PRESENT Cllr. C Gillett, Chairman presiding.

Cllrs. A Barr, P Culver, N Godfrey, R Greenwood, M Jerrett, S Knowles,

J Osborn, L Porter, & P Scrivens.

M McFarlane (Clerk) Community Warden M Sherwood. PCSO J Boyd.

Cllr. T Sams representing Harrietsham Parish Council.

8 Members of the public.

Before the start of the public participation the Chairman thanked Cllr. Godfrey, who is standing down from the LPC, for all his hard work and dedication to the parish over the past twenty years. Cllr. Barr gave a brief outline of the projects Cllr. Godfrey had been involved in and joined with other Cllrs. and members of the public in thanking Cllr. Godfrey for his service to the community. Cllr. Godfrey stated he had enjoyed the experience and thanked fellow members for their support and the gifts.


Mrs. H Shotter gave a brief outline of her relationship with the parish and offered her services as a LPC member. Co-option onto the council will take place at the June meeting.

The Chairman of the Trustees of the Community Centre outlined the process of establishing a new trust deed. A small committee will be formed to progress the deed transfer, Cllrs. Barr & Porter will represent the LPC. Details of the committee structure and meeting dates will be available soon.

M Sherwood reported on the Dog Watch initiative. He requested all non-emergency incidences be reported on 101 as soon as possible to safeguard evidence. PCSP J Boyd reported increased patrols to deal with anti-social behavior at the William Pitt field. There are now two PCSOs covering the parish on opposite shifts.

A resident suggested the need for a village handyman to keep up with maintenance works. The possibility of acquiring the allotment site is ongoing, subject to a planning application being granted, there may be an opportunity to purchase the site for allotment use as a village asset.

A local businessman is considering co-option on to the LPC and came along this evening to see what may be involved in becoming a Councillor.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.05pm.

The Chairman requested notification to the council if anyone intends to film, photograph, or record any items. Members of the public should not be filmed. No notifications received.


The council accepted the reason for apology for absence from Cllr. E Powell, Cllrs. P Hewish & N Willis (family commitment) B Cllr. J Sams, represented by T Sams.


Declarations of changes to the Register of Interests. None were declared.

Declarations of Interest on Agenda items. No declarations declared.

Requests for dispensations. No requests received.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 1st April 2015 were confirmed as a true record and it was RESOLVED that they be approved and adopted.



4.1 Nominations for LPC

Six nominations have been delivered to MBC. The Chairman thanked those Cllrs. present who were standing down for their hard work and commitment.

Cllr. Culver offered to be co-opted at the June meeting.

4.2 Maidstone Road car park works

Outstanding works will be completed ASAP. A schedule of works will be organised by the next LPC, post elections. J Bone offered to give technical advice concerning the lighting requirements.

4.3 Annual Parish Assembly

There was a good response to the meeting with fifty parishioners present.

Thank you to the catering team and for the representatives who gave brief reports.

4.4 Lime tree surgery

The tree surgery has been undertaken within the appropriate time scale.

An application for permission to prune annually will be sent to MBC tree officer.


A Finance & General Purposes. Report by Cllr. Gillett

No meeting was held, unable to form a quorum, therefore no report submitted.

B Planning & Neighbourhood Plan. Report by Cllr. Gillett

Cllr. Gillett reported the seven applications received since last meeting.

Cllr. Greenwood reported on the United Reform Church application which was on the MBC agenda on 23rd April and approved subject to conditions. A letter will be sent to MBC for confirmation of meeting details with reference to H1 & H2 numbers of dwellings expected in Lenham Parish.

The NHP straw poll will take place at the Tithe barn 7th May. Display materials will be on show and it will be another opportunity for public consultation.

Developers of the Paddock have approached the LPC to discuss the removal of diseased trees

(at no cost to the parish) on land between the Community Centre and the Paddock.

Cllr. Jerrett proposed, Cllr. Godfrey seconded and it was RESOLVED to accept the offer, subject to clarification of removal, replacement, and land use thereafter.

The preferred contractor for LPC is Aspen Tree Surgeons.

It was RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the report of the meeting on

27th April 2015 be approved and adopted.

Cllr. Sams requested a change in the order of the agenda, so Cllr. Godfrey could report on

Law and Order, before leaving the meeting with Cllr. Sams.

D Law & Order. CCTV Reports by Cllrs. Godfrey & Culver

Cllr. Godfrey reported the recent crime figures and raised his concern that an area such as the BMX park, which needs extra patrols, is not being monitored by the police, he suggested the response of the ‘hot spot team’ should be an agenda item on the next PPF meeting.

Cllr. Godfrey also requested that Cllrs. commit to a complete overhaul of the CCTV system and an extensive upgrade. Cllr. Culver reported that quotes have been received for an upgrade and will be compared, with the two options to improve coverage submitted to the council for consideration.


C Highways & Transportation. Report by Cllr. Scrivens

Cllr. Scrivens reported the road sign at Sandway near the crossroads has been moved back to the original position as requested by LPC. Relining of the Square will be undertaken by KCC. Cllr. Scrivens is in regular contact with the Highways Steward and will meet periodically to ensure works are being carried out as required.

The owner of the overgrown hedge on the Headcorn Road near the cross roads at Sandway will be asked to cut it back as it is encroaching on to the road.

E Web-site Development Report by Cllrs. Osborn

Cllr. Osborn offered to work with the Cllr (s) who will take over running the web-site.

F Environment Reports

Cllr. Gillett proposed, Cllr. Jerrett seconded and it was RESOLVED to instruct Command Pest Control to undertake rabbit control at the cemetery. Cllr. Barr will supervise works.


13th April Community Centre AGM Report by Cllr. Porter

The Centre continues to be a popular venue. Problems with the boilers have been resolved.

A new Charitable Trust will be considered, working with the LPC to set up a committee.

23rd April MBC Planning Committee & 30th April Site visit to The Paddock

Both dealt with under Planning Committee. 15/05

15/07 KALC/RURAL KENT No report


Cheques for consideration and payment 6th May 2015

Lotus Design & Print. NHP Draft plan version 1 4456 198.00

Designscape Consultancy March/April NHP work. 4457 3996.00

Southern Water WCs waste water service 4458 285.32

KALC training planning conference 4459 72.00

D Body Ltd. Drain clearing Maidstone Rd. car park 4460 420.00

Lenham Parish Hall Committee room hire to 31/3/15 4461 310.00

Falcon Web-site 2015 hosting 4462 72.00

Mr. R Greenwood Cllr. expenses 4463 48.00

KALC Annual membership 2015/16 4464 1076.69

Medash Signs. NHP banners Polling day 4465 168.00

The Village Stores. Annual Assembly & NHP poll day. 4466 123.60

OCS Group UK Ltd. WCs duty of care 4467 75.70

Annual Assembly Buffet & Staples office supplies 4468 428.88

Family Festival grant 2015 4469 100.00

J Ault Tree Surgery Ltd. Lime tree works 4470 240.00

Salaries & expenses detailed as Appendix A and filed with a signed copy of these minutes.

DD Scottish Power WCS electricity 15.00

DD EDF Energy pop up power 20.00

DD EDF Energy Street lighting 123.30

DD MBC Cemetery rates 90.00

Monies received

MBC precept 2015/16 59638.00

Cemetery fees 300.00


Cllr. Jerrett gave a brief report of the proposals for the allotments and the possibility of purchasing the land as a community asset.

The meeting closed 9.47pm 3