Sociology Lesson Plans October 20 through 24

Monday, October 20

Introduce Chapter 9 using Power Point Presentation-“Social Stratification” Chapter Outline

Hook and Link: Television show Ugly Betty (Teacher Resource Book)

Chapter Focus Questions:

What is social stratification?

What are the systems of stratification?

What are the rewards of stratification?

What are the theories behind social stratification?

How does the U. S. define poverty?

What social policies have been created to ease poverty?

Vocabulary Development Focus: What is social stratification? (use flowchart below)

Social Stratification ðDefinition ðkey concepts are ð Income Defined + Wealth Defined ð which help you understand ð Income Distribution ð which shows how ð income and wealth are divided among five groups (specify) ð which help you understand how ðpeople receive power (define power) ð which can influence ð prestige (define) ð which relates to ð Poverty and Class Structure (define both) ð which explains the impact of wealth and poverty on social factors (neighborhoods and education) ð which influences ð Structural mobility and Symbolic interactions (define both) ð which lead to ð Social Reform ð which created ð Welfare and Minimum Wage (define both)

Categorize “Systems of Stratification” on the board. Have students place facts they know about each to demonstrate prior knowledge. (See PowerPoint Slide)

Independent Activity: Issue a reading on India’s Caste System and direct students to read the article and answer the analysis questions.

Tuesday, October 21-22

I will continue to use the PowerPoint Presentation along with the Chapter 9 Textbook Analysis Worksheet to address:

1. How do class systems and caste systems differ? (go over graphic organizer)

2. What rewards are most often used to determine social stratification?

Summarize what each means.

Interpret Table: “Prestige Rankings of Occupations” (See Powerpoint)

Interpret Pie Graph: “Comparison of Distribution of Income and Wealth in the U.S.”

Interpret Bar Graph: “Household Income in the United States, 2001” Also find more up-to-date information on the WEB.


Flaws/Myths in Wealth & Income reporting

1.  “Household income has stagnated”

2.  “Rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer”

3.  “Standard of living” rarely taken into account

Applying Sociology: Complete the reading and questions on pages 212-213.

Homework: Read “Explaining Stratification” pages 211

1.  Summarize the two theories’ views on social stratification:

a.  Functionalist

b.  Conflict

Thursday, October 23

Check students homework

Discuss the two theories’ view on social stratification using the powerpoint presentation and video clips.

Use enrichment video lessons to enhance students understanding of the content

Introduce Section 2 using the Powerpoint Presentation

Independent Activity: Graphic Organizer “The American Class System” (Complete as homework-due on Wednesday or Thursday depending on when students return to class)

Friday, October24

If we have a pep rally on this day, we will discuss the information on this graphic organizer on Monday, October 20. If no pep rally, we will discuss the “The American Class System” on Friday, October 17.

Students will be able to describe the characteristics of each of the classes.

If present on Friday, have students read the content on pages 214-218 and be able to answer:

1. List and describe the three basic techniques sociologists use to rank

individuals according to social class.

2. What is the meaning of:

a.  social mobility-

b.  vertical mobility-

c.  horizontal mobility-

d.  intergenerational mobility-

3. What do sociologists see as some structural causes of:

a.  upward mobility-

b.  downward mobility-