22nd February 2015


Present: Tim Davis, Declan Brady, Ailsa Enting-Hawke, Hannah Empen, Sean Davis, Danni Stringer, Marty Tonkin, Rex Johnson.

Apologies: Taryn Ryan.

Next meeting: Sunday 29th March, 2pm, (Location TBA).

Outstanding items / Zig Theory AFDA Fee / Action: Hannah to follow up with Zig Theory
Finance / Big Kev’s profit / -Money to be donated to Hutt Street Centre
Action: Give money to Hutt Street Centre (Ailsa)
Club policies / -Check what clubs are affiliated
-Club affiliation policy to be sourced from Jay and uploaded to the drive
-Find out the date that the club policy was voted in
Action: Contact Jay and upload policy to SAFDA Drive (Declan)
Action: Find and date club policies (Declan)
Youth / Coaches / List of coaches to be provided on the SAFDA Drive
Action: Sean
Women / Women’s Development Month / -Flyers to be handed out at O Weeks
-Find lesson plans on AFDA
-Use discs as prizes for brand new players
-Organise kit bag and sunscreen
-POJ after each session
Action: Upload WDM flyer to SAFDA Drive (Hannah)
Action: Look at lesson plans on AFDA website (Taryn, Rachel)
Action: Send lesson plan to Rachel (Sean)
Action: Declan to add $20 per week to women’s budget
Website / SAFDA Board meeting minutes / -Minutes to be kept up to date on the SAFDA website
Action: Ailsa
Notifications for new posts on website / -Provide instructions on how to get notifications for every new post on website
Action: Ailsa
Events / Winter Ball / -Danni has been looking at venues and has contacted a few.
-Date to be decided
Action: Follow up with venues and date (Danni)
Volunteer recognition day / -BBQ to be held for volunteers of the last year
-Spreadsheet of names to be created
-People to be contacted by email
Action: Create excel document for names (Tim)
Action: Add people to list who have volunteered (everyone)
League / Fields for league / -Awaiting approval from Lutheran
-Website registration to be done
Action: Create website registration for Open and Women’s league (Marty)
General / AUC bid for 2016 / -South region to host nationals in 2016.
-SA will put in a bid to host and if successful will follow up with SAFDA board/clubs about hosting.
Action: Organise our bid for AUC 2016 (Tim)
Lunchtime “Life be in it” / -SAFDA have been approached, re: organising lunch time games in the city, through life be in it.
-Have discs available for throwing
-Have a stall O-week style to recruit people interested in playing
Action: Organise with Life Be In It (Rex)
Switch Open/Womens league with Mixed league / -There is interest in switching leagues, ie: Mixed in first half of year, Open/Womens in second half.
-Discussion re: pros and cons
-Need to consult wider ultimate community
Action: Organise someone to write a proposal for why this should happen (Hannah)