7th Conference of Ambassadors (27-28 July 2010)

Work Sessions

First Day (Tuesday 27 July)

10.30Informal Briefing by Secretary GeneralAmb. Giampiero Massolo on the general reform outline.

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

13.15Working lunches hosted by Minister Frattini adn other members of the government.

Lunch 1 : “Global security, “imperfect” multilateralismand responsible sovereignty” .

Lunch 2: “Peoples and cultures on the move”.

Lunch 3: “Rules, asymmetries and growth in the world economy” .

Lunch 4: “Food safety and environmental policy: complementary dimensions”.

15.40Participants accommodated in the conference room.

16.00Introduction by Minister Frattini

Address by President of the RepublicNapolitano

Acknowledgements by Minister Frattini

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

17.00 First Plenary Session. The European Union and the new globalgovernance.

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

Speakers: Hon. Felipe González, President of the Reflection Group on the Future of Europeand Hon. Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission.

Coordinator: Amb. Ferdinando Nelli Feroci – Permanent Representative to the European Union.

19.20Presentation of Expo 2015, with Minister Frattini, with the participation of Mayor of Milan and Special Government Commissioner for Expo 2015 Letizia Moratti, Presidentof EXPO 2015 SpaDiana Bracco andDirector General of EXPO 2015 SpaGiuseppe Sala.

20.00End of the first day’s sessions.

Second Day (Wednesday 28 July)

9.30Introduction of the magazine “Longitude”, in the presence of Minister Frattini

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

10.00Second Plenary Session. Global Security.

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali -la sessione si svolgerà in lingua inglese)

Speakers: Amb. Mary Carlin Yates, Special Assistant to the President of the United States, Alessandro Profumo, CEO of UNICREDITand Hon. Jorge Sampaio, UUN S-G High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Coordinator: Min. Plen. Sandro De Bernardin, Deputy Secretary General–Policy Director.

13.00Working lunches hosted by Minister Frattiniand other members of the government.

Lunch 1: “Europe’s external dimension after the entry into effect of the Lisbon Treaty”.

Lunch 2: “Innovation as a resource”.

Lunch 3: “Partnership for development”.

Lunch 4: “An Italian profile in a global world”.

15.30Third Plenary Session. Promotion of the Country System.

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

Speakers: Emma Marcegaglia, President of Confindustria, Hon. Vasco Errani, President of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Sergio Marchionne, CEO of FIAT, Prof. Pio Baldi, President of the MAXXI Foundation, Amb. Umberto Vattani, President of ICE,Hon. Gianni Alemanno, Mayor of Rome.

Coordinator: Amb. Giampiero Massolo, MFA Secretary General.

18.30 Concluding address by Prime MinisterSilvio Berlusconi

(Sala Conferenze Internazionali)

19.30 Family Photo.

(Sala Mosaici)