April 19th, 2011Jr. Gambler Board Meeting

Cellcom Room - ReschCenter @ 6:00 pm

Attendees:George Bureau, Stacie Palmer, Neil Anderson, Dennis Murvich, Jeff Mitchell, Stephen Lovell, Brian Poshak, Don Goheski, Mark Phinney and Ron Van Den Heuvel.

Maria Karow and Tim Pavek attended for the CCC/PMI ice discussion.

Absent: Mark Jaraczewski, Jim Johnson, Brad Reabe,Jon Rogger,Matt Golden, Kent Ellingson, Lisa Milton and John Mans

Meeting called to order at 6:07

President Items:

  • WAHA Update:We have been approved for this next season but will need to maintain Major teams moving forward.
  • Succession – 4 open positions with 5 interested people. Recommendation is to hold voting until after tryouts. All are in agreement that we will wait.
  • CCC/PMI Discussion:Ice proposal was provided by PMI at the March board meeting. Neil Anderson and George Bureau met with Don Chilson last Thursday to discuss, they were to go back to Don this week with our CCC ice needs for the 2011/2012 season. Jeff Mitchell, Jon Rogger and Neil Anderson met this week to discuss ice needs at BCA and ReschCenter. Maria Karow expressed concerns around: last minute ice changes, cancellations, change of location, etc. Jeff reiterated our discussions from the last meeting regarding the 4 week notice of change as well as ice availability. Neil spoke about the cost savings to our association as well as the player cost for this next season. Tim Pavek spoke about the additional costs that were incurred in the past around hiring security, locker rooms fees, ice blocks at 1 ½ hours rather than a 2 or 3 hour block. Jeff responded to the cost and it is $150/hour and that includes all costs, nothing hidden. Stephen Lovell spoke about the marketing aspect of using BCA/Resch Center as our home ice. The board did take into consideration the families investments timewise and financially at CCC.
  • Maria also expressed concerns about: Aurora and the hockey treadmill technique, financial balance sheets on-line as well as Neil and Jon’s new positions not being communicated.


New position: Brian contacted 7 firms and each one wanted to charge about $10,000, there is an interested PMI employee who would be willing to take on the position for $4000-$5000. We have over $13,000 in the bank with a CCC bill for ice to pay. $12,000 is still outstanding for the 2010/2011 player dues. Updated statements to families still owing will be sent out. $12,000 should be our balance at the end of the season after paying bills and collecting monies owed.

Coaching Committee:

Player Fees:$ 2500 for squirts, PW teams both $3400, 97 and 98 are $3500. Neil Anderson made a motion to approve the fees and Mark Jaraczewsi seconded the motion, all agreed.

Tryouts: Looking at on-line registration option for the upcoming season.

Equipment:Neil is in process of deciding on which equipment to order for the upcoming season, the decision will be based on durability and cost.

Banquet: Dr Shock will speak, Stacie send an association email as a reminder.

Tournaments: Neil Anderson made a motion to make the Nike Bauer deposit payment for all teams, Stacie Palmer seconded the motion, all approved.

Meeting adjourned at7:45