Minutes of Parents Representatives, Management Council and Academic
Staff Meeting held on 17Feb 2018

1.A meeting between Management Council, Teachers and Parent representatives was held on 17 Feb 2018 at 1030 hrs at Cariappa Hall, Bhonsala Military School, Nagpur. Col J S Bhandari (Retd), Commandant presided over the meeting. The following were present.

(a)MrsAnjaliAnsingkar– Asst Head Mistress
(b)Parents Representatives – As tabulated below :-

Sr No. / Class / Name of Parents Representative
1 / V A / Mrs S Rathod
2 / VI A / Mrs R Karnake
3 / VI B / MrRajuKowe
4 / VI C / MrsSarikaYadav
5 / VII A / MrAkhilesh Singh
6 / VII B / MrDevendraDhurve
7 / VII C / MrVinodSurpam
8 / VII D / MrsAlkaWatkar
9 / VII E / MrsPadmaMasram
10 / VIII A / Mrs N Agrawal
11 / VIII B / Mr P Mankar
12 / VIII C / Mr D Pendam
13 / VIII D / Mr K Lambat
14 / IX A / Mr V Gaikwad
15 / X A / Mr C Bhendarkar
16 / XII B / Mr Y Sahastrabuddhe

2.General. The Commandant started the meeting by welcoming the parent representative and showed concern over low turnout of parent’s representative at the time of meeting.

3.Annual Day Celebration. Comdt gave a short report on Annual Day cultural programme and Ceremonial Parade. He said that both the programme werehighly appreciated by respective Chief Guest and other dignitaries. He also mentioned that the installation of MiG-21 in schoolhas been a result of relentless efforts on part of the management since 1999.

4.Academics. The Comdt raised the u/m issues :-

(a)Result Declaration.The Comdt showed concern over the lack of parent’s interest and co-operation in academic performance of the cadets. He informed that during result declaration of Class XII pre-board exams, not a single parent came to see the results. He said that this clearly shows that the parents are not taking adequate interest in the wards performance which is very disturbing.

(b)Weak Students. The Comdt said that during a previous meeting, one of the parent had requested for special attention for weak students. Accordingly, a assessment was taken to find out why such students are lagging behind. It came to light that most of these cadets could not read the text and were also very poor in writing. Hence, a module was worked out by a committee steered by the AHM and reading sessions were held during post lunch sessions. The module has had a very impressive effort within a month and is now being intensified. He further stated that the parents must motivate their wards to read. They should ensure that during summer vacation the children read newspaper magazine and story books. In fact, this should be done by all cadets irrespective of their academic prowess.

5.Sports. The Comdt stated that the school continues to dominate the sports arena. This year from the strength of 935 cadets, 409 cadets represented the school at District level, 208 represented at Divisional level and 15 cadets represented Maharashtra and West Zone in National games. He further stated that this years the many cadets have bagged medals at various levels including five gold, sevensilver and tenbronze at State level meets of various games. The detailed list of achievement in sports is available for perusal and placed as Appx to the minutes.

6.Special Achievement. The Comdt highlighted the u/m achievements :-

(a)National Aero-Olympics – 2017. This year Bhonsala Military School wonprestigious All India Aero-Olympics – 2017 for the 5th time.Our school boys stood first among 22 top school of India.

(b)Scholarship Exam 2016-17. For the first time, seven (07) cadets from Class VIII and two (02) cadets from Class V succeeded in the scholarship exam conducted by Maharashtra State Council Examination, Pune. They will now receive an amount of Rs 3,000/- per month by the State government.

(c)Other Activities. The Comdtgave the details of the achievement registered by the cadets in Inter-school Band Competition, Bal Darbar Drama Competition and National Science Olympaid.

7.Discipline. The Comdt raised the u/m issues :-

(a)Electronics Gadgets.As many as 50 mobiles & i-pods have been recovered from the cadets. It is a result of vigilant residential staff who is alert in their duties. The Comdt asked for co-operation from parents to stop mobiles coming to the school. He said that exposure to social medial divert the attention of teenagers which is detrimental to their overall development.

(b)Late Reporting. Late reporting is a major concern now a days. To check the late reporting, school administration imposed fine on cadets, which was approx Rs 52,000/- this year. But the loss of study hours during these days cannot be counted in fine. It is the duty of parents to motivate their child to report on time.

8.Points from Parent Representatives

(a)Eatables. MrsWatkar (VII E Representative) pointed out that the students are not receiving the eatables sent by the parents. Comdt replied that whenever a parcelis received, it is checked. If the quantity is excess of the laid down scale then that is not handed over to the cadet. Instead, it is distributed amongst all the others. He requested the parents to give only the laid down quantity.

(b)CCTV Cameras. MrsWatkar (VII E Representative) suggested that CCTVs cameras should be installed in all hostels to check fights between cadets. Comdt said that cost is quite exorbitant and hence we need to do it in phased manner.

(c)Expectation from Class X. MrBhendarkar (X A Representative) wanted to know about the expected academic performance of Class X in the board exams. Comdt said we expect all cadets to secure first division marks with about ten cadets getting above 90%.

(d)Check on Mobiles. MrBhendarkar (X A Representative) requested to Comdt to check the mobiles coming to the school. Comdt replied that his staff is very vigilant and hence we have been able to recover nearly 50 mobiles & i-pods. However, there is a need of co-operation from parents. If all parents decide not to give mobile to their wards then there will no need for checks.

(e)Mr Singh (VII A Representative) suggested that the parent of the ward from whom the mobile has been recovered should be called to the school and conselled. Comdt informed that discipline committee calls the parents each any every time. Even letters are issued to the parents requesting them to refrain from such activities.

(f)Guidance of Class V. MrsRathor (V A Representative) suggested that senior cadets or warden should guide Class V cadets on personal hygiene and importance of cleanliness. The Comdt replied that this is being done.

9.Conclusion.The Commandant concluded by thanking the parents for attending the meeting and requested them to continue to co-operate in the development of cadets.

(Refer Para 5)


Sr No / Faculty / Levels of Competition / Remarks
District / Divisional / State
(a) / Water Polo / 1st Position / 1st Position / Participated / -
(b) / Kabaddi (U-14) / Winner / 2nd Position / - / -
Kabaddi (U-19) / Participated / - / - / -
(c) / Kho-Kho(West Zone U-14) / Winner / - / Winner / Cdt Anil Madavi,
Cdt Karan MadaviCdtPratikAtram, Cadet AjitRapanji selected for school (SGFI) National and secured 6th position in all India.
(d) / Football (U-14) / Winners / Participated / - / -
(e) / Handball (U-14) / Runner-up / - / - / CdtAniketDanavselected for school (SGFI) National
Handball (U-17) / Winner / Winner / 3rd Position / CdtRohitRaiselected for school (SGFI) National
Handball (U-19) / -Winner / Winner / Participated / CdtAdityaGawandeselected for school (SGFI) National
(f) / Archery (U-14) / Participated / Participated / Participated / -
Archery (U-17) / Participated / Participated / Participated / -
Archery (U-19) / Participated / Participated / Participated / Cdt Karan Nareraselected for State Level Competition
(g) / Wrestling / Winner / Participated / Participated / CdtParvez Mohammad selected for State Level Competition
(h) / Wushu (U-14) / Gold / - / - / - / -
Silver / Four (04) / - / -
Bronze / Five (05) / - / -
Wushu (U-17) / Gold / One (01) / - / - / -
Silver / Five (05) / One (01) / -
Bronze / One (01) / - / -
Wushu (U-19) / Gold / Five (05) / Two (02) / - / CdtYashThote, CdtAdnan Sheikh selected for State Level Competition
Silver / Three (03) / One (01) / -
Bronze / Two (02) / - / -
(i) / Karate / Gold / One (01) / - / - / -
Silver / One (01) / - / -
Bronze / Three (03) / One (01) / -
(j) / Boxing (U-14) / Gold / Three (03) / One (01) / Participated / Two (02) cadets selected for State Level Competition
Silver / - / Four (04)
Bronze / One (01) / -
(k) / Boxing (U-17) / Gold / Two (02) / Three (03) / - / Three (03) cadets selected for State Level Competition
Silver / One (01) / Four (04) / -
Bronze / One (01) / - / One (01)
(l) / Boxing (U-19) / Gold / - / Six (06) / - / Six (06) cadets selected for State Level Competition
Silver / - / One (01) / -
Bronze / - / - / One (01)
(m) / Athletics (U-14) / Gold / Six (06) / - / Participated / CdtNageshHichami, CdtLokeshParteki selected for All India VidyaBharti School Level Athletics Competition.
Silver / One (01) / -
Bronze / - / -
(n) / Athletics (U-17) / Gold / Six (06) / Two (02) / Participated / CdtAbhishekMahulkar selected for All India VidyaBharti School Level Athletics Competition.
Silver / - / -
Bronze / Two (02) / One (01)
(o) / Athletics (U-19) / Gold / Ten (10) / Three (03) / Participated / CdtPrajwal Jain,
CdtSameer Khan selected for All India VidyaBharti School Level Athletics Competition.
Silver / Five (05) / One (01)
Bronze / Three (03) / -
(p) / Fencing (U-12) / Gold / - / - / - / -
Silver / - / - / -
Bronze / - / - / Four (04)
(q) / Fencing (U-14) / Gold / Three (03) / - / One (01) / Three (03) cadets selected for (SGFI) National Fencing Competition.
Silver / Two (02) / - / Four (04)
Bronze / Three (03) / - / -
(r) / Fencing (U-17) / Gold / Two (02) / - / - / CdtHarsh Bhurkunde selected for (SGFI) National Fencing Competition.
Silver / Two (02) / - / Three (03)
Bronze / Four (04) / - / Two (02)
(s) / Fencing (U-19) / Gold / One (01) / - / - / -
Silver / Two (02) / - / -
Bronze / Two (02) / - / One (01)