Lesson: Bible Stories Revisited.

25 Crocodile On The River Nile. Noah’s Ark Extra

17. In My House

9. Two little Fish & Five Rolls of Bread Noah’s Ark CD

15. Greedy Monkey. From Crocodile CD

24 Caterpillar’s Surprise – separate Noah Xtra CD

Jesus Loves Me - Valcrose

Love the Lord with all your heart.

Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5

Billy & Poppy

Talk about their wedding.

Remember the story – the wine made from Grape juice ran out.

Who was at their wedding? Jesus and his mother.

What did Jesus say to do? Fill the jars with water.

Read Big Book – Jesus Goes To A Wedding.

Show Petal their baby. – talk about families.

17. In My House

Clap Billy & Poppy & Petal

Have a wiggle.

Sing: 9. Two little Fish & Five Rolls of Bread Noah’s Ark CD

Boy with the Fish and Rolls

How many fish?

How Many rolls of bread. What did Jesus do.

Read story. Clap boy.

Have a wiggle!

Suli (Sue Lee)

His name meas Strong For God.

He had marks on his face when he was born

From a far away country. Show world wheel.

He was different.

Children called him names and wouldn’t play.

“Silly Sill Ugly Face.”

How did Suli feel?

Kind friend.

Suli has a pet monkey:

Clap Suli & Monkey.

Stand up to sing Greedy Monkey Song.

·  Kermit Frog says.

·  Jesus Loves You to every child. Kermit loves to tell people that Jesus loves them. We do too!

Today you are getting a sock puppet to take home. You can tell your own family that Jesus loves them.

Depending on Time:

24 Caterpillar Surprise. Use Butterfly prop in big grey box

Things to talk about :

·  Helping poor people who live near us and need help.

·  Sick people…

·  Helping poor people in other countries – missionaries etc.

25: Crocodile CD & Noah Extra CD

17. In My House. NA

9. Two Little Fish Five Rolls Bread

24. Caterpillar’s Surprise NA Extra

Props: Billy & Poppy & Petal Dolls.

Bible Story Jesus Goes To A Wedding – Jill Kemp web.

Boy lunch Bag

Bible Book – Boy Shares His Lunch – Jill Kemp Web

Suli doll.



Greedy Monkey Song Book & CD


Big Bible Book


Butterfly in Box & CD

Morning tea ½ banana – leave skin on peeled down.

Choc fish.

Teacher Preparation: Learn memory verse.

Love the Lord with all your heart.

Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5

Take Home:

Activity : Sock Puppet.

Small story - Greedy Monkey

DVD Kidrock – has Suli & Greedy Monkey on it.

Please ensure:

*New people fill out enrolment form.

*The Roll is ticked

* New people get CD pack

Children take home: Book and activity – purse & money – 2 chocolate coins.

Thanks to all our awesome helpers!

25Crocodile On The River Nile Noah’s Ark Extra

By Jill Kemp

Stork stands by the river Nile

stand on one leg

His beady eye on the crocodile

one eye shut fist to other eye

Crocodile's not hungry today

shake head

He shuts his mouth


And he swims away

hand wiggles away

Bobbing up and down on the river Nile

bob up and down

Don't be afraid of the crocodile

shake head

God's looking after a baby today

point up

Keeping crocodile away

hand out in stop sign

Slippery snake by the river Nile

snake like hand movement

His beady eye on the crocodile

one eye shut fist to other eye

Crocodile's not hungry today

shake head

He shuts his mouth


And he swims away

hand wiggles away

Bobbing up and down on the river Nile

bob up and down

Don't be afraid of the crocodile

shake head

God's looking after a baby today

point up

Keeping crocodile away

hand out in stop sign

Hippo by the river Nile

arms out wide move side to side

His beady eye on the crocodile

one eye shut fist to other eye

Crocodile's not hungry today

shake head

He shuts his mouth


And he swims away

hand wiggles

Bobbing up and down on the river Nile

bob up and down

Don't be afraid of the crocodile

shake head

God's looking after a baby today…

Princess came to the river Nile

“Look at that,” said the Crocodile


“She saved baby Moses

rock baby in arms

He's safe from me

look around

But I am hungry who's for tea?”

"eat" someone yum yum yum

17. In My House

Source unknown

Adapted by Jill Kemp

Hold up your right / left hand

Start with your thumb. Use puppet faces on fingers

In my house you will see

A very happy family

This one's Father

This one's Mother

This one's Sister

This one's Brother

Who can this little one be?

This little one is me!

Stick a picture of Jesus in your palm

Move hands from side to side

Jesus helps my family have

wave hand from side to side

A happy happy home x3

A happy happy

Happy happy home

9. Two little Fish & Five Rolls of Bread Noah’s Ark CD

By Jill Kemp

Tune: Skip To My Loo - traditional

Mum said when you go to play

Take this lunch to eat today

Two little fish - five rolls of bread

2 fingers + 5 fingers

Thank you Mum the little boy said

1, 2

fingers one hand

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

fingers other hand

He heard the stories Jesus told

And he forgot to eat his rolls

Two little fish - five rolls of bread

2 fingers + 5 fingers

Thank you Jesus for the stories he said.

1, 2

fingers one hand

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

fingers other hand

Hungry people sat everywhere

point around

"Jesus you can have my lunch to share

Open hands

Two little fish - five rolls of bread."

"Thank you Jesus," the people said.

fingers one hand

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

fingers other hand

The boy ran home to tell his mum

He shared his lunch with everyone

Two little fish - five rolls of bread

2 fingers + 5 fingers

I shared my lunch with Jesus he said.

And Mum there was heaps left over!

make big circle with hands

That's a miracle!"

15. Greedy Monkey (from Music & Fun CD )

Jill Kemp

Melody - Steve Wiggins

Five bananas on a big green tree

five fingers

Father monkey said, "There's one for me."

1 finger

He took a banana Yum yum yum


Soon that banana was in his tum

rub tummy

He looked at the tree and he counted four

four fingers

I'll come tomorrow and have one more

drop alternate shoulders & wiggling hips

Four bananas on a big green tree

four fingers

Mother monkey said, "There's one for me."

point up at tree

She took a banana Yum yum yum


Soon that banana was in her tum

run two hands parallel down wobble tummy

She looked at the tree and she counted three

three fingers

"I'll come tomorrow and have one for tea."

drop alternate shoulders & wiggling hips

Three bananas on a big green tree

Greedy monkey said, "There's some for me."

He took a banana yum yum yum


Soon that banana was in his tum

run two hands parallel down body then wobble tummy

He look at the tree and he counted two

count two fingers - one two

"I'll eat them all - there'll be none for you."


No bananas on a big green tree

shake head

Baby monkey cried, "There's none for me!"


But I shared my banana and in the end

hold out crooked little finger

Baby monkey's my forever friend

or link arms with friend dance in circle