Community Opinion Survey: The purpose of conducting this community opinion survey is to gather information from key community members to understand the strengths, resources and needs of the community that will improve access to healthier foods. You are striving to help all people achieve optimal health by reducing barriers to access healthier foods. Healthier foods include fruits and vegetables, and foods low in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar.

Each community member will not have all the “answers;” however, they have personal perceptions, opinions, information, and experiences that help to paint the picture of the community. The summary of input from key community members will help you determine the strategy approaches to be implemented to improve access to healthier foods.

Steps include:

1)  Identify 10-20 key community members to interview for their opinions on community food access. These community members can include people who play a role in food access, are community decision-makers, and/or are concerned about access to healthier foods.

2)  Contact the key community members and ask if they are willing to be interviewed for a 30-60 minute community opinion survey.

3)  Schedule a time to conduct the community opinion survey with those key community members who agreed to be interviewed. Ideally the interview should be conducted in person, but it could also be conducted by phone or video conference.

4)  Send the community opinion survey to key community members you will be interviewing so they can review the questions prior to the interview. Inform them that they can write their question responses on the survey if they’d like.

5)  Conduct the interview. Consider recording the interview so you capture all of the input. You can also ask the community members to provide you with their written responses at the interview.

6)  Finalize your notes after each interview to ensure you have captured all the input.

7)  When all of the interviews are completed, create a summary report of input from all community members to identify trends and opportunities.

8)  Host a meeting to share the summary report with community members interviewed and other stakeholders. The meeting will allow you to discuss and prioritize which strategy approaches will be pursued for the community.

Community Member Name
Organization & Position
Survey Completion Date
Person Conducting Interview

Introduction: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed today. You have been chosen as a key member of the community who can help us identify opportunities to increase access to healthier foods in our community.

1.  What area(s) do you work in or are associated with? (circle all that apply) /
Grocery stores
Convenience stores
Vending/concessions / Community Gardens
Farmers Markets
CSA: Community-Supported Agriculture
2.  We have an obesity epidemic in our country that is negatively affecting the health of many people. What concerns you about this?
3.  In your opinion, what factors contribute to the high rate of obesity?
4.  Let’s talk about healthier food choices like fruits and vegetables, and foods low in sodium, saturated fat and added sugar. Who are the people in our community who have the most difficult time accessing healthier foods?
5.  Education can be effective, but what changes in policies, systems, or the environment could increase access to healthier foods?
6.  What barriers do you see to implementing these changes that will increase access to healthier foods in the community?
7.  What strategies would you suggest for overcoming these barriers?
8.  Who in the community do you think is critical to the success of increasing access to healthier foods?
9.  Which organizations are critical?
10.  What is your role now or what role would you be willing to play to increase access to healthier foods in our community?
(Probe with examples if needed: serve on a task force or committee; provide public endorsement or testimonial; dedicate staff resources; provide meeting space, advertising, funds, refreshments, staff; organize a workgroup, etc.)
11.  Could you suggest other organizations or groups in our community who could take part in this work?
12.  Is there anything else you would like to add about food access that you have not had a chance to mention?
13.  Would you be willing to conduct this interview with people in your network and share the results with me? If so, by when could you complete this and how can we get in touch?

Closing: Thank you for your time and input. I will create a summary of the input from you and other community members. The summary will be shared at a community meeting in the near future where we will discuss opportunities for improving access to healthier foods in our community. You will be invited to attend the meeting. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or additional input prior to the meeting.