English 11 Course Syllabus

Mrs. Britten • Room 300

English 11 (A, B, C) is centered on the study of American literature from Puritan times to the late 20th century. We will make a lot of connections between the literature we read in this class and what you’ve learned in American history. English 11 is a three-trimester course (sections A, B, and C). Passing all three trimesters is a graduation requirement.
Activities/assignments in this class will include reading comprehension, literary analysis, grammar, vocabulary, listening/speaking, and writing.

- We will start an “ELA ACT Prep” folder for you during the first trimester of the school year. I will provide you with a folder. Some activities we do in class will go into that folder. Please leave your ACT Prep folder in the classroom!
- Some of the texts we will use in this class will be accessible through my website (the URL is at the top of this page). Please visit and familiarize yourself with how to navigate the site. I welcome feedback on how to improve my site and make it easier for you to use!
- Personal Organization – As juniors (or advanced 10th graders), I expect you to start developing your own organizational style. Find what works for you (folder, binder, notebook, etc.). You will definitely need something to store handouts in and you will need paper to write on. I recommend bringing a pencil on test and quiz days. Using a pen the rest of the time is acceptable if that’s your preference, as long as you can keep your assignments neat. If you need help getting supplies, shoot me an e-mail, message me on Facebook, or just talk to me 1:1. :) If you’re struggling with personal organization and it is affecting your performance in class, I’ll set up a time with you so we can meet and work on developing some strategies together.
Please do not bring large bags/backpacks, hats/coats (etc.), food or drink to class. :) I like my pretty new carpet and I want to keep it that way, and hats/coats/backpacks are not acceptable in the classroom per the school handbook. A small purse/tote or drawstring backpack for personal items is fine. Thank you for being considerate!
- You will be assigned a computer to use (I’ll post a list). Please use that same computer each time and make sure to set it up for charging for the next person’s use at the end of each class period. Let me know if your computer is not ready for you to use.

- Technology Etiquette – I will ask for your input on Technology Etiquette/“digital citizenship” guidelines for our class during the first week of school. After we develop these together, they will be posted on my website and also in the classroom for us to review together as necessary.

The English department uses standards-based grading.
1. Literature Standards (30%) – Anything we do in class that assesses a literature standard will go here. This could include summaries of Cornell notes, graphic organizers,quickwrites, annotation assignments, exit slips, literature quizzes and tests, etc. etc. etc.
2. Writing Standards (Logic/Rhetoric Assignments, Timed Writing, Essays, Poetry, etc.)(30%)
3. Grammar/Mechanics/Vocabulary Standards (20%)
4. Final Exam (20%)

The overall grading scale is as follows:

100% = A+99-93% = A 90-92% = A-
87-89% = B+ 84-86% = B 80-83% = B-
77-79% = C+ 74-76% = C 70-73% = C-
67-69% = D+ 64-66% = D 60-63% = D-

59% or below = E
The way Elevate works has changed a little this year. You will be notified of your “Elevate status” based on not passing standards, instead of having a failing grade in a class. For example, after I return a quiz to you, you may notice standards on the quiz that you didn’t pass. You have the opportunity to come to Elevate to make up those standards.

The Process

 You will be given one week to pass the standard(s) you missed. This may include coming to Elevate to re-take a quiz or test. However, assignment-based standards may be completed at home.

 After one week, if you still are not passing the standard, your parents/guardians will be notified and you will have a meeting with me to make a plan for passing the standard.

 If you still do not complete the standard, you (and possibly your parents/guardians) will meet with the high school RTI team for additional help.
The idea behind the changes is to reward you for doing what is necessary to pass the standards, and provide you with support if you aren’t making progress. If you’ve been a Lee student in the past, it may take a little while to get used to the changes in the Elevate system. Have patience with your teachers as we learn this new way of doing things, too! :) If you have questions, see Mr. Manning.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense, in which a writer claims (or implies) that someone else’s words or ideas are his/her own. One of the purposes of this course is to develop your ability to write using your own ideas. If a plagiarism occurs—and it is entirely up to the teacher to determine whether it has—it can seriously affect your grade for the particular assignment, or your final grade in the course. A ZERO will automatically be given for a plagiarized assignment, with no opportunity to redo the assignment. Please see your student handbook for more information about plagiarism and its consequences.


BBe original
BBe prepared
EElevate your life

ClassDojo.com – Please set up your account to customize your avatar and access your reports. Information about your performance this trimester will be included in the comments section of your report card next to your grade for this class. If you have questions about your ClassDojo status or have an idea, see me! :)


Temperature. As you may have noticed, this room is air-conditioned.  Please dress for the climate. This may mean that you have to keep an extra sweater or hoodie in your locker for this class if you tend to get cold easily.

Technology. Technology is awesome, but it has an appropriate time and place during the school day. Follow the Technology Etiquette guidelines we’ve developed as a class. If you’re not sure if you can use a device, please ask first! If I – or any other adult assisting in my classroom -- take your phone or other device, we are not required to give it back to you the same school day.
Passes. Do not expect to leave the room during class time without a proper pass (agenda book, signed by me) unless escorted by a teacher or administrator. If you can “hold it” until there’s a break in the flow of what we’re doing, that would be fantastic.
FYI… I will not give passes at the beginning of class. Use your time between classes wisely; you will be allowed 4 passes per trimester without a medical note on file in the office. Only one student will be excused to use the bathroom/get a drink at a time.

Pet Peeves.  Class ends when I have dismissed the class, not before (regardless of the bell).
Do not pack up your things and line up at the door before the bell rings. It’s rude!
Classes will not be excused early.
Expectations and consequences are outlined in the student handbook. As a high school student, you are expected to know what is in the handbook. Read it and share it with your parents; ask a teacher or administrator if you don’t understand what something means. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Please review… Tardy policy: Page ____  Dress code: Page ____
 General behavior expectations/infractions and levels: Page ____

My substitute teacher policy: Substitute teachers are our guests and they are an important opportunity to show off our school to our community because they will leave here and tell others what their time here was like. I know that (sometimes) subs have “interesting” personalities or don’t run the class the same way I do. None of us can control who the sub will be, but we can control our own manners! Please be tolerant and respectful even if you are a little annoyed with a sub; consider it job skills practice. It’s good manners to be polite/civil to a supervisor’s face even if you don’t like that person. If the sub leaves your name because I need to address your behavior choices, you will automatically be assigned two detentions.

COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTSI will contact parents throughout the year by telephone, e-mail, notes home, progress reports, and report cards. I enjoy contacting parents about the good things my students are doing and giving my students praise. I will also work with parents to help my students solve any problems that are having so that they can be more successful in my class. I hope to meet many of my students’ parents at Open House/ conferences this year. I welcome the opportunity to talk with parents at any time.