The RESEARCH Project

« Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) « Қамқоршы»

The name of the organization « Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) « Қамқоршы»

Authors: Ahmetov Lajla Sejsembekovna, БарановаDyne Сергеевна

The brief characteristic of the organization

In opinion of lines of observers, « Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) « Қамқоршы» - the organization which is most active on many directions of trade-union work in Almaty and in Kazakhstan as a whole.

What reorganization would not be carried out(would not be spent), its(her) efficiency впрямуюdepends on professionalism, experience, energy профработников. Summing up the lead(carried out) organizational work for these 15 years it is necessary to note, that now the trade union has registered according to the established law the order, rallied enough, efficient trade union with the prepared trade-union active which is possessing experience of work in collectives.

The main motive of membership in trade union, for any normal person the prospect to receive from this organization the necessary help and support is. But for this purpose such organization should have real material opportunities and high enough authority.

The decision of a problem of motivation of trade-union membership depends on the trade-union organization. And, first of all, - from not released(exempted) профлидера, which majority. It is very difficult to combine the basic work with carrying out public, to know, be able and put into practice the legislation not worse the lawyer, simultaneously to be the economist and to understand rules of a labour safety, therefore the trade-union active requires reception of the operative information, regular, qualitative training.

The main thing in daily work – to see priorities, to aspire to not miss a trifle as they directly concern people of work. In any situation it is necessary to undertake everything to help the worker to defend the rights and interests, it is especial in a heavy situation. Members of trade union "Қамқоршы" trust and wait for concrete and clear actions from the trade union.

The trade-union organization – « the beginning of the beginnings » trade-union movement without which there can not be a trade union, therefore is necessary to make all efforts for becoming the strong, rallied, competently working trade-union organizations.

The main tasks of trade union "Қамқоршы" during the present(true) period are:

- training trade-union leaders and a trade-union active;

- the organization of an exchange by experience;

- development of social partnership, an establishment of side benefits and guarantees for members of trade union and as the most important – the worthy salary for the work executed by the worker;

- exception of infringements of legitimate rights and interests of members of trade union;

- increase of knowledge of members of trade union;

- increase in motivation of trade-union membership.

Problems which are necessary for solving:

- insufficient increase in number of the trade-union organizations;

- absence of an internal information network;

- still meeting infringements of legitimate rights and interests of members of trade union;

- absence of well equipped base for training trade-union activists and members of trade union.

The trade union precisely knows, that waited from him(it) by workers and that our trade unions can give them. For years of teamwork in "Қамқоршы" the collective of the prepared, competent, efficient, sociable trade-union leaders and a good trade-union active was formed. The trade union solves arising problems(tasks) and works on the further development of trade-union movement.

The executive committee of trade union carried out(spent) work on training and informing of chairmen of the trade-union organizations and a trade-union active. With this purpose training seminars and business games are carried out(spent). In 2002 training seminars and business games on themes have been lead(have been carried out):

  • About practice of application of the tax Code,
  • Practical questions of application of the labour legislation,
  • The responsibility of the parties(sides) of the collective agreement,
  • Some questions of legal regulation of social security,
  • Questions of a payment in the organizations of communication(connection),
  • Modification and additions in collective agreements, etc.

After carrying out of session of Executive committee business game on results to the organized training seminars is lead(carried out). During carrying out of business game the present chairmen профкомовwere divided(shared) into commands(teams) on 5 person in everyone, and answered by turns a choice from 40 questions and situational tasks. For each answer and the decision of the situational task points were charged. The command(team), typed(collected) the greater number of points, has been recognized as the winner, memorable gifts are handed it(her).

On December, 20, 2005 the Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) "Қамқоршы" has lead(has carried out) to sanatoria " Наурыз " an one-day exit training seminar on a theme: « About summarizing work of the trade-union organizations in 2005. For participants of a seminar – chairmen and bookkeepers of trade-union committees the questionnaire with questions has been made. In the given questionnaire chairmen and bookkeepers of trade-union committees should estimate work of Executive committee for 2005, and also express the opinion and make the offer. The questionnaire has consisted of ten questions. On a question: « you would like to consider What themes at seminars in 2006? » The following themes have been offered:

1. Carrying out of sessions of trade-union committee, conferences.

2. to improve health of workers, to increase quantity(amount) of permits.

3. separate questions of the Law on work of Republic Kazakhstan.

4. on a financial question and carrying out of independent check.

5. to continue a theme of the Law « About work ».

6. About charge of pensions.

7. About a labour safety.

6. the collective agreement, labour agreements.

7. new in the legislation on work, questions of a pension fund.

8. the legislation on work.

9. the legislation on work, a provision of pensions.

10. development of trade-union movement in Kazakhstan and the contribution of trade unions to a policy(politics) of the country.

In questioning has taken part – 18 person. From total, filling questionnaires of 0,27 % have expressed a wish to learn(find out) more about new in « the Law on work of Republic Kazakhstan », to improve health of workers and to increase quantity(amount) of permits – 0,05 %, on financial questions and carrying out of independent check – 0,05 %, about the collective agreement and labour agreements – 0,05 %, about a provision of pensions – 0,11 %, about development of trade-union movement in Kazakhstan and the contribution of trade unions to a policy(politics) of the country of-0,05 %.

Results of questioning

About work of Executive committee

1. how you estimate work of Executive committee in 2005?

а) Perfectly

в) Well

г) Well

2 persons have estimated – well, 16 person have estimated work of Executive committee – perfectly.

2. in your opinion, what questions were not shined(covered) at sessions of Executive committee, but they were necessary for considering?

1. results, remarks, offers on camp.

2. correct write-off of money resources.

3. all questions have been considered.

4. whether has the right the worker who is not being a member of trade union on privileges, existing in the Collective agreement?

5. joint training on Issyk Kul.

3. your opinion on the lead(carried out) seminars on subjects, frequency, the maintenance(contents) and the organizations.

1. the seminar with the psychologist in sanatorium " Наурыз " has liked. And in general on all seminars good fellows!

2. all privileges which it is inherent in the employee (children's camp, rest in sanatorium, etc.)

3. we count, that seminars are carried out(spent) on a regular basis, frequency of carrying out of me arranges, the organization of a seminar at a high level.

4. new changes under the Law on work in Republic Kazakhstan, the safety precautions and a labour safety.

5. the subjects arranges, the maintenance(contents) and the organization of seminars top-level.

6. all lead(carried out) seminars were substantial and are completely opened.

7. all lead(carried out) seminars have been organized perfectly well! Last has liked with carrying out of psychological training.

8. all is excellent(different).

9. completely satisfy.

10. it is instructive and helps in work.

11. there are no remarks.

4. you would like to consider what themes at seminars in 2006?

1. carrying out профкомов, assemblies, conferences.

2. to improve health of employees, it is more than permits.

3. on separate questions of the Law on work (on additions).

4. on a financial question and carrying out of independent check.

5. to continue a theme of the Law on work in РК.

6. it is a little about charge of pensions what was new?

7. It is a little about a labour safety.

8. collective contracts, labour agreements.

9. new in the legislation on work, questions of a pension fund.

10. development of trade-union movement in Kazakhstan and the contribution of trade unions to a policy(politics) of the country.

About work of trade-union committee

5. on what questions address in trade-union committee more often

1. the help, camp, trips, improvement, acupuncture, massage.

2. the charitable help.

3. on rendering the charitable help, on improvement of workers and children.

4. on allocation of permits in improving establishments.

5. an output(exit) on pension.

6. reduction of staff(state).

7. sanatorium permits, improving camp for children.

8. on rendering the charitable help, moving of the staff.

9. on questions of the Collective agreement.

10. housing problems.

11. permits in improving camp, the charitable help, the organization of departures of collective.

6. result examples, not менеtwo when the trade union rendered the effective help in protection of legitimate rights and interests of members of trade union

1. at reduction of departments, practically from 12 person have not dismissed any.

2. at dismissal of workers (members of trade union, at wrong distribution of the premium, a variable part).

3. Востановлениеfor work, protection of the rights of workers.

4. at an output(exit) in outsourcing worked together with Almaty trade union of communication(connection) on a question of payment of indemnification at reduction of staff(state).

5. at dismissal of a member of trade union.

6. In communication(connection) of achievement of a pension age.

7. at reduction and dismissal of regional representatives Astana has defended about translation of workers in ГЦТ "Астанателеком".

8. Dismissal of the invalid of the childhood on age, translation into other work on health

7. as sessions of trade-union committee were frequently carried out(frequently spent)

1. two times a month.

2. once a month.

3. as required not less often than an once in a month.

4. as required, not less often than an once in three months.

5. once in a quarter.

6. in process of receipt of questions and applications(statements) in 2005 two times.

7. monthly.

8. as trade-union assemblies were frequently carried out(frequently spent)

1. once a year.

2. four times one year.

3. once a year, conference.

4. monthly.

5. once a year.

6. were not carried out(not spent).

7. alternate years.

8. as required.

9. whether you carried out(spent) training of a trade-union active? If yes, on what questions

1. a labour safety, carrying out of certification of workplaces.

2. as required.

3. no.

4. on questions of the Collective agreement and the labour legislation.

5. yes. Attitudes(relations) in collective.

6. carried out(Spent) at seminars обкомаtrade union, is not present.

10. what action which has been lead(which has been carried out) by trade-union committee, is most marked from the positive party(side) by members of trade union

1. improving trips, Day of Language, Наурыз, New year.

2. on studying the Law on work of Republic Kazakhstan.

3. competition of professional skill, New Year's holidays.

4. departure in Тау-Самал.

5. carrying out of cultural - mass actions (departures rest, "Наурыз", « Day of protection of children », « Day of the Victory », « Prowaters of summer(years) ».

6. a collective campaign on a concert.

7. the organization of summer holiday, a New Year tree.

8. Культкрно-mass, housing problems, household.

9. trips to Issyk Kul, New Year trees and evenings.

10. all holidays, years(summer) departure mountains, day of languages of peoples of Kazakhstan.

The description of the trade-union organization

In 1999 in structure APRS "Қамқоршы" there were 63 trade-union organizations with an aggregate number of 11640 members of trade union. But after carry of the center of Almaty area to the city of Taldykorgan, under the insisting of General director АОДТand at support of chairman of Trade union of workers of communication(connection) of Kazakhstan the Almaty regional committee of trade union of workers of communication(connection), branch of Trade union of workers of communication(connection) of Kazakhstan have been formed. As a result of reorganization our structure was left with 34 trade-union organizations of regional units of telecommunications and post communication(connection) with number 4524 members of trade union.

"Қамқоршы" - one of the most active in Almaty of trade unions. It(he) unites over 11 thousand person. Thus in his(its) staff(state) – three employees and three released(exempted) chairmen профкомаfrom 64 trade-union organizations. But not in their quantity(amount) business. Professional work of the trade-union leader is too the requirement of time. The same regulation of procedure of reduction of the workers, documentary made out in the collective agreement, allows this, inevitable presently, process to make maximum painless.

On the end of 2002 in Trade union "Қамқоршы" there were 25 trade-union organizations with number of members of trade union 6900 person, including 3 trade-union organizations are located in Almaty area, i.e. the trade union keeps the regional status.

According to the Charter, an agency which is carrying out work between conferences, the executive committee in which structure it is selected at conference not less than 15 person is.

On 6 conferences in structure of Executive committee it has been elected 19 person. After formation(education) and allocation from our structure of Almaty regional committee of trade union of workers of communication(connection) in structure of Executive committee there was 10 person that was infringement of the Charter, therefore in 2003 7 conference on which the decision was accepted has been lead(has been carried out), that the structure of Executive committee should include all chairmen of the trade-union organizations, and was доизбрано13 chairmen of the trade-union organizations.

In five trade-union organizations in which the term of appointment of elective trade-union bodies has expired, report-back election assemblies have been lead(have been carried out) in 2004. Work of all trade-union committees has received an estimation well and perfectly.

Result of spent work as Executive committee and trade-union committees was that in all trade-union organizations trade-union membership makes 95%-98 % about тworking. And only in the central devices of Open Society " Kazakhtelecom " and Open Society " Казпочта " trade-union membership makes 50 %.

For 5 years with 2000 on 2004 24 sessions of Executive committee on which organizational questions of work of the trade-union organizations and Trade union as a whole were considered(examined), preparations of projects, the conclusions and performance of collective agreements, carrying out of training seminars, discussions, the organization and summarizing of competitions have been lead(have been carried out): « the Best trade-union organization АПРС« Қамқоршы"¿" the Best organization of work on years(summer) improvement of children », allocation of in part paid permits on sanatorium treatment to members of trade union, a condition of the financial account of the reporting in the trade-union organizations, changes in connection with introduction in action of Tax Code РКand other questions of trade-union activity.

For January, 1, 2005 the structure of Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) "Қамқоршы" included 23 trade-union organizations with an aggregate number 7116 members of trade union that makes 90 % from number working in these organizations of communication(connection). The least scope by trade-union membership, up to 50 % from number working – in the trade-union organizations of workers of the central devices of Joint-stock companies " Kazakhtelecom " and "Казпочта". 20 trade-union organizations are located in the city of Almaty and 3 – in Almaty area, therefore Public association has – the regional status..

In 2006 the structure of Executive committee includes 23 chairmen of the trade-union organizations.

Recollecting the past we shall notice, that many and have not noticed, how have ceased to be members of trade unions. Time was such. And in the majority of the kept labour collectives after партячейкамиhave disappeared and первички« schools of communism ». By virtue of uselessness. But, breaking structure, the essence and problems(tasks) of professional association has been forgotten.

- The ordinary statement has appeared, that today trade unions are not necessary. Say, all questions with the employer are adjusted by individual labour contracts or contracts. But it at all so. In market structure the trade union of hired workers is a natural, organic part of labour attitudes(relations). And the part necessary not only to workers, but also employers, - convinces Tamara Afanasjevna Glazkova, chairman of Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) "Қамқоршы". – And already now I should hear from heads of the large companies about as far as it is easier to work with one body representing collective, than with each worker separately. Such words from lips of new managers are especially valuable. We have successfully finished the period of the conclusion of collective agreements for the current year. And some from them subscribe for years - two, and then are prolonged. As, for example, collective agreements of the largest joint-stock companies – "Kazakhtelecom", "Казпочты". And, in spite of the fact that we annually bring changes, the improvements improving positions of hired workers, employers, having estimated advantages of quiet work – without meetings and strikes, - go on significant concessions. We, as well as they, understand, that nothing can be achieved protest actions. Today it is already impossible to go with a bayonet наперевес. It is better to go with the collective agreement. And we are fair, when we speak, that the trade union protects also employers. It not exaggeration. For example, the made collective agreement in which procedure of reduction of workers is painted, subsequently will not be wrapped up to the enterprise by judicial claims.


YI conferences of Almaty trade union of workers of communication(connection) "Камкоршы".

« Elections of executive committee of trade union » (2003)

having heard and having discussed offers of delegates,


To select Executive committee of Trade union in structure of 19 person, including: (there is a list of all 19 person – trade-union active workers)