This Letter Is For The Bill Payer When You Are Coaching An Individual In An Organization And That Individual (Client) Is Not Paying The Bill Directly From His/Her Budget.


Thanks for inviting (YOUR COMPANY NAME) to enter into a coaching relationship with (client’s name). This letter summarizes my services and includes the costs to (company name) for pre-coaching sessions, coaching sessions, and preparation for both.

Pre-coaching Sessions

Pre-coaching sessions include the following:

* Initial discussion with (client name) to decide if we are a good match.

* Intake and contracting session.

* Review of (client’s) Insights Report, 360 leadership assessment, and Mapping Your Future in preparation for the assessment debrief and goal-setting meeting.

* Assessment debrief and goal-setting meeting.

Fee is $XXX and is due when the pre-coaching process commences.

Coaching Meetings

Coaching meetings are held either in person or by telephone. The first two coaching meetings following the pre-coaching sessions are in person. After that, coaching may be in person or by telephone. Coaching includes unlimited e-mail for the duration of the coaching contract.

Fee and Duration

(YOUR COMPANY NAME’S) coaching fees are billed in three-hour increments for in-person sessions at the rate of XXX/day, and XXX hourly for telephone sessions. In-person sessions last from one and one half to two hours. Additional time of one hour is included for travel. There is no additional charge for e-mail consultation, scheduling, and updating.

The initial coaching contract is for three months. During the three months there are six in-person meetings and from three to six one-hour phone meetings.

Fee is between $XXX for six in-person sessions and three phone sessions over three months, to $XXX for six in-person sessions and six phone sessions over three months. Half the higher estimated fee is payable when coaching commences. The balance is payable in three installments on the 15th of each month of coaching. The last installment reflects the remainder due on the actual time coached.

After the three months, coaching is month-to-month. For coaching beyond the initial three months, we invoice on the 15th day of the month before the upcoming coaching meetings.

Coaching is a confidential relationship between (client’s name) and myself. I do not report back to (company name) on progress on goals; that responsibility lies with (client’s name).




Person responsible for payment Date

For (Company name)




Thanks for calling me to discuss the possibility of coaching two of your rising executives within your organization. This letter summarizes and elaborates on the coaching process we discussed this morning, and includes the costs to (company name) for these services.

Coaching Sessions

I coach both in person and by phone. The first two coaching sessions following the assessment process are in person. After that, coaching sessions are a combination of in-person and telephone meetings.

General information regarding coaching.

* I partner one-to-one with the client to define short- and long-term business, management and behavioral goals required for success in the organization. Together we identify a variety of ways to accomplish the desired outcomes within a specified time period.

* The initial coaching contract is for three months. After the three months, coaching is month-to-month. Coaching contracts usually span six to nine months. I require at least a 14-day notice of termination of services.

* The fee for the three-month contract is payable when coaching commences. For coaching beyond the initial three-month contract, we invoice on the 15th day of the month before the upcoming coaching meetings.

* There are several ways to structure the coaching sessions. Each has a different fee:

(1)$XXX/hour. All meetings (after the first two coaching sessions) are by telephone or at my office in San Francisco. The minimum is four hours per month. Cost for the four hours is $XXX.

(2)$XXX/month. Two one-and-one-half-hour in-person meetings and two 45-minute phone meetings between the face-to-face sessions.

(3)$XXX/month. Three one-and-one-half-hour sessions in person at (company name).

The fee includes unlimited e-mails to exchange information between sessions and Harvard Business School and other readings as they apply to the coaching situation.

Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling. It is a relationship of equals where accountability for moving forward lies with the client, and responsibility for providing the insightful and challenging coaching to support that happening lies with me.

Coaching is a confidential relationship. All information provided to me remains private. I do not report back to (company name) on progress on the client’s goals. Responsibility for reporting back to a client’s manager on the progress on goals lies with the client.

A separate coaching arrangement may be made with the client’s manager. The content of the discussions between the client’s manager and myself focuses on ways the manager can support the client in attaining the client’s goals in coaching.

There may be times when a meeting with the coach, client and the client’s manager together would be of benefit to the client. In those instances, meetings will be arranged by the client. These meetings do not take the place of, but rather are in addition to, regularly scheduled one-to-one meetings the client and her manager have in the course of their working relationship.

If at any time the client believes that the coaching services are not meeting expectations, the client takes the initiative to let me know right away. Together we then review the coaching process and make adjustments as necessary to advance progress on the goals.

This coaching process described above is the ‘standard’ when I work one-to-one with individuals. There are many ways we can work together, not all of which may be written in this proposal.

(Person’s name), thanks again for inviting me to submit this proposal. I’m looking forward to hearing from you on this.

Best regards,




Month, 2000

Dear XXX,

I am very excited to present my coaching services to you. Thank you for the opportunity.

I have two coaching options for you to consider. The first, as we discussed outlines a one-on-one coaching relationship between you and I. The second option includes one-on-one coaching with you and expands the benefits to your team through a variety of methods. I have also enclosed some examples of coaching materials and tools that I use with clients during the start-up phase of the relationship.

Why coaching now? New people, a new purpose and a new working model – this is an exciting time to start working with a coach. Your team has already had some terrific “wins” and as you and I discussed, the group is eager to get on side with the segment driven strategies and further develop the approach that worked so well for the XXX campaign. And, you will also have challenges and barriers that inhibit some potential successes. We talked a bit about those challenges.

What is the benefit of coaching to the XXX team? You can expect that through coaching communication will improve, productivity will increase, motivation will be heightened and change will not only be accepted it may even be embraced. What we are really talking about is taking a “good” model and raising the bar to “great” – a model that is effective and efficient and has the team turned-on and excited about the future.

I recommend Option 2 for its fully encompassing impact to the team. The results will be significant and you will begin to see them right away.

As a next step I would like to meet with you again to discuss the proposal in detail.

XXX, thank you again and I look forward to talking with you. I will call you on Friday to arrange a time for us to get together.

Best regards,


OPTION 1: One-on-One Coaching

What it includes:

Weekly ½ hour coaching sessions by telephone – the first three weeks of each month with the fourth week off. Fieldwork created around long-term objectives as well as weekly stretch-goals.

Shadow coaching – in person, during XXX team meetings with follow up debrief sessions by telephone.

In one-on-one coaching we will focus on your professional and personal needs and goals. The agenda or focus of our sessions will be created with the help of the “Coaching Preparation Form”.

Coaching materials you can expect to receive are:



(Examples of some of these materials are included in this package)

Coaching Fee: $XXX/month

Duration of Contract: six (6) month agreement, renewable on a month-to-month basis

OPTION 2: Team Coaching

What it includes:

One-on-one coaching with you as outlined in Option 1 including Shadow coaching of Customer Communications team meetings

Coaching Fee: $XXX/month

First-line Management Team coaching – bi-monthly ½ hour coaching sessions by telephone with first-line reports. Fieldwork created around long-term objectives as well as stretch-goals.

Coaching Fee: $XXX/month

Team coaching for XXX, XXX, XXX and XXX to enhance newly created working models. Includes workshops around topics such as team visioning, role and responsibility clarification, project management and team-style assessments.

Coaching Fee: $XXX/month (up to 12 hours/month)

One-on-one coaching for members of your team with a desire to be coached and as approved by you. Up to 5 members at a time at any level (administrative to Sr. Manager level). Bi-monthly ½ hour coaching sessions by telephone. Fieldwork created around long-term objectives as well as stretch-goals.

Coaching Fee: $XXX/month*

Total Coaching Fee: $XXX/month

Duration of Contract: six (6) month agreement, renewable on a month-to-month basis

Conditions of Confidentiality: All one-on-one sessions are strictly confidential between the person being coached and the coach. Outcomes from workshops and other group/team activities will be documented and reported to you.

*Terms could be negotiated as three-month vs. six-month agreements per team member for flexibility and opportunity for more team members overall.