BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 8:00 a.m. 111 Deputy Hall

Committee Website:

Voting Members: Heidi Hansen (Math), Porter Coggins (Education), Wendy Greenberg (Environmental Studies); Rick Koch (Biology);

Absent: Sanjeev Phukan (Business) due to family illness; Christel Kippenhan (At-Large); Mark Christensen (English);

Non-Voting Members: Joan Miller (GSO); Tammy Bobrowsky (Library); Colleen Greer (CAS)

  1. *Approval of the Minutes of February 25, 2015 [use the committee website listed].

Wendy moved (Heidi 2nd) to approve. Motion carried.

  1. Announcements/FYI:

a)  Graduate Education Subcommittee (Rick) – Dean Frost? No update.

b)  2nd Call Graduate Mini-Grants-deadline (Joan). None were received. Dollars should roll over; Joan will check to make sure.

  1. Curriculum Proposals

a)  ED 14-15 #14 – Tabled as revisions are needed.

b)  SPED 14-15 #17 – Course Modifications in Special Education

Heidi moved (Porter 2nd) to accept as presented. Motion carried. Joan will notify Robin in Records.

The committee agreed to invite the faculty member spearheading the proposal should to be able to answer questions if needed.

  1. Old Business

a)  Graduate Faculty Nomination Form and Criteria: Senate? The Criteria for Membership was approved by Senate; however, the Nomination Form was not included…Rick will contact Senate to add to the next meeting’s agenda.

b)  Graduate Assistantships Allocations for FY2016: Recommendation needed (34 total positions).

  1. New GA Requests Received
  2. Biology Department: Current allocation for Biology is 4 positions; requested 4 new teaching positions.
  3. Environmental Studies: Current allocation for EVSS is .5; requested 2 new positions;
  4. English Department: Current allocation for English is 10 teaching positions; requested a total of 4; 2 for English/2 for Writing Center;

After much discussion, this topic was tabled for the March 18 meeting; this will be the single agenda item for that meeting. Everyone should have all the NEW GA requests and job descriptions. If you do not, please let Joan know.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.

Next meeting, Wednesday, March 18 at 8:00 a.m. in Deputy Hall 111.

c)  *Graduate Catalog – Policies and Procedures, Sections II and IV. Reviewed through page 7;

  1. New Business

d)  *Graduate Faculty Orientation as presented by the School of Graduate Studies

e)  80/20 Model: Potential for graduate study growth

f)  Work experience for credit

g)  MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16

h)  How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to remove themselves from the BSU Graduate Committee?

Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary