Intro to Foreign Cultures I
Ms. Wilson

Room 31

Course Description:
Intro to Foreign Cultures is an exploratory class which introduces students to a variety of languages and their respective cultures. In this class we will be focusing on learning basic greetings and communication skills in three languages which will include Spanish, French, and Italian.

Students will: (1) Gain insight into their native language, (2) learn basic expressions in other languages, and (3) promote basic understanding of other cultures.

Materials Needed:

·  1 Subject spiral notebook

·  Writing utensil(s)

·  Colored pencils or crayons (may be shared with another class)

*Tissues may be brought in for extra credit

*Students are expected to come to class prepared every day. Failure to do so will result in the lowering of daily participation grade.

Grading System:
Participation 15%
Written work and notebooks 30%
In class projects 25%
Tests/Quizzes 30%

Records of your grades will be available online and updated weekly.

We will be using spiral notebooks to keep our notes and handouts organized. These will be collected after each language unit to be graded. It is the student’s responsibility to keep them organized, labeled, and to have them in class every day. Students will have the opportunity to leave their notebooks in the classroom. Notebook organization will be focused on in class, however students are held accountable for their work being complete, organized, and in the correct bin. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to keep up with your make up assignments. You can check my notebook, or a classmate’s for any notes you may have missed.

Keep in mind that while this is an exploratory class, we will be moving quickly and expectations are high. I expect you to keep up with your assignments and follow along in class. If for any reason you are falling behind, or do not understand a concept that we are discussing, let me know. I am more than happy to help out after class time or to add a review session into class time. If I am aware you are struggling, I can be of more help to you than if you wait until the day of a test. There is extra credit available to those who as for is, yet all work must be turned in first!

Class Rules:
Follow directions and procedures correctly and promptly
Raise your hand if you have a question
Enjoy learning by paying attention!
Never be afraid to try!
Classroom materials, mates, and teacher should be treated with respect
Have all needed materials every day!

Students will be rewarded for “role model status” classroom behavior. Any student that does not follow classroom rules and procedures will have consequences as follows:

First time offence: Correction of behavior so student can demonstrate knowledge of the rule/procedure.

Second time offence: student conference in the hallway

Third time offence: Parent contact and Referral to the principal.

I have read and understand Miss Wilson’s Introduction to Foreign Cultures 1 class syllabus and will return this by Wednesday, August 13th. I also understand that this is my first homework assignment.

Student Name: ______

Student signature: ______

Parent name: ______

Parent signature: ______

Parent prefers to be contacted by (circle one) Phone Email

Parent’s preferred contact information:______