AVPA was formed over 20 years ago. Its members work in conjunction with the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist VA-sponsored students in receiving their benefits. AVPA members are dedicated to promoting opportunities for our veteran students to access higher education, achieve their educational and career goals, and pursue their individual and civic growth.
Three scholarships of $500 will be given each year. Veterans with prior military active duty service may apply. Guard and Reserve Members may apply. Return application and all documentation by April 16, 2008. Selected recipients will be notified by May 16, 2008.
ü Prior Active-Duty Veteran with an honorable discharge (Chap. 30, 32 and 1607 benefits)
ü Arizona Guard or Reserve Member (On Active Status contract)
ü Full-time student
ü Veteran Residing and attending Arizona school
ü 2.5 GPA
ü Must be seeking a degree or certificate
ü Must attend a school approved for veterans’ benefits in 2008.
q Member-4 copy of DD form 214 (Military Discharge Document)
q Reserve and Guard: Proof of current active status or DD form 2384 N.O.B.E.
q All academic transcripts (Unofficial/student copies are acceptable)
q Two letters of recommendation (Personal or business references - family members are excluded.)
(Note that it is very important to provide your references with the appropriate time to respond to your request and emphasize the date needed, then send them “thank you” notes for their assistance.)
Mail application and all documentation to:
Alice Boothby
Veteran Services
Scottsdale Community College
9000 E Chaparral Rd
Scottsdale AZ 85256-2626
Phone: 423-6515 Fax: (480) 423-6077
Sponsored by Arizona Veterans Program Association
This scholarship is named for Rich Wade, an active Member of the
Arizona Veterans Program Association. Rich was a Vietnam War
veteran and the Veterans Coordinator at Arizona State University
for 10 years. He was dedicated to serving the needs of fellow veterans.
Rich passed away September 19, 1996 on his way to an AVPA meeting.
Name (Last) (First) (MI) / Student ID #:Mailing Address / Home Phone #:
Work Phone #:
Branch of the military you served: / Honorable Discharge? / Ch. 1606?_____
Yes / N.O.B.E.
(Attach member-4 copy of DD-214) / Active Reserve or Guard
Total Credit Hours Earned:
(attach academic transcripts) / College Major/Degree Program
Current College: College you plan to attend Fall 2008: (Notify committee if a new college is chosen for Fall.)
State your Financial Need below:
Complete Reverse Side
Please indicate why you should receive this scholarship (other than financial need) and list any other information that supports why you would be the appropriate candidate for this scholarship. Please describe your career goals as well.
The information on this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature Date
Return completed application and documentation: April 16, 2008 (Mail or Fax to AVPA Rep.)
Alice Boothby/Veteran Services
Scottsdale Community College
9000 East Chaparral Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85256-2626 Fax: (480) 423-6077