Science Wars: Thermal Energy

Directions: After you decide on an answer to each question, write an explanation (using complete sentences) on why you chose the answer that you chose.

  1. Sasha drops some of her ice cream sundae on a hot sidewalk. Which of the following correctly describes what happens next?
  1. The temperature of the sidewalk and the ice cream both remain unchanged.
  2. Heat from the sidewalk is transferred to the ice cream, increasing the temperature of the ice cream.
  3. The temperature of the ice cream increases as it sends cold into the sidewalk.
  4. Cold from the ice cream is transferred to the sidewalk, decreasing the temperature of the sidewalk.
  1. Randy is observing an experiment on heat flow. He has three objects at differing temperatures, as shown in the table below. Randy places the objects in a beaker of water that has been heated to 100 degrees Celsius (oC).

Which of the following correctly describes the flow of heat in this system?

  1. Heat from the water moves into Objects A, B, and C.
  2. Heat from the water moves into Object A, but not Objects B and C.
  3. Heat from Object C moves into the water and into Objects A and B.
  4. Heat from the water moves into Objects A and B, but not Object C.
  1. When a person steps from a shower on a cold morning, why does the tile floor seem so much colder than the air?




  1. Eric places some room-temperature strawberries into his freezer. Which of the following correctly describes what happens to the strawberries?
  1. The heat from the strawberries is transferred to the freezer and causes the strawberries to freeze.
  2. The temperature of the freezer remains the same as the temperature of the strawberries decreases.
  3. Some of the cold from the freezer is transferred to the strawberries and causes the strawberries to freeze.
  4. Heat is transferred from the freezer to the strawberries and causes the temperature of the strawberries to decrease.
  1. Vicki observes that a cup of hot chocolate cools down if it is left on a counter for a few minutes. Which statement best explains this observation?
  1. The chocolate molecules absorb heat from the drink.
  2. Cold from the surrounding air flows to the hot chocolate.
  3. The material of the cup absorbs heat from the hot chocolate.
  4. Heat from the hot chocolate flows to the surrounding cooler air.
  1. When heat is added or removed from a substance the temperature usually changes. What else could be a likely result of adding or removing heat from a substance?
  1. a change in state
  2. a change in color
  3. a change in boiling point
  4. a change in melting point
  1. What is happening to the molecules in an ice cube as it sits at room temperature and melts?
  1. The molecules are absorbing energy and slowing down.
  2. The molecules are absorbing energy and speeding up.
  3. The molecules are releasing energy and slowing down.
  4. The molecules are releasing energy and speeding up.





  1. Vinnie places his cold drink on the roof of a hot car. Which of the following correctly describes what happens next?
  1. The temperature of the drink increases as it sends cold into the hot metal of the car.
  2. Cold is transferred from the drink into the metal of the car, decreasing the temperature of the roof.
  3. Heat is transferred from the car into the drink and increases the temperature of the drink.
  4. The temperature of the area under the drink decreases until it is the same temperature as the cold drink.
  1. Ben observes that the spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes hot after sitting in the cup for a short time. Which of the following explains this observation?
  1. the flow of heat from the soup to the spoon
  2. the flow of heat from the spoon to the soup
  3. the flow of heat from the surrounding air to the spoon
  4. the flow of heat from the spoon to the surrounding air
  1. A cup of ice is left sitting in the sun. Explain the flow of thermal energy and tell when the flow of thermal energy will stop.


