Gov. Charlie Crist retains his lofty 61 – 25 percent job approval rating, while the proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage remains short, although within range, of the 60 percent vote needed for approval, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Gov. Crist’s support includes 50 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independent voters. At the same time, the State Legislature gets a split 40 – 41 percent approval rating.
Florida voters support 55 – 41 percent an amendment that would define marriage as being between a man and woman, slightly lower than the 58 – 37 percent support in a June 3 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University. Republicans support the amendment 76 – 21 percent while Democrats oppose it 51 – 45 percent and independent voters oppose it by a similar 51 – 44 percent margin.
Men support the measure 55 – 41 percent while women back it 54 – 42 percent. White evangelical Christians support it 78 – 20 percent.
“In this very polarized electorate, it is very unusual for a public figure to have such popularity across party lines as does Gov. Charlie Crist,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. “Given that 83 percent of voters say Crist did a good job dealing with Hurricane Fay, it would be tempting to credit his popularity to that, but in reality his numbers have been higher than Jeb Bush ever had since he took office.
“The 55 percent level of support for the same-sex marriage ban is a bit surprising given that similar amendments have passed in a dozen states. But backers have eight weeks to close that five-point gap by changing some minds and winning over undecided voters.”
Quinnipiac University Poll/September 8, 2008 – page 2
A total of 53 percent of Florida voters are “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with the way things are going in the state, while 46 percent are “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied.” While this satisfaction rate is low, it is an improvement over the rates in Quinnipiac University surveys June 3 and April 10.
This latest survey began before the Florida Supreme Court tossed three proposed constitutional amendments off the ballot. The poll stopped asking those questions after the decision was handed down.
Two nights of polling show Florida voters support 51 – 39 percent a proposed constitutional amendment to eliminate property taxes for schools and replace it with other levies, short of the 60 percent needed for passage. The numbers are virtually identical to the 50 – 38 percent margin in Quinnipiac University’s June 3 poll.
Another proposed amendment that the court invalidated – requiring at least 65 percent of public school funds be spent in the classroom – appeared on its way to passage with 65 – 24 percent support.
Voters oppose 57 – 38 percent an amendment, now dropped from the ballot, making it easier for the state to provide public funds for vouchers to private or religious schools.
From September 2 – 4, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,427 Florida voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. For the school financing questions, 1,014 voters were surveyed, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percent.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio and the nation as a public service and for research.
For more data -- , or call (203) 582-5201.
1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charlie Crist is handling his job as Governor?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Approve 61% 76% 50% 57% 64% 57% 69%
Disapprove 25 15 33 28 25 26 19
DK/NA 14 8 17 14 11 17 12
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Approve 61% 60% 65% 74% 52%
Disapprove 24 27 21 15 33
DK/NA 15 13 14 12 15
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charlie Crist is handling his job as Governor? * also 73% on 3/29/07
Highest Lowest
Approve Approve
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Jul 19 Jul 19 Apr 10
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 * 2008
Approve 61 61 59 65 65 73 73 59
Disapprove 25 23 25 17 17 11 11 25
DK/NA 14 16 15 18 18 16 16 15
2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Approve 40% 54% 33% 35% 43% 38% 48%
Disapprove 41 31 44 48 41 41 34
DK/NA 19 14 23 17 17 21 18
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Approve 44% 37% 40% 46% 38%
Disapprove 38 40 42 32 45
DK/NA 18 22 18 22 17
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?
Highest Lowest
Approve Approve
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Jul 19 Sep 23 Apr 10
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2004 2008
Approve 40 38 32 36 37 39 51 32
Disapprove 41 46 48 43 43 37 34 48
DK/NA 19 17 20 22 20 24 15 20
3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Nelson is handling his job as United States Senator?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Approve 49% 46% 54% 47% 50% 47% 49%
Disapprove 23 28 16 23 27 19 26
DK/NA 28 26 29 30 24 33 25
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Approve 46% 54% 49% 43% 48%
Disapprove 28 16 23 25 24
DK/NA 25 30 28 31 29
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Nelson is handling his job as United States Senator?
Highest Lowest
Approve Approve
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Jul 19 Feb 6 Aug 12
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2004
Approve 49 51 49 48 50 47 54 42
Disapprove 23 26 25 24 22 26 18 18
DK/NA 28 24 26 28 29 27 28 40
4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mel Martinez is handling his job as United States Senator?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Approve 37% 52% 26% 36% 38% 35% 46%
Disapprove 32 24 36 34 36 27 28
DK/NA 31 24 38 30 26 37 26
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Approve 44% 29% 41% 37% 34%
Disapprove 29 32 31 34 34
DK/NA 27 39 29 29 32
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mel Martinez is handling his job as United States Senator?
Highest Lowest
Approve Approve
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Jul 19 Feb 6 Oct 24
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007
Approve 37 40 36 35 38 36 48 35
Disapprove 32 35 37 34 33 38 22 34
DK/NA 31 25 27 31 29 26 29 31
5. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in Florida today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Very satisfied 7% 12% 2% 6% 8% 5% 9%
Smwht satisfied 39 49 35 35 39 39 43
Smwht dissatisfied 29 24 32 33 26 33 29
Very dissatisfied 24 14 31 26 25 23 18
DK/NA - 1 1 - - 1 1
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Very satisfied 8% 6% 6% 9% 6%
Smwht satisfied 50 42 40 31 30
Smwht dissatisfied 26 25 33 33 31
Very dissatisfied 15 26 20 27 32
DK/NA - - 1 - -
TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in Florida today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Jul 19 Dec 20
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006
Very satisfied 7 4 5 5 7 8 10
Smwht satisfied 39 35 32 42 40 45 41
Smwht dissatisfied 29 34 34 33 33 33 29
Very dissatisfied 24 26 28 19 18 13 19
DK/NA - 1 1 1 1 1 1
6. Do you think that Charlie Crist has kept his campaign promises so far or not?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Yes 51% 64% 43% 47% 55% 47% 58%
No 29 22 36 31 27 32 24
DK/NA 20 13 21 22 18 21 18
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Yes 52% 45% 52% 58% 51%
No 26 34 29 21 32
DK/NA 22 20 19 21 17
TREND: Do you think that Charlie Crist has kept his campaign promises so far or not?
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10 Oct 24 Sep 11 Feb 6
2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007
Yes 51 55 51 57 55 67
No 29 29 33 24 23 6
DK/NA 20 17 16 19 22 27
7. (Asked two nights only, prior to Court ruling) There may be on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment to reduce property taxes about 25 percent by doing away with local property taxes used to fund public schools. How much have you heard or read about this plan – A lot, some, not much or nothing at all?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
A lot 20% 19% 18% 22% 22% 17% 19%
Some 35 33 35 36 32 37 37
Not much 28 31 28 26 29 27 27
Nothing at all 17 16 18 16 16 18 17
DK/NA 1 1 - - - 1 1
TREND: There *may be on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment to reduce
property taxes about 25 percent by doing away with local property taxes used to
fund public schools. How much have you heard or read about this plan - A lot,
some, not much or nothing at all? * 6/3/2008 wording: There "is" a proposed...."
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008*
A lot 20 23
Some 35 43
Not much 28 23
Nothing at all 17 12
DK/NA 1 -
8. (Asked two nights only, prior to Court ruling) The proposed constitutional amendment would require the funds to be made up through one or more of the following options - an increase in state sales tax of up to one cent, the elimination of some sales-tax exemptions, or reducing spending. Would you support or oppose this constitutional amendment?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Support 51% 57% 49% 47% 53% 48% 50%
Oppose 39 33 41 44 38 41 39
DK/NA 10 11 10 9 9 11 11
TREND: The proposed constitutional amendment would require the funds to be made
up through one or more of the following options - An increase in state sales tax
of up to one cent, the elimination of some sales-tax exemptions or reducing
spending. Would* you support or oppose this constitutional amendment?
*6/3/08 wording: "Do" you support or oppose....
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008*
Support 51 50
Oppose 39 38
DK/NA 10 11
9. (Asked two nights only, prior to Court ruling) If this constitutional amendment were to pass, would you prefer the legislature - increase the state sales tax, eliminate sales-tax exemptions or reduce spending on state programs and services?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Increase sales tax 38% 36% 45% 37% 39% 38% 33%
Eliminate exemptions 30 26 32 31 28 32 30
Reduce spending 22 31 13 20 26 18 25
DK/NA 10 7 10 12 8 12 12
TREND: If this constitutional amendment were to pass, would you prefer the
legislature - increase the state sales tax, eliminate sales-tax exemptions, or
reduce spending on state programs and services?
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008
Increase sales tax 38 35
Eliminate exemptions 30 34
Reduce spending 22 21
DK/NA 10 10
10. In general do you favor or oppose providing parents with tax money in the
form of school vouchers to help pay for their children to attend private or
religious schools?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Favor 43% 50% 37% 42% 42% 43% 49%
Oppose 52 45 59 53 53 51 46
DK/NA 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
North/ HvKids HvKids
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE <18 PubSch
Favor 53% 40% 41% 42% 40% 53% 50%
Oppose 44 54 54 51 57 44 49
DK/NA 3 6 6 8 4 4 2
TREND: In general do you favor or oppose providing parents with tax money in the
form of school vouchers to help pay for their children to attend private or
religious schools?
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10
2008 2008 2008
Favor 43 41 41
Oppose 52 55 54
DK/NA 5 4 5
11. (Asked two nights only, prior to Court ruling) Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that would make it easier for the state to provide public funds for vouchers to private or religious schools?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Favor 38% 42% 30% 40% 38% 37% 43%
Oppose 57 51 64 54 59 55 49
DK/NA 6 6 5 6 4 8 8
TREND: Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that would make it
easier for the state to provide public funds for vouchers to private or religious
Sep 8 Jun 3 Apr 10
2008 2008 2008
Favor 38 38 36
Oppose 57 56 59
DK/NA 6 6 5
12. (Asked two nights only, prior to Court ruling) Another proposed constitutional amendment that may be on the ballot would allow school voucher programs in Florida and require that schools spend at least 65 percent of their budgets in the classroom. Would you support or oppose this proposed constitutional amendment?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Support 65% 67% 63% 65% 61% 70% 72%
Oppose 24 21 28 23 28 19 17
DK/NA 11 12 9 12 11 11 12
TREND: Another proposed constitutional amendment *that may be on the ballot would
allow school voucher programs in Florida and require that schools spend at least
65 percent of their budgets in the classroom. Would you support or oppose this
proposed constitutional amendment?
*6/3/08 wording did not include "that may be on the ballot"
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008
Support 65 63
Oppose 24 25
DK/NA 11 12
13. Do you think schools should spend more than 65 percent of their budgets on classroom instruction, less than 65 percent, or is 65 percent about right?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
More than 65% 37% 36% 39% 39% 37% 38% 36%
Less than 65% 5 4 7 4 5 6 6
65% is about right 46 47 45 45 46 45 47
DK/NA 11 12 10 12 12 11 11
North/ HvKids HvKids
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE <18 PubSch
More than 65% 37% 39% 36% 36% 38% 42% 44%
Less than 65% 7 6 5 6 4 6 6
65% is about right 46 43 46 49 46 45 44
DK/NA 10 12 12 9 12 7 7
TREND: Do you think schools should spend more than 65 percent of their budgets
on classroom instruction, less than 65 percent, or is 65 percent about right?
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008
More than 65% 37 33
Less than 65% 5 5
65% is about right 46 50
DK/NA 11 12
14. In general, how much influence do you think state government should have on the decisions of local school districts in how they spend their funds? Do you think that state government should have a lot of influence, some, not much, or no influence at all?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
A lot 17% 15% 20% 16% 18% 16% 12%
Some 51 55 51 48 49 53 51
Not much 19 18 19 20 18 20 23
No influence 9 10 6 13 11 8 12
DK/NA 3 2 3 3 4 2 2
North/ HvKids HvKids
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE <18 PubSch
A lot 15% 20% 15% 11% 21% 19% 19%
Some 54 49 52 47 52 52 53
Not much 23 15 20 24 17 19 18
No influence 7 12 10 10 8 8 9
DK/NA - 4 3 7 2 2 -
TREND: In general, how much influence do you think state government should have on
the decisions of local school districts in how they spend their funds? Do you
think that state government should have a lot of influence, some, not much, or
no influence at all?
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008
A lot 17 16
Some 51 53
Not much 19 18
No influence 9 11
DK/NA 3 2
15. Another proposed constitutional amendment would specifically define marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, making same-sex marriage illegal in Florida. Do you support or oppose this constitutional amendment defining marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Support 55% 76% 45% 44% 55% 54% 78%
Oppose 41 21 51 51 41 42 20
DK/NA 4 3 4 5 4 4 2
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Support 66% 49% 66% 49% 42%
Oppose 31 46 31 47 53
DK/NA 3 5 3 4 5
TREND: Another proposed constitutional amendment would specifically define marriage
as a legal union between a man and a woman, making same-sex marriage illegal in
Florida. Do you support or oppose this constitutional amendment defining marriage
as a legal union between a man and a woman?
Sep 8 Jun 3
2008 2008
Support 55 58
Oppose 41 37
DK/NA 4 4
16. Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be allowed legally to form civil unions but not marry, or should not be allowed to obtain legal recognition of their relationships?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Marry 27% 13% 39% 30% 23% 32% 13%
Civil unions 35 40 26 42 39 32 33
No recognition 31 43 27 23 33 30 50
DK/NA 6 4 8 5 6 6 4
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Marry 20% 28% 21% 25% 39%
Civil unions 34 37 35 39 34
No recognition 44 27 39 27 20
DK/NA 2 7 5 9 7
TREND: Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be
allowed legally to form civil unions, but not marry, or should not be allowed to
obtain legal recognition of their relationships?
Sep 8 Aug 8
2008 2007
Marry 27 27
Civil unions 35 29
No recognition 31 35
DK/NA 6 9
17. Do you approve or disapprove of the way that Governor Charlie Crist responded to Tropical Storm Fay?
Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Evnglcl
Approve 83% 91% 80% 79% 86% 81% 88%
Disapprove 5 2 7 5 5 5 3
DK/NA 12 7 12 16 9 14 9
PnHnd Bay Cntrl SthW SthE
Approve 90% 81% 83% 87% 79%
Disapprove 1 7 5 2 8
DK/NA 9 13 12 11 13