spirit is also found in creation, but when the church talks about

the Holy Spirit we also mean the spirit who has been through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is okay to have spiritual experiences on mountaintops, in yoga studios or

family gatherings. But Pentecost reminds us that the Holy Spirit is Jesus’s presence among us.

The window depicts you and me as well: We are fish flopping aimlessly around. We do not know where to find God’s Spirit in Creation. We only know what feels right, what feels good, in short: Naturally we only know what we know. Looking at nature we will remain stuck in our natural self. We are looking for one positive experience after another, an emotional pick up here, some spiritual uplifting there. That is not what the Holy Spirit is about!

Here is the good news of Pentecost: We do not have to be stuck in nature. Jesus’s spirit points us floppy fish in certain directions. We may not be able to follow him literally face-to-face. But Jesus is present in the Holy Spirit when two or three fish are called to flop around together. Not aimlessly this time but following directions from above. Come Creator Spirit! Come!


Rev. Daniel Haas

Offering for May 8, 2016

General Fund …………………… 1,817.00

Benevolence …………………….. 100.00

Improvement Fund……………… 82.00

Non-Member……………………. 100.00

Building Rental …………………... 50.00

Total Offering 2,149.00

*annual budget of $162,738 needs $3,129.58 per week to sustain it.

Attendance for May 8, 2016

Church Attendance 71

Adult Sunday School 8


Requesting Prayer for Themselves:

Denver McFarland

Requesting Prayers for Others

Tamara Banda by Sandra Flarity

Nathan Gaskamp by Florence Gaskamp

Nelda Gutowsky by Florence Gaskamp

Gary Harbes by Melba Ashley

David Kveton by mother-in-law, Alice Prosise

Family of Coach Michael Mesa by Karen Sikes

Rose Rabata by husband, Victor Rabata

Preparing for Sunday, May 15, 2016

Genesis 11:1-9

Acts 2:1-12

Sermon: “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

Rev. Paul Longstreth

Pentecost Sunday

Army Training May 8-20

I feel a deep sense of gratitude that you empower my service as an Army Reserve Chaplain. That is a strong sign that St. John’s United Church of Christ is willing to sacrifice some of their own spiritual support and “donate” it to our men and women in uniform. Persons in our pews have been in the trenches of past wars and y’all still dig in to help your battle buddies. Thanks!

Rev. Daniel Haas

Adult Sunday School

The adult Sunday school classes meets each week at 9:00 a.m. for approximately 30 minutes in the Disciples classroom under the direction of Leo Niemeyer. All adults are invited to attend for discussion and fellowship. The topic for this coming Sunday, is “What sort of condolences should a Christian give someone who is hurting after the death of a loved one?”

Rev. Paul Longstreth to Preach May 15th

Rev. Longstreth is a native of Arkansas with a BA in English and Religion from the University of Tulsa along with a Master’s of Theology from Southern Methodist University. He has served as United Methodist pastorates in Oklahoma and Louisiana United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Louisiana. UCC and Disciples pastorates and interim service in the Houston area. He has served in many positions of ecumenical service in Oklahoma and Louisiana, including the Board of Back Bay Mission and New Orleans Bread for the World. He lives with his wife Marilyn and their two cates and has two adult children, Paul David that lives in New Orleans and daughter Kimberley that lives in Nashville. Please welcome him on Sunday.

Vacation Bible School

Mark your calendars for the week of June 27-July 1 as we will host Vacation Bible School here at St. John’s UCC for ages 4-13 years old from 9:00 a.m. until noon each day. Our theme for this summer will be “Surf Shack-Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love.” Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors. Youth and adult workers are always needed and welcomed.

Church Council

The Church Council will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, May 16th at 6:00 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend.

Directory Information Sheet

The Women’s Guild will be creating a new updated church directory. Blank information sheets were included in a previous newsletter and is included again in this newsletter, they can also be found on our website and are available in the Narthex and the church office. For your convenience a return box has been placed in the Narthex and in the Parish Hall. You may also complete and email this information sheet back to the church office.

Bible Study

Our next Bible Study class will be Tuesday, May 24th at 6:00 p.m.

Falls Prevention Presentation

A big thank you is given to the Family Ministry team and especially to Joyce and Calvin Lamensky for providing such an informative presentation. Deidre Doggett and Kelley Drabek, both PT’s at Oak Bend Hospital gave information on the causes for many falls and ways to strengthen in order to prevent some falls. Thanks to the 28 people that attended.

One of the benefits offered by the YMCA and Oak Bend Hospital is the Silver Sneaker Exercise Program which is often cover by Insurance such as Medicare Supplement Insurance (you can contact your insurance agent or call Oak Bend or the YMCA to see if your insurance provides this benefit). The Silver Sneaker Program helps to strengthen cardio, balance and flexibility.

Church Office Closed

Please note that the church office will be closed on Friday, May 13th as our secretary attends her son’s graduation at Texas A&M.

The Brotherhood

The Men of the Brotherhood will not be meeting this Thursday, April 12th. Watch for future announcements of their next meeting.

Monday Morning Men

The Monday Morning Men’s Group meets at the church at 8:30 a.m. each week for any church repairs that need doing as well as a morning of fellowship. All are invited to attend. It is so nice to see so many working around the church building each Monday.

Altar Flower Dates Available

The following dates are available for anyone wishing to place flowers on the altar: 5/29, 6/5 and 7/17. Please contact the church office if desiring to place flowers in honor or memory of a loved one.

Strengthen the Church Special 5 Offering

On Sunday, May 15th (Pentecost Sunday) we will take up a special offering for the Strengthen the Church Program. This program will help plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults.

A flier and envelope will be inside of your bulletin.

Checks can be made payable to St. John’s UCC and write Strengthen the Church on your memo line and we will send one check into the conference office to cover all donations.

Mature Adults

The Mature Adults will meet on Tuesday, May 17th at 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for an afternoon of fellowship and domino’s. All adults are invited to attend and bring a friend.


For Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lay Reader: Janet Enax

Flowers for Altar:

Pat Lucky

Greeters & Ushers for May:

Janet & Darwin Enax,

Kim & Mike Warnasch

Lay Readers for May:

Karen Sikes, Sandra Croft, Janet Enax,

Tom Gaskamp, Michelle Gutowsky

Altar Flowers for May:

Jimmy Zwahr,Kim & Mike Warnasch, 5/1

Jean Allen & Robbie Hartfiel and

Delores Wleczyk for 5/8

Pat Lucky, 5/15

Ann Mikeska, Alice Prosise,

Linda & Glenn Urbanek, 5/22

Available for 5/29

May 11, 2016

Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m.

May 14, 2016

Parish Hall Rental 11:00-4:00

May 15, 2016

Rev. Paul Longstreth will deliver the

morning message entitled,

“Do You Hear What I Hear?”

Pentecost Sunday

Parish Hall Rental 2:00-9:00

Looking Ahead

Bible Study, 2nd & 4th Tuesday nights

Confirmation Class 2nd & 4th Tuesdays

Choir Rehearsal each Wednesday at 7:00

Adult Sunday school, 9:00-9:30

Brotherhood, 5/12 cancelled

Church Office Closed, 5/13

Parish Hall Rental, 5/14

Pentecost Sunday, 5/15

Strengthen the Church offering, 5/15

Parish Hall Rental, 5/15

Church Council, 5/16

Mature Adults, 5/17

Confirmation Sunday, 5/22

Family Ministry Team Communion, 5/25

Church office closed, Memorial Day 5/30

Thought for the week:

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”

“Enroll” your Kroger’s card with the Brotherhoods Community Rewards Program. Go online and use #84302 as the organization number.

Link to Kroger’s Community Rewards website:

(On your computer push Control and click your mouse at the same time while hovering the mouse over the above link and it will take you directly to the Kroger registration page.)