at MIT
Standard Operating Procedures
for the
Rigaku RU300 Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator
185mm Radius Diffractometer
Charles Settens
Office: 13-4009A
Phone: 845-430-2584
Original by Scott A. Speakman
Revision: 23 January 2014
These instructions describe the proper operation of the Rigaku RU300 Rotating Anode X-ray generator and the MDI DataScan data collection software. The diffractometer attached to the generator is a Rigaku D/Max-b 185mm radius goniometer with diffracted-beam monochromator and scintillation point detector.
If there is any problem with the generator or diffractometer, you are required to report it to Josh Guske immediately (13-3090, x3-0180, ).
If the problem poses a safety hazard, turn off the generator (even if a scan is in progress) and post a note on the enclosure (so that no one else tries to use the instrument). Remember, you are not just responsible for your own safety; you are also responsible for the safety of those around you.
Operating Instructions: Abridged Checklist for Experienced Users......Operating Instructions: Complete and Thorough Illustrated Instructions......
I. Preliminary Checks......
II. Setting up the Diffractometer......
IV. Turning on the X-Ray Generator......
V. Using the Data Collection Software......
• Creating a New Data Collection Program......
• Editing a Previous Data Collection Program......
• If the Software Stops Communicating with the Diffractometer.....
VI. When Your Run is Finished......
Appendix A. Selecting Slits for your Experiment......
Appendix B. Description of Scan Parameters and Data Collection Strategies......
• Scan Job Parameters......
• Additional Information about using the Task List in DataScan......
• Some Data Collection Strategies...... / pg 3-4
pg 5-14
pg 6
pg 7
pg 8-9
pg 10-14
pg 11
pg 13
pg 14
pg 15
pg 16-18
pg 19-23
pg 19-21
pg 21-22
pg 22-23
Operating Instructions: Abridged Checklist for Experienced Users
More detailed instructions start on page 5; if you are unsure about the proper way to do something, consult those instructions or ask SEF staff (Josh Guske) for help
1. Engage Coral to start Logging Time
2. Assess the Instrument Status and Safety
a) Is the Generator on?
b) Is the Shutter open?
c) If the generator is OFF, go to step 3.
d) If the generator is ON and the shutter is closed, go to step 2.
3. If the generator is ON, then turn it OFF
a) Check that no scan is running and that the shutter is closed.
b) Slowly turn down the current (mA)
c) Slowly turn down the voltage (kV)
d) Press the red OFF button on the generator control panel.
4. Set up the Diffractometer
a) Check the slits (DS, SS, RS, and RSM)
b) Insert the sample and place the sample chamber cap above the sample holder.
c) Close the Enclosure Doors
5. Turn On the X-Ray Generator
a) Press the white T-REV button.
· The amber READY light on the generator control panel should light up brightly
· If the READY light does not light up, or lights up only dimly, then check:
o that all enclosure doors are properly closed.
o that the voltage and current dials are turned fully counterclockwise to their minimum positions.
· If correcting these does not cause the amber ready light to light up, contact Josh immediately.
b) Press the white ON button.
· If the CW light in the Alarm section illuminates, then:
· Press the RESET button
· Start over with step a
· If any other alarm light is lit, do not attempt to operate the instrument- contact Josh
c) Wait for the voltage (kV) meter to settle at 10kV and the current (mA) meter to settle at 20mA.
d) Turn up the generator power.
a. Use only the coarse adjust dials for kV and mA.
b. First turn up the kV slowly to 50 kV, waiting for the gauge to settle between each detent.
c. Then turn up the mA slowly to 200 mA, pausing between each detent (i.e. click).
5. Using the Data Collection Software
a) Start MDI DataScan4
b) Open Control > Rigaku D/Max-b to initialize the diffractometer
· In the Goniom tab, set the “2Theta” and “Theta” offsets and click the Datum button.
· In the PHA tab, set the “Base Line”, “Window”, and “Detector HV” values and then click all 3 Set buttons.
c) Set up the Scan Parameters in Scan > Routine Scan
Start the Scan
6. Turn OFF the Generator when you are Done Collecting Data
a) You must turn off the generator when you are done collecting data.
b) First, slowly turn the current all the way down to 10 mA, pausing between each detent
c) Then, slowly turn the voltage all the way down to 20 kV, pausing between each detent
d) Press the generator OFF button
e) Remove your sample from the diffractometer
f) Close the enclosure doors.
7. Disengage Coral to Stop Logging Time
Operating Instructions: Thorough & Illustrated
I. ENGAGE the Rigaku_Cr_Source in CORAL
II. Preliminary Checks
1) Determine whether the X-ray generator is ON or OFF
a) This is indicated by the red warning light hanging above the tube tower and the red warning light on the generator control panel (labeled X-RAY).
2) If the X-rays are NOT ON, proceed to Section II “Setting up the Diffractometer”
3) If the X-rays are ON
a) Check if the shutter is open. This is indicated by:
· The red warning lights on the side of the tube tower
· The red warning lights on the shutter control panel.
· Only Shutter 1 is used on this instrument
· The X-ray safety shutters can open only when the X-ray generator is on.
b) If the shutter is open, check DataScan (pg 14) to see if a run is in progress.
· If a run is in progress, wait until it finishes or manually stop the run. The computer will close the shutter.
· If no run is in progress and the shutter is open, do not attempt to operate the instrument- the shutter might be stuck. Turn the generator off and notify Josh immediately.
c) If the shutter is NOT open, then turn off the generator
i) First, slowly turn down the current (mA)
· Turn the coarse adjust dial one ‘click’, pause, then turn it again.
· Turn the coarse adjust knob all the way counterclockwise to 10 mA
ii) Then, slowly turn down the voltage (kV)
· Turn the coarse adjust dial one ‘click’, pause until the needle stops moving, then turn it again.
· Turn the coarse adjust knob all the way counterclockwise to 20 kV
iii) Press the red OFF button on the generator control panel.
1. You cannot open the enclosure doors while the generator is on. Opening the doors will automatically cause the generator to shut off.
2. Never operate the shutters from the switches on the Generator Control Panel; the computer will automatically open and close the shutter when collecting data.
3. The shutter and the X-ray generator each has two warning lights indicating open/on. For a pair of warning lights, if you ever observe that one warning light is on and the other warning light is off, turn off the generator (even if a run is in progress) and contact Josh immediately.
1) Check the slits
a) Use Appendix A (pg 16-18) to help you decide which slits to use.
b) The divergence slit (labeled DS) is usually ½ or 1 deg.
i) The DS is covered by an anti-scatter cap that you must remove.
(1) Be sure to replace the anti-scatter cap after checking/changing the DS.
ii) The flat side of the DS faces the X-ray tube when inserted.
c) The scatter slit (labeled SS) is usually twice the size as the DS (1 or 2 deg).
i) The flat side of the SS faces away from the sample when inserted.
d) The receiving slit (labeled RS) is usually 0.3mm.
i) The flat side of the RS faces towards the sample when inserted.
e) The monochromator receiving slit (labeled RSM) is usually 0.8mm.
i) Use a smaller RSM to remove more K-beta intensity (eg single crystal substrate)
ii) The flat side of the RSM faces the detector when inserted.
2) Insert the sample.
a) Position the sample holder so that the sample is in the top half and facing you.
b) After inserting the sample, check that it is snug up against the alignment post.
i) Make sure that both springs are behind the sample holder.
ii) If the sample holder is loose, the measured angles may not be correct.
c) Place the sample chamber cap on the scatter shield above the sample.
i) Make sure that the microswitch is depressed by the flat tab on the cover.
ii) The enclosure doors will not register as closed if the sample chamber cap is not in place.
3) Close the enclosure doors.
a) Line up the white metal plates on the doors with the red dots on the enclosure frame.
b) Make sure that the right side door is slid all of the way to the right- it sometimes sticks on the enclosure frame.
1) Press the white T-REV button.
a) The belt drive should begin spinning the anode.
b) The amber READY light on the generator control panel should light up brightly.
i) If the READY light does not illuminate, see the troubleshooting section below.
2) Press the white ON button.
a) Wait for the voltage meter to settle at 20kV and the current meter to settle at 10mA.
b) If the CW alarm light turns on, then:
i) Press the RESET button
ii) Press the white ON button again
c) Then proceed to the next page (pg 9) for instructions on turning up the power
When you push the T-Rev button, if the READY light does not light up, or lights up only dimly, then:
· Check that all enclosure doors are properly closed.
o Check that the voltage and current dials are turned fully counterclockwise to their minimum positions.
· The Voltage and Current each has 2 dials: a coarse adjust dial and a fine adjust dial. Both must be turned fully counterclockwise to their minimum positions.
o Check if any ALARM lights on the Generator Control Panel are lit.
· If the CW alarm light is lit, then press the RESET button.
· If any other alarm light is lit, do not try to operate the instrument. Press the OFF button and contact Josh immediately.
o Check the status of the vacuum. The three green lights on the vacuum controller, labeled 10-3, 10-4, and 10-5 should be lit.
· If only one or two lights are on, do not turn on the generator. Report this to Josh immediately.
o If none these steps cause the amber READY light to light up, then there may be a serious problem. Contact Josh for help.
3) Turn up the generator power.
a) First slowly turn up the kV to 50 kV.
i) Turn the coarse adjust dial one ‘click’ at a time, waiting for the meter to settle at the new kV before turning the dial to the next detent (i.e. click).
(1) Use only the coarse adjust dial.
b) Then slowly turn up the mA to 200 mA. Pause between each detent (i.e. click).
(1) Use only the coarse adjust dial
(2) As you approach 200 mA, then needle will not track accurately—it will read slightly below the set current. You should look at the scale on the mA knob to make sure that you do not turn it above 200 mA.
(3) If you do turn the current above 200 mA, the generator will shut off and the OL light in the Alarm Indicators will light up (see figure on bottom of previous page). If this happens, then:
(a) Press the RESET button below the Alarm Indicators
(b) Turn the kV and mA knobs all the way counterclockwise to their lowest settings.
(c) Wait 1 minute.
(d) Turn the generator on again, proceeding from step 1 on page 8.
o Do not turn the voltage and current up to quickly—this will damage the filament.
o If any of the alarm indicator lights other than CW or OL on the Generator Control Panel illuminate, accompanied by the generator shutting off, contact Josh immediately. Do not continue to attempt to operate the instrument.
V. Using the Data Collection Software
Data from the Rigaku diffractometer is collected with MDI DataScan v4. This program follows most of the conventions for Windows-based programs. Conventions used in this guide:
· Menu items are printed in italics, for example: File, Edit, etc
· Nested menus and selections within menus are indicated by >, for example File>Open
· Window titles (shown in the blue title bar of each window) are written in bold italics.
· Names of tabs are underlined.
· Icons or Buttons on a dialogue box that you should click are shown in bold, for example: OK¸Apply
· All fields are shown in bold between “quotation marks”.
See Appendix B (pg 19-22) for more thorough information on scan parameters, writing data collection programs in DataScan, and data collection strategies.
1) Start MDI DataScan4 if it is not already running.
2) Initialize the Diffractometer
Before data can be collected, the goniometer must be initialized and the detector turned on.
· This only needs to be done once per session.
· The datum offsets and HV/PHA values are posted on the monitor of the data collection computer. DO NOT USE THE VALUES LISTED IN THIS SOP—USE THE VALUES POSTED ON THE MONITOR!!