Since September 2016: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.


September 2013- September 2016 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Universidad de Burgos, Spain.

September 2011-August 2013. PART TIME PROFESSOR. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.


January 2013. Ph.D. in Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.

June 2008. Bachelor in Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.


Since January 2015: Construct level in the prediction of social behaviour: risk and prosocial behaviours (PSI2014-53321P). Funding Entity: Economic and competitive Ministry. Position: Researcher.

Sept 2014-Sept 2015: Colaborative proyect with Plymouth University. Funding Entity: Banco Santander UK. Position: Researcher.

July-2013 to December-2014: Promotion of the humanitarian action in the Spanish and Latin-American context: Psychosocial analysis of values profile, emotional dispositions and scope of action. Funding Entity: UAM-Santander. Position: Research

January-2012 to December-2014: Emotional episodes: Experience, expression, action, and knowledge. PSI2011-28720/PSIC (MEC). Funding Entity: Ministry of Education and Culture. Position: Researcher.

January-2009 to December-2011: Analysis of the experience, expression, and behaviour produced by complex emotions. PSI2008-04849/PSIC (MEC). Funding Entity: Ministry of Education and Culture. Position: Researcher.

January-2005 to December-2008: Characterization of the emotional experience: conceptualization, description and behavioral consequences. SEJ2005-06307/PSIC (MEC). Funding Entity: Ministry of Education and Culture. Position: Researcher.


López-Pérez, B., Oceja, L., Ambrona, T. y Carrera, P. (accepted 2017). Sympathy and Tenderness as Components of Dispositional Empathy: Predicting Helping and Care Behaviors. Current Psychology.

Oceja, L.; Ambrona, T.; López-Pérez, B.; Stocks, E.; & Carrera, P. (accepted 2017). Local versus Global Perceptual Scope, Empathic Concern, and Helping Preferences in Multiple-Victim Situations. The Spanish Journal of Social Psychology.

López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T.,Gummerum M. (2016). Interpersonal emotion regulation in Asperger's syndrome and borderline personality disorder. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2017 Mar;56(1):103-113. doi: 10.1111/bjc.12124

Ambrona, T.; Oceja, L.; López-Pérez, B.; & Carrera, P. (2016). Can empathic concern be generalized from one person to others? Another positive side of the ‘one-among-others’ effect. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 547–553.

López-Perez, B., Ambrona, T., Wilson, E. & Khalil, M. (2016). The effect of enclothed cognition on empathic responses and prosocial behaviour. Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000273

Gummerum, M., López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T. y Rodriguez, S. (2016).Children’s Moral Emotion Attribution in the Happy Victimizer Task: The Role of Response Format. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(1):1-16.

López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T., Hanoch, Y. (2016). Influence of the type of patient in the emotional response of nurses and nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 19, 7-11.

López-Pérez, B., & Ambrona, T. (2015). The role of cognitive emotion regulation on the vicarious emotional response. Motivation & Emotion, 39, 299-308.

López-Pérez, B., Carrera, P., Ambrona, T. & Oceja, L. (2014). Testing the Qualitative Differences between Empathy and Personal Distress: Measuring Core Affect and Self-orientation. The Social Science Journal, 51, 676-680.

Oceja, L., Heerdink, M., Stocks, E., Ambrona, T., & López-Pérez, B., Salgado, S. (2014). Empathy, awareness of others and action: How feeling empathy for one-among-others motivates to help the others. Basic and Applied Social Psychology , 36, 111-124.

López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T. & Márquez-González, M. (2014). TECA-NA: Cognitive and Affective Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Teenagers. Behavioral Psychology, 22, 5-18.

Ambrona, T. & López-Pérez, B. (2014). A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between positive and negative affect and health. Psychology, 8, 859-863.

López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T., Gregory, J., Stocks, L. & Oceja, L. (2013). Perspective-Taking Strategies, Empathic Concern, and Personal Distress among Professional Nurses and Nursing Students. Nurse Education Today, 33, 334-338.

Carrera, P., Oceja, L., Caballero, A., Muñoz, D., López-Pérez, B. y Ambrona, T. (2012). I feel so sorry! Tapping the joint influence of empathy and personal distress on helping behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 335-345.

López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T. & Márquez-González, M. (2012) Efficacy of a brief emotional intervention programme to increase the emotional competence in children at primary school. Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 23, 23-49.

Oceja, L., Ambrona, T., López-Pérez, B., Salgado, S. & Villegas, M.S. (2010). When the victim is one among others: empathy, awareness of others and motivational ambivalence. Motivation and Emotion, 34,110-119.

Oceja, L., López-Pérez, B., Ambrona, T. & Fernández-Pinto, I. (2009) Measuring the Individual Differences in the Disposition to Feel Empathy and Distress: The Vicarious Experiences Scale. Psicothema 21, 171-176.


2016:Emotional preferencies and results expectatives in children with Asperger Syndrom. IX Motivation and Emotion Meeting. Madrid. Spain

2016:Interpersonal emotion regulation in person with Asperger y TLP Syndroms. IX Motivation and Emotion Meeting. Madrid. Spain.

2016:Motivation and virtual teams. IX Iberoamerican Meeting. Murcia. Spain.

2016:Influence of evaluation method on short and long term learning. IX Iberoamerican Meeting. Murcia. Spain.

2014:Analysis os social exclusion process and emotional habilities in childrens. Internacional sociale servises. Palencia. Spain.

2014:Perceiving individuality in the needy: Motivational and behavioral implications. Motivation and Emotion Meeting. Granada. Spain.

2014:Emotion regulation and vicariuos emotions related. Motivation and Emotion Meeting. Granada. Spain.

2013: Provoking and managing the generalization of the empathy-altruism link by presenting the individual as one among others. XIV Annual meeting SPSP. New Orleans.

2013: Is there a motive with the ultimate goal of increasing the welfare of the world? The case of quixoteism. XIV Annual meeting SPSP. New Orleans.

2013: Immorality from Quixoteism: When helping and normative behavior conflict. VI Annual Meeting. Society for the Study of Motivation. Washington (USA)

2011: Analyzing the differences between two vicarious emotions: empathy and personal distress. XVI General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Stockholm (Sweden).

2011: Motivational conflict provoked by presenting the victim as one among others. XI Annual Meeting. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio (USA).

2010: Analyzing and managing the motivational conflict provoked by presenting the individual in need as one among others. III Annual Meeting. Society for the Study of Motivation. Boston (USA)

2009: When the individual in need is one among others: testing the conflict between two prosocial motives. X Annual Meeting. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Tampa (USA).

2007: Disposition to feel two vicarious qualitatively different: Empathy and personal distress. XXXI Inter- American Conference of Psychology. Mexico City (Mexico).