Long Term Overview: Year 6 - 2017/18
Subject Area / Autumn 1–Black History Month / Autumn 2 – WW1 / Spring 1 – Mayas / Punch Drunk / Spring 2 – Mayas / Punch Drunk / Summer 1 – The Vikings / Summer 2 – The SeaEnglish – Quality texts / Journey to Jo’burg
- Narrative
- Non-Chronological Report
- Persuasive Writing
- Diary Entry
- War Poetry
- Descriptive writing
- Third-person narrative
- First-person narrative
- Newspaper Report
- Third-person narrative
- Newspaper Report
- Non-chronological Report
- Poetry
Numeracy / Place value; x/÷ (mental and written methods); Addition and subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Fractions/decimals/percentages; Ratio and proportion; Handling data; Ratio and proportion; Problem Solving (money & real life); Rotation/reflection; Angles (inc. triangles); 2D and 3D shape, perimeter and area; Measures and problem solving; Properties and reasoning about number; Algebra; Transition units
Science / Living things and their environments- Grouping and ClassifyingCarl Linnaeus / Light/Shadow / Heart – circulatory system
William Harvey / Evolution and Inheritance
Charles Darwin / Electricity / Science assessments
RE / Judaism Unit 4 - Prayer and Worship of God / Sikhism Unit 3 – The Gurdwara and the Guru Granth Sahib – Final and Everlasting Guru
Sikhism Unit 4
Christmas focus / Journey of Life & Death / Christianity (Unit 9) + additional Easter focus / Bridging Unit B
Computing, including e-safety & Safeguarding / e-safety: cyber bullying
CEOP: Cybercafe, behaving responsibly, / Safer Internet Day Assembly
e-safety: social media, including using mobile phones / e-safety: discerning use of the Internet
Secondary school Childnet Leaders to lead assembly/workshop
Programming – Scratch / Using technology effectively – web design on Weebly / Programming – Lego WeDo / Using technology effectively – I can animate app / Using technology effectively - Book Creator app
Programming - Scratch / Using technology effectively - Garage Band App
Computer networks
Geography / Civil Rights/Apartheid
Establish a clear narrative within and across a period of history / World War One
Study of British History that extends chronological knowledge beyond 1066
Location Knowledge / The Mayan Civilisation
Study of a non-European society that provides contrast with British History / Local History and Geography
Physical and human geography of a region of the UK
Location Knowledge; grid references; map reading / The Vikings
The Viking struggle for the kingdom of England
Study of a European region (Scandinavia) / Oceans
Hemispheres; Tropics; Lines of longitude and latitude
Art / Chris Ofili inspired collage
Tate trip / War paintings
e.g. Paul Nash / Mayan Art
Traditional Mayan glyphs / codex / Jellinge-period craftspeople
Painted snake motifs / Seascapes
DT / Healthy eating: making a salad (veg or fruit) / Mayan chocolate recipes (brownies) / Build a 3D island / Baking bread
Viking long-ships
MFL / Rigolo Year 6 Unit 7 – ‘Le week-end’ / Rigolo – Unit 8 Les Vetements / Rigolo Unit 9 - Ma Journee / Rigolo - Unit 10 , Les transports / Rigolo - Unit 11 , Le sport / Rigolo – Unit 12, on va faire la fete
Indoor PE / Laban Dance / Laban Dance / Laban Dance / Laban Dance / Laban Dance / Laban Dance
Outdoor PE / Hockey and Netball / Invasion Games / Tag Rugby/cricket / Tennis / Multi- Sports with Graham / Multi- Sports with Graham Athletics
PSHCE, including Safeguarding & British Values / Equality /
- Junior Citizenship Day
- New Beginnings
- Learning muscle: Have a go & be curious
- Philosophy
- Promoting the values of democracy.
- European Day of Languages
- NSPCC– Speak Out, Stay Safe! (every other year)
- Stonewall
- Learning muscle: Be co-operative & be resilient
- Philosophy
- School Council visit to Houses of Parliament
- Challenging opinions or behaviours that are contrary to fundamental British values.
- Road Safety Week
- Keepin’ it cool (workshop on anger management)
- Going for Goals
- Learning muscle: Keep improving
- Understanding the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs.
- SRE – how sex is presented in the media, sexual stereotyping, friendships and healthy relationships, body image
- Learning muscle: Concentrate
- International Women’s Day assembly
- Promoting tolerance between different cultural traditions.
- Drug Awareness
- Learning muscle: Enjoy learning
- Promoting the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.
- Gangs and youth violence workshop
- Changes – transition
- Learning muscle: Use your imagination
- Developing awareness of the difference between the law of the land and religious law.