Honors Biology 2016-2017

Teacher: Mrs. Tate


Twitter: @TatePburgBIO

Text: Biology 5th Edition: Campbell, Reece, and Mitchell

Course Description:

Honors Biology is designed to provide motivated students with many opportunities to explore the molecular and organismal worlds. Students should have an interest in science and a strong work ethic in order to be successful in the course.

Materials for class: ALWAYS BE PREPARED

§  3- ring binder for keeping all papers

§  Blue or Black Pen, pencil for diagrams

§  Text book (as needed)

Grading: A variety of assignments will be performed each marking period.



Quiz- 15%



All grades are posted in Genesis on a regular basis. Students and parents should ensure that they have access to monitor the grades throughout the marking period. Any grade discrepancies can be discussed during OP, class time will not be wasted.

No individual extra credit will be offered for those who want to boost their grades. Extra credit may be given on a test or at random times to all students at my discretion.


Homework will be issued on a daily basis. Some homework assignments may be written, group work, studying, or reading. READING MUST BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Homework does not just entail writing or doing problems. Please ensure that you are aware of all homework assignments. Make sure you understand when an assignment is due!!! If you do not know…ASK!!!

§  Late HOMEWORK will not be accepted for any reason.

**Note: some reading assignments will be accompanied by questions and some will be checked in journal writing or quizzes so make sure you DO ALL READING ASSIGNMENTS.

Test/ Quizzes:

§  Tests will always be announced in advance.

§  Quizzes may or may not be announced (unannounced quizzes will be based on class period reading participation-if it becomes evident that reading is not being completed, unannounced quizzes will then be instated)

§  No notes will be allowed during tests or quizzes unless stated in advance by me.

§  No re-tests will be given for poor grades.

Marking Period Projects:

§  Each marking period will have a project that is assigned at the start of the marking period and due at the end of the marking period. Projects must be handed in on the due date, regardless of absences. A project that is handed in one day late will result in a loss of 40% of the grade.

§  The projects vary each marking period.

§  Research will be required for projects; any and all plagiarism will be result in a grade of a zero.


§  Formal, typed lab write-ups will be assigned throughout the year.

§  Mini lab questions and follow up assignments will also be assigned for various labs.

§  Late labs will be accepted at a loss of 10% of the grade per day. Labs will not be accepted 5 days after the due date.

Make-ups due to Absence:

§  It is your responsibility to get any notes that you missed.

§  Ask someone in class what you missed when you were out and ask me specifically for any worksheets you need.

§  Labs must be made up at a time that will be arranged with me in advance and should be made up within ONE week of the absence. Some labs cannot be made up and another assignment will be given instead.

§  Tests need to be made up within 3 OP days. You must schedule your test the day you come back from being out. These are ordinary circumstances.

Classroom Rules:

§  Classroom rules are in accordance with the school policies as seen in the student handbook.

NO cheating. This pertains to ALL assignments, not just tests. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero for that assignment, your parents will be notified.