DSCI 5180 .002, .026, .080, and .086 (5W1: 2017)
Statistics Analysis: Introduction to Decision Processes
Course Syllabus
(Use this link to print this Syllabus)
This is an INET class with NO scheduled class meeting (Ends with the on-line final exam. closing at 11pm, Thursday, July 6th). IMPORTANT: UNT supports Google Chrome and Firefox browsers and Quick time players. In case you have any navigation problem/s in Blackboard-accessed material, please try these, or any other alternate media that work for you. Be warned that the course progresses fast in this 5-week format. Enrolling in multiple such courses at the same time may hamper your performance/ grades, and is certainly NOT recommended.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Jay Jayakumar, ITDS Dept. OFFICE: 312F Business Leadership Bldg.
EMAIL: OFFICE PHONE: 940-565-4146 or ITDS Dept. @ 940-565-3110 (Please follow up calls/ messages with e-mails). E-mail is the preferred mode of communication.
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am to 1pm, and/or by appointments. (To chat and/or for physical meetings, please make appointments (also reachable through the BB Learn/ Module discussion boards).
Required (1): Text, viz., Discovering Business Statistics, 2013, Nottingham and Hawkes, Hawkes Learning Systems (HLS), with the Business Statistics Software (Courseware) in CD (ISBN 978-1-9415526-9-8) (OR) the Courseware and e-Book (ISBN 978-1-9415528-5-8)
Please check with HLS for availability of Mac versions (currently are unavailable). The software is required to complete the course assignments. An individual copy of the Software must be purchased to: (a) -obtain access/ user- rights to the software including through the COBA server/ virtual labs, or the HLS Web portal and (b) -complete and register the certificates of completion of the different lessons into your grade book.
In brief, to get your Hawkes Learning Systems (HLS) code you have 2 options. (1) After getting yourself a copy of the Text and software from the UNT bookstore (or any other source) log on to http://www.hawkeslearning.com, click on “get your access code”, and enter the license information from your copy of the software. Alternatively, (2) you may use the link http://www.hawkeslearning.com to purchase the software directly from HLS. You will receive your code within minutes! If it takes more than 15 minutes to receive your code after turning in the required information, contact Hawkes Learning Systems at 800.426.9538 or 843.571.2825 for assistance. Once the access-rights are purchased, you may simply use the Network version of HLS through their portal: https://learn.hawkeslearning.com/Portal/User/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fPortal. Be sure to enter your name as the registrar at UNT has it, to avoid any consequential problem thereof.
Required (2): Microsoft Excel with Data Analysis, and Solver -options activated. (Though you may be familiar with Excel, its essential use is Illustrated in the Text/ relevant Module. Use of other statistical software such as Minitab, SPSS, or SAS is completely optional; and their use is not covered/supported for the general class.)
If you already had purchased the HLS software for another course at UNT, you may use the same access code to update the software via the update option within your software and/or download the current version (Consult HLS student help). However, Individual copies of the software are required to obtain the Lesson certifications, and to take the compartmentalized online Module Quizzes. See the Student Getting Started Directions page at the end of this syllabus. (Note: Hawkes Course ID for the course is “UNTDBS”).
If you wish to install the software on your personal laptop, then please see the links below, which include a training video. There is no installation for MAC computers at this time.
· Student Compact or Complete (larger file with audio/video Install for PC, Version 15.0.1. (http://fileburst.hawkeslearning.com/v15/dbs-student-setup.exe) (Compact) http://fileburst.hawkeslearning.com/v15/dbs-student-setup-full.exe (Complete) followed by its update at http://fileburst.hawkeslearning.com/v15/v15-cumulative-updates.exe
· HLS training video: http://tv.hawkeslearning.com/Video.htm?PlayerID=2956123671001
· Again, for installation, the Course ID for all our courses is “UNTDBS”.
Being a fully on line course, this matter assumes an even greater significance (than normal). Please read through the statement linked here, and make sure that you can, and will abide by it. Only in case you cannot meet the ethical guidelines (and so have to cheat), please email me a note to that effect to my address above, to enable me take necessary follow-up action (which may include dropping you from the course, and/or completing remedial courses in business ethics etc.)
Being fully on-line, the content delivery, due dates etc. will not be deemed affected by any problem (including any weather-related closure at UNT campuses). Hence, necessities of making any changes in the lesson/Module due-dates appearing in this syllabus are not foreseen.
The target completion dates indicated herein for the different parts (called HLS lessons and/or Modules) are the latest dates when the work is due. These will also show up in the student progress reports on the HLS Link. Late HLS certifications will receive only 70% credit. Late completion of other work (Module Quizzes, equivalent of the compartmentalized mid-terms, setup within HLS) get you zero (no) credit. Only in the first and final Modules, there are some irregular due dates……. Please make special note of them.
A Statistics Lab. is available for students seeking walk-in help at the University; please call ITDS Dept. for times/venue. The lab is set up to assist students overcome difficulties they may encounter in attempting statistics problems; and is not meant to be a tutoring service…. This may at best may just be considered a perk for living in close proximity to the School.
NOTE THE POSTED DUE DATES FOR EACH MODULE WORK. STAY ON SCHEDULE AND TO COMPLETE ALL WORK BY THE POSTED DUE DATES; AND REMEMBER, THERE IS NO PENALTY FOR EARLY COMPLETIONS!!! (Clumping of the lesson due dates within Modules is done only to give you the maximum flexibility. In reality, I expect you to complete all such work well ahead of the due dates.)
Additional policies information:
1. Students with Disabilities: The College of Business Administration complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disability. If you have an established disability as defined in the "Act" and would like to request accommodation, please contact the ODA and your instructor as soon as possible. Instructor’s office hours and phone number are shown at the top of this syllabus.
2. Withdrawal and refund of the course fee: Withdrawal from any of these Five and/or eight week courses is at the discretion of the student. The drop deadlines are listed both in the current Graduate Catalog and semester schedules. The College of Business Administration will neither approve nor recommend course refunds beyond the twelfth class day equivalent of long semesters.
3. I will respond to e-mails promptly (in most cases with in at most 48 hours). However, I may delay responses to queries posted to the discussion boards, to allow sufficient time for peer-responses.
All business decisions require valid data and applicable analytical techniques. The goals of this course include:
1. Developing an appreciation for the role of statistics in making decisions,
2. Reviewing the central concepts of the statistics commonly used,
3. Understanding Simple Regression/ Correlation as a data analysis technique,
4. Building models using Simple and Multiple Regressions,
5. Understanding the role of ANOVA in experimental designs, and finally
6. Developing the capability to analyze data for a business context.
A Learning Integration Assessment module (that uses some of your background knowledge, in addition to what you see here) will be used as a direct measure of your ability to integrate learning into practice. This module also serves as a part of the continuous Quality Assessment of the Academic Program, as required by the University. So, please pay particular attention to this Application module, and the Quiz thereupon. This will be the 6th Module Quiz that you take (June 29th.) Your performance in it will count beyond the course. The Comprehensive Final quiz will be open through July 6th.
End of Semester teaching evaluations: The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on this class. I consider the SETE to be an important part of your participation in this class. (This survey will be activated by the University Administration toward the end of the semester; and will be accessible through the myunt.edu link.) Please also complete the Evaluation Survey embedded in the Black Board, as these are used by different agencies in the College and University.
The Module-wise coverage given below is general in nature. Should there be any conflict between this and what is laid out in detail in the assignment of the lessons in HLS, the latter takes precedence; so, please be mindful of checking due dates with the HLS Progress reports.
The following will be utilized to assess students’ learning/grading:
Component #1: HLS Lessons and certifications
The primary resource of instruction is the Hawkes Learning Systems (HLS): Business Statistics, which consists of a series of lessons. For ease, selected lessons are set in sequential Modules. In all, the course has 6 modules. All but the last Module require the completion of 4 to 6 lessons within each. (The last Module requires you to run a few Simple Linear Regressions on the given data, and take the Module Quiz using the results thereof; but NO completion of HLS lessons. More on this, later.) The other five Modules require the completion of a combined total of 25 HLS lessons for the course.
Each Module-work will involve completion of the constituent lessons, followed by a Module Quiz. Each lesson should be completed by (1) first following the demonstration provided therein, (2) reading the lecture material, (3) doing a few practice exercises, and then (4) finally, completing its certification. Note that the lesson numbers mostly match the chapter and section numbers in the Text and e-book. The questions in the certification segment require you to answer (input them) sequentially, as you move forward. The certification in specific lessons recognizes your proficiency in the material covered therein. The certification should be saved to your desktop/ some convenient folder, and subsequently uploaded and registered in the HLS grade book. In case you are using the HLS Web-portal, or have an active INET link, your certification is automatically entered in the Grade book. But reliance on it happening may result in late/ non- registration. As mentioned earlier, there is a 30% penalty for modules that are completed late/ registered late (i.e., late submissions are graded only for a maximum 70% credits).
Timely certification is of the essence in getting you 100% credit, and thereby a good grade in the course. Note that all (except for the very first lesson of the first Module) certifications within a Module carry identical due dates. This is done to offer you maximum flexibility in their completion, within the overall time limits. (The early due date of June 9th is set for the first lesson only to get you to quickly familiarize yourself with the sequential quizzing process; and to get you a good, early start with the remaining setup.)
Please DO NOT plan on doing several certifications in one sitting (never more than two). The key is in getting an early head-start on the modules. Further details on due dates are provided elsewhere in this syllabus.
The tutorials in HLS are intended to instruct and train you in the certification procedure. The assigned readings of the sections from the Text present a supplement to these tutorials. These sections may be read with the matching study/reading material before attempting each HLS lesson. The end-of-the-chapter exercises are meant to further reinforce the material. Many such exercises have answers at the back of the text, for verification.
Reading of the material that is not directly assigned for any reason (but is presented in the Text) also may help develop better appreciation for the methodologies, and beyond (Example: Sections 6, 7 and 9 of Chapter 13) but it is not considered essential (…else it would be assigned too). Such reading is recommended specially for the students that plan on taking another follow-up course, and/or have a little more inclined toward Statistics.
Component #2: Module Quizzes
After the completion of the lessons in each Module of the course you should complete a Module Quiz (covering the lessons that constituted the part, like the mid-terms, in face to face classes). Module Quizzes will be available for taking only in specific time-windows that match/follow the stipulated work. This is done, to ensure that we follow a general timeline.
Statistics is easier absorbed in smaller doses; so please spread your consumption over longer time. Plan on having a few alternative time slots for the HLS work; that way you may afford a break if/when the material appears hard.
All the lesson certifications within each part MUST be registered prior to taking the Module Quizzes. These follow a different, but more familiar format (multiple-choice). These Module Quizzes may be done ONLY after completing the certification of the constituent lessons.
Component #3: Learning Integration Assessment
This Module combines your understanding of statistics and linear algebra (from earlier academic background) to figure out the optimal mix of the securities that maximize the returns, while operating within the overall risk-limit set by a client. The Module Quiz #6 that you take in HLS will be based on the results of your analysis.
ALL the work (except Module 6) is to be done through HLS; you will need to get back to Blackboard toward the end of June (after about 20th) for Module 6. After finishing Regression in Module 5, we get into this important Module. On completing the Module work as illustrated in Blackboard, please take the Module Quiz #6 in Black Board on June 29th.
Component #4: Final Exam
This Comprehensive Quiz will cover the 25 HLS lessons (first 5 Modules), and is due July 6th.
Grading Summary:
To summarize, there are 25 Hawkes Learning Systems Lessons (HLS1 thru HLS25), 6 Module Quizzes, and a Final Quiz used for grading in this course. The Module Quizzes are compartmentalized, i.e., they are NOT cumulative, but cover only the specific lessons in that Module. However, without the certification of the component lessons you will not be able to attempt them. The comprehensive final quiz is based on only the 25 HLS lessons (not Module 6).