Sale – Maffra Cricket Association

Meeting of the General Committee held 21st December 2009

Present: Dean Benson, Ian Wrigglesworth, John Tatterson, Ross McMillan, Peter Croker, Andrew Bye, Kevin Lanigan, David Anderson, Col Carmody, Damien George Neil Tatterson Michael Love

Apologies: Geoff Abrahall


Meeting began: 5.40pm

Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the last meeting as circulated were accepted as a fair account of the happenings at the meeting of 9th November 2009.

Moved: Peter Croker / David Anderson carried

Business arising

Medallion engraving cost to be included in future year affiliations, this year SMCA to wear cost.


Correspondence List


1.  Robert Knee (Mycricket) re suspended players not linked at this stage

2.  Peter Croker – advice to Sale City CC re no umpires available

3.  David Anderson – advice re clubs who haven’t entered captains on my cricket (to clubs)

4.  Maffra CC – ground clash, request for change and query re Heyfield v BB match Sat / Sun

5.  John Tatterson – ground clash at Stratford 21/28 November

6.  VCCL Admin – Under 21 final to be played at Sale

7.  John Hehir – GCL Umpires – re Stratford CC hosting responsibilities

8.  Rodney Bidmade (GCL) re change of date for Under 16 match (to junior committee)

9.  Warragul Dist CA – advice re Scott Kelly clearance to Sale City

10.  VCCL – country week nominations

11.  Stradbroke CC – copy of clearance P Lawless (Well overdue)

12.  `Kevin Lanigan – GCL sides round 3

13.  David Anderson – Advice re insurance invoices.

14.  David Anderson – grade star’s to date

15.  Sale City Cricket Club – request re help to make insurance claim.

16.  Peter Flahavin – JCW forms (to juniors)

17.  Rodney Bidmade – Luke Bates clearance to StMary’s Nagle

18.  Col Anderson (Sale CC) re Luke Bates fine to be cleared.

19.  Sale Cricket Club – response to concerns from Sale City.

20.  Wurruk CC – response to clearance fine

21.  Wurruk CC – request for investigation into unregistered player v Stratford

22.  Damien DeCann (RK) re information regarding results fine

23.  Collegians Cricket Club re clearance fines

24.  Sue Shadbolt (BBCC) re 1st grade results – not entered as score entered incorrectly.

25.  Damien DeCann (RK) further info regarding results.

26.  Col Anderson (Sale CC) re Nathan Tourtoulas clearance

27.  Ray Floyd – re Lawson playing 2nds for Boisdale Briagolong?

28.  David Anderson – re insurance – Heyfield & Bundalaguah (forwarded to those)

29.  Wurruk CC (Craig Young) re Luke Tourtoulas (Unregistered / Wurruk registration?)

30. Nambrok CC – re non appearance at Tribunal


1.  SMCA Clubs – re SMS procedure – need captains listed ASAP

2.  Maffra CC – acceptance of ground change due to clash, advice re Heyfield v BB match

3.  Heyfield CC – advice of venue change at Maffra

4.  Col Carmody, Dean Benson, Kevin Lanigan – advice re Under 21 match at Sale

5.  Stratford, Heyfield, Nambrok CC re venue changes due to ground clash

6.  SMCA clubs – tribunal recommendations

7.  John Morgan (Tribunal) re date for hearing of Nat Campbell report

8.  Nat Campbell (via Sale CC) re tribunal hearing date and copy of charges

9.  Shane Loveless (via SMCA umpires) re tribunal date and copy of charges

10.  SMCA Juniors re GCL / Warragul response to move game from December 6th

11.  Peter Croker – re umpire in what match????? Nambrok v Heyfield

12.  Stratford CC – advice that player permit needs to be lodged for David Roberts before playing for Stratford CC

13.  Peter Croker – outcome of tribunal hearing, recommendations for umpires

14.  SMCA Clubs & Committee – advice of presentation night date for 09/10 season

15.  Nambrok Cricket Club – request for response regarding non appearance of umpire at tribunal

16.  SMCA clubs – request for copies of insurance invoices to be sent to David Anderson for payment

17.  Sale City / Wurruk – request for Christian names to be entered in mycricket for current players

18.  Sale CC / Rodney Jones – regards retirements in 5th XI and scores entered as rtno instead of retired if not reached 50

19.  SMCA clubs – reminder in regards to entering scores in relation to retired batters in 5th XI who score 50

20.  Rosedale Kilmany / Nambrok – advice re another ground clash – match to be moved to Nambrok and then 5th XI match from Nambrok to Heyfield following week.

21.  Sale City Cricket Club re: 1 clearance fine, 2 Sale v Sale City match, 3 Stratford v Sale City match to stand as draw

22.  Wurruk CC – clearance fines

23.  Stradbroke CC – clearance fines

24.  Stratford CC – clearance fines

25.  Collegians CC – clearance fines

26.  Sale CC – regarding concerns lodged by Sale City CC re ground and wicket

27.  SMCA juniors re lodgement of JCW team sheets

28.  Craig Young – Wurruk cc re round 6 scores incomplete

29.  Sale CC – request re Status of Luke Bates

30.  Rodney Bidmade (BCA) Peter Flahavin (Region) re Luke Bates ok to play

31.  Bundalaguah CC – advice re results fines

32.  Stratford CC – advice re results fines

33.  Rosedale Kilmany – advice re results fines

34.  Wurruk CC – advice re results fines

35.  Damien DeCann – RKCC re results fines and acceptance as to reasons why

36.  Bundalaguah & Heyfield CC – re insurance – needs updating

Correspondence accepted as tabled: Moved: Andrew Bye / Ian Wrigglesworth carried


Treasurer (David Anderson)

Written report tabled, bank balance approximately $10,000 - $3,800 in bills paid / yet collected.

Moved: David Anderson / John Tatterson. Carried.

Results ( Ross McMillan )

Notifications sent to clubs re fines to be levied for misdeameanors, waiting 14 days as per bylaw for response from clubs, otherwise issue fines and points deductions.

Juniors ( Michael Love )

Junior country week squads selected, 14 players in under 14 & 12 players in under 15. both teams all set to go.

Thanks to Ross & David for getting the junior draws sorted out on the mycricket system.

Mat Mitchell from Sale City Cricket Club will be representing Victorian Under 15’s.

Region ( Kevin Lanigan )

Under 21 Final was washed out, hope to play final in Melbourne in late February if possible.

SMCA has most Milo have a go program centres in the region

Under 18’s pathways competition being played in Traralgon Jan 11-15.

Selectors ( Kevin Lanigan)

We will be calling a training session probably 13th January to try to generate enthusiasm / interest / team spirit before our next game, and also to generate interest in Melbourne Country Week.

Disappointing result last round against Traralgon, hopefully better performances to come.

President’s Report (Dean Benson)

Dean umpired 5th XI game – Heyfield v Nambrok. Behaviour was fine. Permission given to Anthony Clissold to drop 2 grades as only available one week.

Umpires ( Peter Croker )

Peter attended the Sale City / Wurruk 3rd grade game week 2 and spoke to the clubs, no dramas were noted after the 1st week and subsequent request for umpire.

Tribunal recommendations through advising umpires have a code of conduct also, particularly in relation to language.

General Business

Re correspondence item 20: Write to Wurruk and advise clearance was in fact received, however it was past due date, therefore fine remains.

Re correspondence item 21: Kevin Lanigan moved that we write to Stratford Cricket Club asking them to show cause as to why they shouldn’t be sanctioned under rule 37 (Professional players) and a response to be provided by January 15 regarding David Roberts. Seconded Michael Love. Carried.

One day premiers – 1st grade play for the “Fischer Cup”, 2nd & 3rd XI premiers to receive premiership plaque.

Re correspondence item 23: Kevin Lanigan moved that we again write to Collegians pointing out the clearance by law and advise that the fine stands. Seconded Peter Croker. Carried.

Re correspondence item 29: Peter Croker moved that we write to Sale City regarding Luke Tourtoulas professional status and possible breach of rule 37 c (iii). Seconded Andrew Bye. Carried.

Re correspondence item 30: John Tatterson moved that the letter from Craig Arbuthnot be accepted, and that a copy be forwarded to tribunal chair John Morgan. Seconded Col Carmody.

Kevin Lanigan moved an amendment to the motion that we forward copy of apology to John Morgan together with notification that the SMCA committee has imposed a 4 playing day suspended sentence on Craig Arbuthnot for failing to attend tribunal as reporting umpire. Seconded Damien George. Carried.

The amended motion then became the motion, and was carried.

David Anderson then moved a motion that we advise Craig Arbuthnot of same. Seconded Peter Croker, carried.

Nathan Tourtoulas – follow up clearance date v date first played for Sale City in senior cricket.

Rules: we need to start looking at rules that need changes / new rules, to avoid time frame problems as we had last year. John Tatterson to organise this in the new year.

Grading: Discuss possible options for season 2010/11 recommendations once one day games completed.

Attire: General reminder to all clubs to be sent out regarding attire, particularly in relation to representative shirts / hats.

One day finals: Kevin Lanigan moved the all one day finals be played Sunday 31st January. Seconded David Anderson carried.

Neil Tatterson moved that finals qualifying criteria be used for selection, but only in relation to 1 day games. Seconded Kevin Lanigan. Carried.

Finals to be played on the home ground of the team finishing highest in each grade.

Time Change: Wurruk & Boisdale Briagolong have requested to start their 1st XI match ½ hour early. Kevin Lanigan moved, Andrew Bye seconded that we allow this early start. Carried.

Heat Rule: the heat rule has been used for the first time, with the Wurruk v Maffra under 14 match not going ahead on the 2nd day due to the heat.

Player behaviour: It is thought that the behaviour of players, particularly in 1st grade, is becoming an issue. It was decided that we get all clubs 1st XI captains together (includes Heyfield, Sale City, Nambrok & Stradbroke) and advise them of their obligations. Also get presidents to attend, and they can filter the information back through their clubs. Penalties to apply for those that do not have an apology accepted prior to the night, possible suspension. To be decided at next meeting. Captains meeting to be held Monday 18th January – Peter Croker to advise venue after discussion with Dean.

My Cricket can’t help with unfinancial players ‘transferring’ to a new club. If they sit out a season, I guess we can’t do much.

Kevin Lanigan moved that we write to Stratford and request information regarding the playing Stephen Knight with Stratford, when he is registered with Lakes Entrance (Bairnsdale Cricket Association). Possible region fine of $400 as it will be brought up at region meeting by BCA. Response required by January 15 so Kevin has something to fight with at region meeting. Seconded Ross McMillan. Carried.

Meeting closed 8.05pm

The next meeting of the 2009/10 General Committee will be held on Monday January 18th 2010 at Sporting Legends at 5.30pm