American History A

Mr. Bekemeyer

U.S. Foreign Policy & Imperialism (1898-1914)

(Unit VI, Segment 1 of 3)

[From History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals – Chapter 20 (Section 5),

Chapter 21 (Sections ALL)]

I. America’s Changing Role in the World

A. From 1790 to 1900, the U.S. expanded its role in ______:

1. In 1796, George Washington promoted a policy of ______&

warned against ______with foreign nations (especially Europe)

2. In 1823, the ______asserted neutrality but proclaimed

that the U.S. would protect the Western Hemisphere from European influence

3. In 1845, the U.S. used treaties & wars to pursue its “______”

& expand to the Pacific Ocean

4. By the 1890s, the U.S. gained new ______& developed a more ______foreign policy

B. In the late 1800s, the United States emerged as an ______nation:

1. Imperialism is the act of strong nations exerting their power over weaker nations,

often by gaining new colonies

2. From 1867 to 1904, the U.S, annexed Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, the

Philippines & built the ______

3. European powers had acquired colonies & many Americans believed that the USA had to imperialize in order to ______

C. Examples of American Imperialism (1898-1914)

Overview of American Involvement / Positive/Negatives Effects of American Imperialism
(Pg. 243)
Overview of American Involvement / Positive/Negatives Effects of American Imperialism
(Pg. 244 - 245)
Cuba (Pg. 233) / Puerto Rico
(Pg. 232, 241)
(Pg. 242))
(Pg. 238 - 239)
(Pg. 240)

E. Not all Americans supported imperialism:

1. The Anti-Imperialist League formed in 1899 to fight U.S. annexation of the


2. Many argued that the U.S. had no right to force ______upon others

II. Conclusions: By the 20th century, the USA was a world power:

A. Built the world’s 3rd largest ______

B. Annexed Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, many Pacific islands

C. Asserted itself in ______(Spanish-American War,

Panama Canal, & Roosevelt Corollary

D. Influenced ______(Open Door Policy)

Read Chapter 21, Section 2. Each diagram contains a foreign policy symbol, the name of that policy, and the name of the president associated with that policy. Around each spoke diagram, add at least three key pieces of information about that president’s foreign policy.