Italy High School

Ag Mechanics Metal Technology

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. John Woody


Classroom/Lab: Agriculture Science Building, Room 1 + Ag Mechanics Shop

Conference Period: 4th Period

Course Description: This class is the first full shop-based class in the Ag Mechanics pathway of studies. In this class, students will learn basic principles of shop work, including safety procedures of the equipment, equipment use, wood working, the use of common hand tools and small power tools, etc. Major disciplines of welding will be covered in this class (Shield Metal Arc and Gas Metal Arc) as well as the use of oxyacetylene cutting. This is a great class for the beginner in the ag mechanics field. We will also discuss leadership, work ethics, and job availability in the welding field and opportunities through the FFA organization.

Basic Topics for this Class

  1. Safety- All safety procedures will be covered for each tool and piece of equipment that we will use or study in class. A written safety test will be completed and kept on file. A minimum score of “80” is required to be able to advance to the hands-on portion of the class. Failure to follow safety rules will result in removal from the shop class.
  2. Careers- An overview of the welding industry, wood working, mechanized agriculture, and related fields.
  3. Careers will be explored throughout the year, with various guest speakers which can include representatives from welding colleges and trade schools, the Texas Workforce Commission, and/or people who work in fields related to this class.
  4. Welding and Cutting:
  5. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and correct positions of welding, learning to grade welds, and understanding the causes of welding defects.
  6. Oxy-Fuel cutting and safety.

Materials for Class

  1. Spiral notebook or composition book (not shared with another class – will stay in class for grading purposes)
  2. Pens or pencils
  3. Notebook paper
  4. Box of Kleenix

Student Expectations:

  1. No horseplay! Students will be orderly, respectful, and safe in the classroom and shop at all times.
  2. Be in class on time. If you must use the rest room or other facilities see me first before the bell rings. Tardies will be handled by the established tardy policy at IHS.
  3. Be prepared. Always have writing utensils and paper. Turn in assignments, quizzes, papers, projects, etc. on time.
  4. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom and shop: teachers, classmates, guests, substitutes, tools, equipment, and facilities. Participate with no hassle, and do not waste time. Use of manners and appropriate language at all times is expected.
  5. Keep the shop/classroom neat and orderly. Nofood/beverages/knives/weapons, per school policy (bottled water is allowable).

Grading Policy

Grades will be taken from the following:

Daily- classwork, activities, warm-ups, reviews, notes, worksheets, etc.

Tests- unit tests, projects, quizzes, performance assessments (grading welds, etc.)

Final- Semester/final exams

Special Note about this Course

You will be treated as if you were to be an employee; therefore, the tools/equipment used in this class will be valued as company equipment. You may need a job reference or prospective employer may ask about prospective employment, and an honest answer will be given about work ethic, habits, etc. You cannot be helped if you do not ask, so please seek the instructor with any questions or comments. Have fun, learn, and BE SAFE!