Principal’s Corner

Dear Endeavour Families,

Spring has sprung! The recent sunshine has been rejuvenating! There is no better time in our classrooms than spring, when all the hard work of establishing routines and expectations of kindness are evident. As I visit classrooms each one is humming with purpose and filled with confident learners.

Along with spring comes an important testing window for elementary schools.

The MSP testing window is quickly approaching. All students in 3rd -5th grade will

take part in this assessment. This school year, 4th grade will be taking the math assessment on-line. Next school year we will all be switching over to the Smarter Balance Assessment and all students will be assessed online.

Testing this year includes:

·  3rd Grade: Math and Reading (paper and pencil)

·  4th Grade: Math (online), Reading and Writing (paper and pencil)

·  5th Grade: Math, Reading and Science (paper and pencil)

Below is a schedule of Endeavour’s testing dates. Please make every attempt to ensure your

student(s) will be here on these very important days by not scheduling appointments or absences

that will keep them out of school.

·  3rd Grade - Tuesday, April 29th - Reading

Thursday, May 1st - Math

·  4th Grade - Tuesday, April 29th – Reading

Thursday, May 1st – Writing #1

Tuesday, May 6th – Writing #2

April 28th – May 8th – Math On-line

·  5th Grade - Tuesday, April 29th – Math

Thursday, May 1st – Reading

Tuesday, May 6 - Science

Stanford 10 results for students in 1st, 2nd and 5th grade will be available through Family Access late

in the afternoon on April 4th. Parents may log into their account and see their child’s individual

results. If you do not have your Family Access account information, please contact the office.

5th grade parents, these scores will be a useful tool for you as you consider pathway placement in

math and language arts for middle school.

Students have Endeavour have been participating in clubs after school, sponsored by our generous PTSA. Those clubs include Destination Imagination and Math Olympiad. Recently a few of our teams have been recognized for their accomplishments.

The “Thinking Jaguars" - 2nd grade Destination Imagination team won 3rd place in the "Laugh Art Loud" Challenge. They were the youngest competing team. Endeavour had 4 teams take part in the regional competition.

Endeavour’s Math Club students participated in a very challenging competition in Blaine, WA last weekend.

Endeavour teams competed against some of the top mathematicians in our state. The competitors took tests that included individual exams, mental math, probability/statistics, algebra, geometry, and a potpourri category. After hours of crunching numbers, analyzing statistics, and measuring angles, our teams placed in a competition of more than 100 teams! Endeavour Elementary placed 2nd in the Math is Cool competition for the Seattle area. Bravo!! We are very proud of these students!

Everything at Endeavour is buzzing. Please be sure to check our e-news so you don’t miss a thing, especially our upcoming PTSA Auction! It is going to be an outstanding event! Details are available on our PTSA website at

Enjoy Spring Break!

Kathy Connally